Body and Brain Connection

Body and Brain Connection

70 Achievements


Xbox 360
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Figure It Out: A Student

Figure It Out: A Student

Ranked A or higher in all levels of Figure It Out.


How to unlock the Figure It Out: A Student achievement in Body and Brain Connection - Definitive Guide

Easiest way to do this is to use the xbox guide button to pause the game and look at the shapes on the screen. The problem with this is that when the guide shows up it covers the symbols you are trying to match. Since you have a few seconds per shape, I suggest first hitting the guide button the second the shape comes on the screen and then using the guide button to do almost a double tap to glance at the shape and go immediately back to pause. On the harder levels there will be three shapes involved, so keep pausing and unpausing for just a split second to make a mental note of ONE of the shapes, locate it on your choices, remember that choice, and then do it again for the next shape you need. You can feasibly pause and unpause about five times per question, so this really shouldn't be a problem. Once you get the hang of it it's actually quite easy and you can get all of these on your first try.

Feel free to keep holding your controller in your hand as holding something doesn't confuse the Kinect. I like to hit the guide button with my thumb (grip the controller from the bottom so your thumb almost perfectly reaches the guide button) but you will figure out what's most comfortable for you.

28 Aug 2013 06:17