Bound By Flame

Bound By Flame

41 Achievements

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Complete Bound by Flame in the Captain difficulty mode


How to unlock the Captain achievement in Bound By Flame - Definitive Guide

All credit for this solution is kosi1200 on Playstation trophies dot org

Complete Bound by Flame in the difficulty mode 

Buckle your pants because here comes the Captain difficulty! You should attempt this in your second playthrough when you are familiar with the combat mechanism. In this mode enemies hit hard and react faster. They will most likely kill you in one blow so you need to learn the attack patterns if you want to survive.


Only do the easy side quests because they give you a lot of xp and you can upgrade your character faster.I recommend the Ranger skill tree due to its quickness and power! As a warrior you are really slow and enemies can easily overwhelm you if you're not careful!Enemies will leave you alone when you leave the area so you can take your time, sometimes their health will refill but if you keep killing them one by one then it won't be a problem.You do not have to always kill all enemies in Ranger you can sneak through or run past them.Always take the one companion who suits your play style the most.I recommend upgrading armours and weapons and you should always make potions and traps, however I also recommend saving them for the final boss.

Here's how I killed the final boss:

I went in with 50 health potion and with 40 traps (you don't need this much), when he hits you should instantly heal, after dodging of course.When he is doing his quick dagger combo then you should dodge then instantly block, in most cases he will instakill you.When he is shooting just run around and heal if necessary.When the dragon comes you should plant the whole place with traps if you want things to be easier.When you're fighting the dragon always go for the hands first and of course learn the attack patterns.

28 Feb 2015 08:23

This is to help i just copied it from true trophies just thought I would put it here
By disturbedone47 on 28 Feb 2015 08:25
I played this game first on Hawk and had no fun whatsoever. I figured I was just doing something wrong. Then I started on captain after that playthrough and noticed no difference at all.
By MikeBut on 23 Jul 2015 07:10
First playthru was Hawk and no skill points spent until level 19 for the 3x tree spec achievo’s. Captain run thru was cake compared to that mess 🤣👍🏻
Also, difficulty achievements stack. So you can obtain the others that you don’t have yet with one Captain playthru.
By InquisitorZac on 09 Mar 2020 19:08
The easiest way to beat the final boss I think is the strat I read in the walkthrough. Have a bunch of crafting materials on you for crafting traps so you can craft like 80 traps or some stupid amount like that, can probably get away with less. You want to hold off on crafting them until you climb up the ledge just before the final boss because having them all crafted at once will over encumber you. So once you climb up the ledge to the final boss craft all those traps, place them all right there where you climbed up. You can move slightly forward if you want, but not too far. Once you place them all make a save in case you somehow fail so you don't have to place them again. Then start the fight, lure the demon to the traps, and they will reduce them to a sliver of health left. It'll trigger the cutscene where they summon the dragon, and all you have to do is beat the dragon once and then just smack the demon one time with anything and you win. I bet the traps would technically kill him outright, but the game won't let you win without the dragon joining the battle at least once. Also if you want a little extra damage on your traps on your chest armor in the very bottom slot you can crat a Gunner's Kit which adds 5 more damage to the traps, but it's probably not necessary.
By ThaDevilzHand on 07 Feb 2023 07:23
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This can be unbelievably hard to do. Here are a few tips for things that worked for me.

1. Don't try getting the trophies for fully upgrading the three different skill trees in your Captain play-through. Maybe it's possible, but I would imagine it being horribly difficult. You'll need those skills to survive, so use them. Also, don't mess with the difficulty setting. I've heard of people who changed it or changed it back, even though they re-loaded prior saves, and didn't get the appropriate trophies. I can't confirm this, but to be safe, start on Captain and don't change it.

2. But, unless you're already preparing your character for the final boss, save a few skill points until the very end (inside the Worldheart, just before climbing up a ledge at the end). Save there, and you can keep re-loading and putting points into different areas that might help with the final boss. In particular, you need Ranger skills (fast movement, riposting, etc) and I found it also helpful to have upgraded fireballs and related skills (because it can help you conserve arrows). If you know exactly what you need for the final boss, you could prepare in advance I suppose.

3. I'll get to earlier parts in a moment, but for the final boss, you're going to want arrows and potions. Have as many health potions as possible (15, 20, the more the better). If you're going to also use fireballs (which you probably should), also have mana potions (10 or more). You'll want your fireballs upgraded. You'll want the best crossbow possible, and use the Ranger stance with the best blades. Use add-ons that add to physical damage, riposting, physical defense, and (if nothing else is available) critical hit % chance. I was able to add +15 to a crossbow that already had 40 damage, making it +55, which was helpful.

