Blood Bowl

Blood Bowl

39 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Veni, vidi, vici !

Veni, vidi, vici !

Cause at least 15 opposition casualties (through death or injury) in a match


How to unlock the Veni, vidi, vici ! achievement in Blood Bowl - Definitive Guide

OK so the best way to get this achievement is with a beatdown team ( lizardmen,Orcs,Chaos(maybe dwarfs)) -i did it with Chaos. firstly you;ll need to build up your team 4 chaos warriors a minotaur and lots of claw, mightyblow and block combos.

then you need to play against a squishy team i recommend goblins - mainly cos the trolls have regen and that means that they can be injured multipke times :) also the goblins have stunty and a low av value meaning that you should end up with +2 to the injury roll.

then just hit them as much as you can each turn - including fouls - remember to stall - in playoffs you'll get extra time if no ones winning which means more casualties :)

and cos this is bloodbowl you'll need a lot of luck :)

05 Dec 2009 15:31

1 Comment
dwarfs r not bad against goblins cos all the players have block (bar from runners and deathrollers) and blockers have tackle so the little buggers cant dodge blcoks
By Pudzz on 02 Mar 2010 20:59
Today I got Survival of the fittest, Cracked skull, Foul play and Veni, vidi, vici ! within one and a half hours.

The trick is that I imported my orc team from campaign (so this does only work with bashy teams (Chaos is another good team), as one might guess anyway).
I had 3 Black Orcs with Block and Mighty Blow, also 4 Blitzers with Tackle and Mighty Blow. They also had some other skills as well as my Linemen had Block and some random skills, but those are the important ones. You should try to get those while going for the campaign achievement.

Then create a goblin team in campaign and add 16 normal goblins. Make sure you don't hire an apothecary for this team. Then save and quit.

Start a one-off match, Blitz mode real-time on easy or medium, and edit the match rules first. Up the time limit to 8 minutes and deactivate all special rules (you don't want massive inductions for the other teams or the get the ref or riot kick-off events).
Import your orc team and the goblin opponents from your save games.

During the game, get yourself the ball, bring your ball carrier to the middle of the pitch and set all your players to the middle mode (not offensive/defensive), so that they come to the middle of the pitch. Most of the gobbos will attack your bulk of orcs and get smashed, all you have to do is watch your ball carrier and recapture the ball if your carrier falls.
If many of the goblins are KO'ed, you should score some TD's and set up again, so that the goblins can recover. You should also foul grounded goblins whenever possible for some extra KO's/casualties.
Also try not to lose the ball (neither score a TD) after the 4 minute time of the half is up, because time will run on for up to one minute if you keep the ball on your player (more time to smash those goblins).

These four achievements still require some luck, so repeat this one-off match procedure until you have them all.

19 Apr 2010 18:27

Settings: Turn Based Mode/Easy. At half time, depending on how many deaths/injuries you have caused, save so you can reload if you miss out on the amount required.

These skills will be invaluable when going for this achievement:

Mighty Blow
Piling On (Jump up should be used in conjunction with this skill)
Dirty Player (Used when fouling. Can only foul once each turn)

Things to consider when attacking your opponent:

If you are attacking a player with a higher strength stat, they will get to choose the outcome of the dice roll. This is not something you want to happen. Therefore, when attacking, check your strength stat and pick on those with a lower stat than your player.

Attacking whilst standing next to a teammate will add a +1. This will increase the chance of a favorable outcome.

The block skill allows you to remain standing if the "Both Down" outcome is selected. Ideally, you want to pick "Defender Down" but "Both Down" when you have block leads to the same result. Avoid "Attacker Down", unless the other team attacks you, obviously.

An injury will be portrayed as a red cross. Death is a white skull. Deaths count as 2 casualties. It is all down to the luck of roll, whether it will be a death, injury, knockout, or knockdown.

Team to Use- Chaos (imported from your "That's Done" campaign)
Dwarves, for the following reasons:

Virtually all the players start with Block, and the Linemen also have Tackle. This means that with just two advances each (16SPP) they can get the two most important killing skills, Mighty Blow and Piling On. Slayers and Blitzers need a bit more work, but they are much easier to gain SPP with (Slayers through casualties, Blitzers through touchdowns).

Team to Play Against- Goblin.