Blood Bowl

Blood Bowl

39 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Finish 10 matches on Xbox LIVE


How to unlock the Starter achievement in Blood Bowl - Definitive Guide

This achievement is super easy and decently quick to get.

From the main menu select "XBOX LIVE", then without changing any settings go to "CREATE MATCH". A box will pop up allowing you to invite your Xbox Live party. Once your party accepts the invite, follow the on screen prompts until you get in-game. After the coin toss, and before the kick off, have the second player quit the match. This will add a win and a finished game to the player that did not quit. Exit back to the main menu and repeat. Do this ten times and once the game goes to the "UNLOADING" screen, your achievement(s) will pop.

From main menu to main menu, each game took approximately 1 1/2 minutes.

27 Jul 2010 04:35