Blood Bowl

Blood Bowl

39 Achievements



Xbox 360
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No quarter

No quarter

Cause at least 2 opposition deaths in a match


How to unlock the No quarter achievement in Blood Bowl - Definitive Guide

Pretty simple if you go into a quick match with a bashy team (eg. chaos, dwarf etc.) choose one towards the bottom of the list as they will be a stronger team, then when select your opponents as goblins due to their week nature and select one towards the top of the list,
once the game starts move your players to assist blocks on the weaker players first, you should hit a few injuries and a couple of deaths by the end of the match.

If this fails best level up a team in campaign mode then use them and crush the gobbos.

Btw if you didnt already know most cheevos for this game unless otherwise stated are single player only

26 Aug 2010 23:25

Like all thses KO & Injury Achievements its best going for them when you play a Gobbo team in campaign mode.

Remember, Gobbos are 'Stunty' which means they are more prone to injury, this coupled with their low armour of '7' makes them very easy on the knuckles.

Just smash as often as possible, avoiding their Trolls and you will eventualy meet the requirement.

29 Nov 2009 11:00