Also, have plenty of arrows. If you can get 250 or so, you might not need fireballs at all. If you have, say 125 arrows, you can get through the first phase of the battle with fireballs only and conserve your arrows. Have your fire spells upgraded, though, so you can get the most out of them. Have Ranger skills upgraded so you can riposte (dodge with Circle) and get quick counter-attacks before jumping away. If you've recycled most of your stuff, you can also make use of the Ranger skill to run during the battle, which helps in the Dragon phase. Use the same dodge (Circle) to easily avoid (even jump through) the multiple energy ball attacks during the non-dragon phase. I had to play this part so many times that I could almost get through the first phase without taking any damage at all. Learn to recognize when he "lights up" and is about to do a charge attack at you, so you can riposte and then get out of the way. In between energy shots, shoot fireballs or arrows at him. Use lock-on.

In the dragon phase, get up close to take out his two hands and head with arrows for higher damage. You can hit them too, but you open yourself up more to be hit back. The trick here is to make it go as quick as possible so there's less chance of him actually hitting you back. Use lock-on when you're closer, and switch body parts when one is defeated. The dragon will keep coming back, so the cycle just repeats until the main dude is dead. If in doubt, I found a pretty good video of this boss battle here:

Use Ranger stance for the entire battle. You may have spent points in Warrior stance to make it through prior parts of the game, but that will be no help here.

In my opinion, it's entirely possible to reach the end boss and NOT be able to beat him at all, if you don't have plenty of arrows, potions, the right weapons/upgrades, and the skill/feat distribution to make the most of the few things you have to focus on. If you played the game and fully upgraded the Warrior skill tree and didn't get feats related to crafting more arrows/potions and potion effectiveness, you might be stuck.

After the Dragon form, he will come right back at you, so be ready to riposte and continue as before. The dragon will fly around shooting an energy ball too, but as long as you're locked onto the main guy and riposting, firing away, you will "accidentally" avoid most of the dragon's attacks anyway. When hit, drink a potion. Depending on your defense, even two hits might kill you. Then, he'll go into invincible mode again,the dragon will come back, so you have to repeat that again. And again.

4. During the main part of the game, save frequently. In fact, when taking on groups of enemies, if you defeat one, try to move far enough away so that the battle ends and you can save, then go defeat the next one. Try to draw them away and fight one at a time. If you get surrounded, get out of there and recover. Talking to your companion usually does a "quick save" so you can save time by doing that too.

5. Use Warrior stance to heal more quickly, with the skills that make Warrior stance heal you fast. It can be a slog, but you may find it necessary to just stand at a safe distance and heal up naturally that way, or lock onto an enemy and run circles around them to heal (especially some of the bosses) before continuing the attack.

6. Learn blocking in Warrior stance and Riposting in Ranger stance. Most attacks can be blocked or riposted, and if you get it just right for the various enemy types, it can help a LOT. You will have to be patient, and if you're like me, you will die a lot too, which is where frequent saving comes into play.

7. When beating the game on Captain, you get the other two difficulty trophies as well.

8. Do the side quests and open all the chests you find. There is a feat that makes the game chirp at you when near one. Since many of the other feats are going to be worthless to you anyway, it's not a bad one to pick, to help find chests. The reason is, you're going to need those best weapons and upgrades when you reach the end boss.

9. When you're told that you're at the point of no return, at the end of Act 3, make sure you've either saved up plenty of potions and arrows, or the ingredients to craft them. There are feats that will allow you to craft a lot more of each, using less ingredients. You can sell your things for gold, or recycle all but the weapons you plan on using. To play it safe, you can keep all this on hand and then prepare just before the final battle, because you can beat Blackfrost and his clones (before even entering the Worldheart) without wasting your arrows and most of your potions.

10. There are at least two game-breaking bugs in Act 2, dealing with the Prince and with Randval's recon mission. The end result is that you might find yourself in a position where you're supposed to talk to the Prince to begin the last part of the Act, but when you talk to him, your only option is to exit. What's supposed to happen is an automatic scene when you walk up. Some have said the Prince is in two places at once (the other being the site where you find the King), but I'm not sure. I experienced this bug, and had to load a prior save (but luckily, I lost very little progress) to continue. If this happens -- the main quest is "talk to the prince" but nothing happens when you do and no auto-cutscene -- then there is no known way to "fix" it other than reloading a prior save.

