Body and Brain Connection

Body and Brain Connection

70 Achievements


Xbox 360
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Mime Games: A Student

Mime Games: A Student

Ranked A or higher in all levels of Mime Games.


How to unlock the Mime Games: A Student achievement in Body and Brain Connection - Definitive Guide

Get your stick-figure drawing skills ready, because you are in for a grueling ride!

Let's break this down by level:

1. Beginner - do this legit, should get it in the first couple of tries. It moves fast but the key here is to already be doing the next pose as soon as you hear the "ding!" that you got the current pose correct. Basically don't even look at the number 4 tube and just keep looking at number 3.

2. Intermediate - if you are struggling with this one, use the xbox guide button trick and pause the game every time you hear "ding!" so that you can get in place for the next pose. Intermediate adds leg movement so it might take a bit longer to get the pose right. The problem with the guide trick is that you may lose your balance on the leg-raising moves and mess everything up. I kept getting one wrong so I just stopped with the guide trick and did it legit. Took me about 5 tries without the guide button.

3. Advanced - get ready for some frustration!!! This mode is next to impossible to do legit, so the guide button will come in handy. In addition, they hide two people so you are expected to memorize the second AND third poses while executing the first. My solution suggests that you grab a pen and a paper and as soon as the first avatar arrives on the left side, hit pause (guide button), draw a stick figure of the avatar, unpause, let the next avatar arrive, pause, draw, unpause, move, pause, draw, unpause, etc. By the time the first avatar gets into the 4th position, be in posing formation and then unpause. When you hear the ding, wait a quick second for the new avatar on the far left to arrive, pause, draw, pose (based on your first stick figure), unpause, ding, move, pause, etc. in that order.

Some tips on advanced: I like to draw from the right to the left, so it matches the figures on the screen. When you hit a pose, cross off the figure so you don't get confused! You will know you are doing it right when you always have three un-crossed-out figures on your paper. If this isn't clear, leave a comment and I will clarify.

Finally, note that leg movements are FRUSTRATING because they don't always register. This oftentimes happens when you lift your leg and because you are tired, you start resting your foot on your opposite thigh (you will know what I mean once you start instinctively doing this). This confuses the Kinect. Also, avatars are holding their leg up and to the side but this is for illustration purposes only. Try lifting your knee to the front.

Also, I have not been able to A+ these games with one miss, in case you are going for the A+ achievement. You can get an A with one miss but not A+ so restart if you miss one. On Advanced I got 47/48 which was still only an A! So yes, you need to get 48/48 poses right, which is a real pain in the ass, especially if you just drew like 40 stick figures and then miss one. Good luck!

28 Aug 2013 06:07

1 Comment
God this mode is awful with absurdly unrealistic expectations and more shit recognition of leg-arm combos

EDIT: So, finally got A+ on advanced - a few tips:

* Make sure your sensor can see you and has good space around you. I was missing some \/ arms because (I later found) my arms were stretching out of the visible area.
* Move while not in the guide, at least one of the arm/leg positions. For whatever reason, the game just wouldn't pick up some static poses, but this improved dramatically when I moved into position while the game was active. The game (console?) doesn't do any ragdoll detection while you're in the guide and can even lose you entirely. Movement seemed to accelerate the detection substantially. (Shaking a pose was OK but moving into the pose was better.)
* Take breaks. This shit ain't worth getting mad over. (Note to self.)
By The Globalizer on 26 Jan 2024 20:31