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Blood Gem Contact

Blood Gem Contact

Acquire a blood gem that imbues hunter weapons with special strength.


How to unlock the Blood Gem Contact achievement in Bloodborne - Definitive Guide

The Blood Gem Contact trophy is awarded for finding your first Blood Gem, which is an item you can fuse with a weapon to increase its capabilities. The first Blood Gem you'll probably find is located in the basement of a cathedral near the Cathedral Ward lamp.

From the lamp, take the left hand exit of the building. Pass through the courtyard, dealing with the staff-wielding hunters if need be. Proceed straight ahead, past a terrace looking out over the city and proceed down a flight of steps to your left. You'll emerge in a plaza surrounding the cathedral. There will a few enemies patrolling by a nearby bonfire; clear them out if they attack.

The cathedral entrance is open, but you won't be able to get to the basement just yet. Proceed outside to the left of the cathedral and up a flight of steps. Watch out for the sniper at the top and his pair of dogs. Once inside on the upper floor of the cathedral, take a right through the doorway and you'll find yourself on a balcony, looking down into the main cathedral chamber. Pulling the lever on the balcony will move the sarcophagus down below, exposing the stairs down into the basement.

Down the steps, you'll find a chamber full of statues. You'll find the Tempering Blood Gemstone ahead, in the corner. Congratulations!

26 Apr 2015 23:31

Dropped by the Fat Man in Armor, the one with the big ax in central Yharnam. From the 3rd time I put it in.

02 Oct 2015 21:35

After the battle with the boss Father Goscoigne, examine the cemetery, there will be a hut there and on its roof is that same gem.
By Dune on 19 Jul 2015 05:50
After killing Gascoigne, you can climb the stairs, pass the passage into the chapel and go down through the gap in the railing. You can see it in my video guide at 15:27:
By Zardarius on 29 Apr 2016 11:09
By the end of the storyline, almost everyone will receive it (if they didn’t get it, on the way to the yarns, which is needed for platinum)
By liul on 13 Oct 2019 11:21
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