Blood Bowl

Blood Bowl

39 Achievements



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Simply the best...

Simply the best...

Win a competition using the "Blood Bowl Championship" Classic rules


How to unlock the Simply the best... achievement in Blood Bowl - Definitive Guide

Begin a competition - Classic Mode - Classic Championship.

To achieve this, you have to be first of the overall table after one season.

I don't know why, but after winning each of the five games in Division four on my first season, I ranked #1 of 24 in the overall table and the achievement unlocked.

Try winning as high as possible each match and it should work.

23 Apr 2010 14:01

Thanks for the vote and good luck with the achievement.

I played with Orc (also played them in the campaign mode) and have won each game in between 2-0 and 4-1.

Skaven are also fun to play, love to play them against my buddies.
By horstwayne on 24 Mar 2011 12:22
No prob! I also think you just need to get lucky that the other top 2 or 3 teams lose their last game or just don't do as well.
By I am Scurvy on 03 May 2010 18:04
I finished in 1st place in division 4 but was ranked 3rd overall. I reloaded my save before the last game of div 4 and came in 1st but then was ranked 2nd overall. I reloaded the last game a couple more times and eventually finished 1st overall. Achievement unlocked.
By I am Scurvy on 02 May 2010 17:30
thanks for confirming :)
By horstwayne on 02 May 2010 20:48
If this doesn't work, then should i just keep playing as i get promoted? tried reloading several times and doesn't seem to be working for me..
By Joe Cares on 24 Mar 2011 10:47
You can also keep playing and try to be #1 overall after the following season. Worst thing that could happen is that you'll unlock it after you've ranked first in division one. But it should unlock earlier.

Achievement should unlock when you're #1 in the overall board after a season.
By horstwayne on 24 Mar 2011 11:41
Thanks a lot mate :)
I'll just keep playing, just being impatient as im not really into the turn based mode, prefer real time a lot, though concentration is i suppose cheating, gonna vote positive, thanks for the help!

Dont know about you guys but i found Skaven the best for this :)
By Joe Cares on 24 Mar 2011 12:17
Thanks for the guide, but can anyone explain the easiest way to win? I can't barely even get the ball out of my end zone I'm just slaughtered regardless of the team. I cream the AI on easy on Blitz mode but they shaft me on Easy in turn-based, what am I doing wrong? (All do respect to those who've played the board game but I don't is there any one who can explain it 101 style?)
By No Politics on 27 Nov 2012 04:23
In short: Learn about the rules of blocking (there is a great blocking 101 PDF that I once found on google.
Try not to risk any unnecessary moves that might cause turnovers and place your units in a way that your opponent has to risk rolls.
Do all your moves that do not cause any risks first. Then the the lesser risks and the greater ones last.
Try to think 'if that move goes wrong, what's the worst that could happen?'
In short: Play cautious.

Thanks for reminding me that I need to play this awesome game again.

If you have further questions, feel free to send me some pm.
By horstwayne on 27 Nov 2012 23:03
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From the start-up menu: Local Game/Begin a Competition/Classic/Easy/Classic Championship. Choose a team you are comfortable with. Buy some players, and if you have enough left over, go to "hire staff" and then buy "re-roll". It''ll help. If a crucial roll goes against you, you may decide whether to re-roll that result.

The tournament is arranged in 4 divisions. You start in the 4th. There are 5 matches per season. If you win the first 4 matches and have more than a 3 point lead on 2nd place, you may abandon the final game (in all divisions except 1st.)

When competing in 1st division, by the end of the season you must be ranked number one overall for the achievement to pop. Winning every game will guarantee you a place at the top.
Note: I have this same guide for Interceptor Captor, Pass Buster!, Thanks I Did That With One Arm, Survival of the Fittest, and Simply the Best...
It's more of a tip really.
When you play on Turn Based Mode you can save mid-game at 2 different occurences: Half-time and after a touchdown via Start Button, Save Game. Key times to save: after a touchdown, and especially after a successful interception followed by a touchdown or half-time. It allows you to re-try over and over until you get it then next 1 or 2 interceptions.
Also if you kill a lot of players before a touchdown or before halftime, save so you can try to kill enough the next half.
In regards to the difficulties and the "classic mode", if you play enough you will notice one thing about turn-based mode: dice rolls are NOT random! Shocking eh? It's true. Follow my guidelines to a T and you will see I am correct.
What this means.
You can try strategies to see if they work, if not, they never will, reload and try something else.
If you do the exact same sequence of events, i.e. player movement, exact squares moved to, players attacked, the die results will be exactly the same also. If you change 1 thing like order you move your players, the squares your players move to/move through, the die roll changes. Try different things until you get die rolls in your favour and then save after the next touchdown. Save touchdown to touchdown with this method and you can handly win games and have an easier time with the 2 interception achievements. Yes I don't have them yet as of 09 July 2011, however I will soon by using this method don't worry.

09 Jul 2011 19:13