Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition

Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition

81 Achievements


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There's No "I" In "Team"

There's No "I" In "Team"

Completed 15 missions in co-op


How to unlock the There's No "I" In "Team" achievement in Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition - Definitive Guide

You can do this in splitscreen but you will need a spare account as you cannot log in as a guest,

You can them either have the spare account logged in while you do quests (this will however make the enemies harder) or you can do quests single player but not hand them in, wait till you have a few quests to hand in then quit to the main menu log back in splitscreen and then hand the quest in and keep doing this until the achievement pops

One way is to start

03 Apr 2019 23:29

1 Comment
This is just a strategy in itself to complete the game as fast as possible. If you think about it, the second controller can just stay by the fast travel station while you go deep into the map saving you the dreaded walk all the way back. Virtual walking is tiresome. Of course this is if you can deal with split screening for 25+ hours.
By Grape Vans on 14 Oct 2019 23:08
If you have imported your character from the Xbox 360 version, and have completed this achievement in that version of the game, then you can unlock this fairly quickly in local splitscreen.

Import your character. Now fire up a 2nd controller, and sign in another account (no guests allowed). Make sure that 2nd controller is the host, and do local splitscreen. Add your main profile as the 2nd player.

Start the game.

Once you land in the world, if your imported character is super high level (mine was a 69 Soldier), you'll get a message about being to far ahead in the story. That's fine.

Now just rip through the opening part of the game and once you finish the Fresh Off The Bus mission, this achievement should pop for your main profile.

07 Apr 2019 14:36

I used a combination of Dibbs93 and Pedle Zelnip solutions: used a second profile and just ran through the start of a new game.

I have a second profile (PlayerTwo) created on my console specifically for games like this: ones that don't allow a "guest" account to allow you to earn a co-op achievement. I loaded that up and started a brand new game.

The first 13 quests are doled out one at a time, so you'll likely get them in this order:
- Fresh Off The Bus
- The Doctor Is In
- Claptrap Rescue
- Skags At The Gate
- Fix'er Upper
- Blinding Nine-Toes
- Nine-Toes: Meet T.K. Baha
- Nine-Toes: T.K.'s Food
- Got Grenade?
- Nine-Toes: Take Him Down
- Nine-Toes: Time To Collect
- Job Hunting
- T.K. Has More Work

T.K. will then give you two quests, both of which are fairly challenging if you're around the level I was (Lvl 5-6):
- T.K.'s Life and Limb
- By The Seeds Of Your Pants

As you leave T.K.'s house, Scooter gives you another simple quest:
- Catch-A-Ride

Accomplishing that will give you 14 completed quests and another challenging one:
- Bone Head's Theft

Proceed to Skag Gully toward either of T.K.'s quests and just after you enter the zone and pass the vending machines (before you go under the stone archway), there's a glowing, green recorder on the left signifying another quest:
- Why Are They Here?

This is fairy straight forward but you have to kill a lot of skags … but you'll have to do that for any of the quests in this area. The quest requires you to collect two recordings and, once you complete that, you can turn it in at the Fyrestone Bounty Board for your 15th achievement.

To make this even faster, I left my second character just hanging around Zed (quickly in reach of the vending machine for grenades, or either Zed or the Bounty Board for turning quests in); in Skag Gully I left the second character just inside the zone so I could easily leave back to the Arid Badlands. The character was never attacked in either of these locations.

Immediately after turning in Why Are They Here at the Bounty Board, the achievement popped for both accounts.

15 Apr 2019 04:53

This can be unlocked with a second account and controller. A silver account will suffice.

To unlock this achievement with a second account you should begin to work on this straight away as the game will increase the difficulty of enemies with more players present but the very beginning of the game is the easiest part. Have your second account active in the game from the beginning and complete the beginning set of missions. Doing this you will have completed 15 missions and unlocked this achievement within the first hour or so of the game.

Otherwise if you are playing this with a friend over Xbox Live you need not worry about unlocking it; it will come with natural play.


Warning: This trophy has a hidden requirement i.e all the players in your game must be within a few levels (3-4 is ideal) and missions of you and on the same Playthrough, else the missions will be marked as "Ineligible" and won't count. This mainly applies to Splitscreen but it also affects LAN mode and Online co-op to a certain degree. See here for additional info: LINK (credit to all that posted in that thread for this info). We're not aware of this issue affecting any other trophy in the main game, though it may affect some of the DLC trophies.

There are two very easy ways to get this:

  • Start a new game with a friend or a random player in either Splitscreen, online co-op or LAN mode and finish the first 15 missions.
  • Get to a point in the game where you have several missions on the go at once then complete but don't Turn them In. Once you've got some missions ready to Turn In, load Splitscreen mode then turn them in with another player present. Repeat this process every time you have some missions to Turn In.

It doesn't matter how many different people you play with or over how many sessions, just Turn In 15 missions with the same character when another player is present and you will be fine (credit to Aipher for confirming this). It has been confirmed by GiGGi and MattyElms that it doesn't matter who turns in the missions, as all players will get the trophy regardless.