11. Early on in the game, the Warrior stance can help. You can basically trade blows with the Deadwalkers, block, hit a couple more times, block, and take no damage at all. It helps to use weapons that are "faster" but I've seen at least one upgrade you can get that will let you upgrade the speed of an existing weapon.

12. Basically, just stick with it. It took me about 25 in-game hours to beat on Captain difficulty, but I'm guessing I lost 5 hours just in dying and starting from my most recent saves (if not more). Do what you have to to survive the main campaign, but by all means get familiar with what to expect out of the final boss so that you don't paint yourself into a corner without the skills and resources to tackle the battle.

16 May 2014 16:17

So this will make you rage but here is how I did it after more than 100 failed attempts.

Full Possessed Demon Rogue.

- Have the skill for extra trap damage.
- Slow Time Magic
- About 25 Health Potions
- About 10 Mana Potions
- 40 Exploding Traps
- Daggers with poison or fire damage or both

So, with this strategy it took me 2 tries. It is also quite luck based.

As soon as you enter place a trap on the ground , as soon as he charges, dodge and while to boss staggers activate the Slow Time magic.
Next you go near him and place another trap at his feet, it explodes, he falls, you hit him several time and repeat.
After 3 times you do this you consume a mana potion and while you stagger the boss again, you activate the Slow Time spell once again.

If by chance you do not manage to do this and he surrounds him with the fire balls, bet back and place a trap on the ground and wait for him to charge again.
Rinse and repeat until the dragon part. Use the Slow Time spell for the dragon also if you need but once you learn the pattern there is no need.

As soon as the main boss gets back in the game use the same strategy again until he falls, mind your mana intake and his surround with fireballs move and you should be fine.

For me, I managed to take down the boss after the second time the dragon showed but if variates with how many times the boss gets staggered (sometimes it does not register).

Keep in mind the extra trap damage, poison daggers and health/mana potions and you should be fine.
It will take a couple of tries but I found this to be the best way to take him down and believe me I tried many ways.

Best Of Luck

28 Apr 2020 09:31

The best build is a moderate Ranger/Pyromancy build for your Captain run. You want up to poison on Ranger, and pretty much the rest in Pyro. Guardian Flames significantly reduces incoming damage. MP restoration on Pyromancy is decent enough to get you through hordes of enemies without MP potions but for the last boss you'll need a few of them. With Poison and Flaming weapons, poisoned and burning enemies take up to 60% more damage from you, on top of other damage buffs you may have from armor or weapons. If you choose to put "Increases chance for your weapon to light enemies on fire by 10%" then you're going to be dealing heavy damage very quickly.

Other things to keep in mind;

  • Do as many side quests as possible for experience as well as considering to farm monster experience in Act I.
  • Save Health and Mana Potions as well as traps as often as you can.
  • Enemies will lose hostility towards you if you leave an area but don't respawn immediately. Use this to whittle down entire groups of enemies.
  • Sybil is the only companion that can heal and it is wise to use her whenever possible.

While there are many challenges up to the point of the final boss, the final boss is the greatest challenge. The videos below will assist you with working methods on killing the boss.

Crossbow Method


Trap Method


I would also like to add on the last boss at the highest difficulty level, it may seem quite difficult, but in fact, this is one of the easiest bosses in the game.

All you will need:

1. It’s better to play as a Ranger and choose a demon, since you won’t have problems with mana, and this will give you the opportunity to endlessly use fire weapons, fire defense, and also demon speed throughout the game (the last skill for a ranger)

2. Get the crossbow perk. Improve your naf armor to the maximum. damage. Buy arrows for a crossbow.

3. In the last act, there is a corpse in the sewers in one of the narrow long and low corridors, we take snow (as I understand it), the best crossbow in the game Huntress and improve its damage, in the end we get as much as 55 - that’s a lot.

4. It’s very easy to beat the boss himself, turn on the fire armor (just in case), run around in circles and shoot with a crossbow, the boss will almost never be able to hit you, sometimes you’ll have to jump away, but rarely. We hit the dragon carefully, also only with small arms, we approach, shoot, and retreat. All in all. nothing complicated.

26 Jul 2014 11:58

FOR those who experience difficulty in Act 3 of Chapter 2!
When you go on a quest to seduce a sivil (after which you load a save to seduce a girl)
Transfer your saves to a flash drive, kill bosses on easy difficulty, seduce them, transfer your saves back!
Next, when we take Edwin, DO NOT go to the boss in the middle, the fact is that the second witch comes out of the portal and it will not be very easy for you (I personally couldn’t cope), so we first go to the boss who is located on the edge of the map, there will also be 2 of them, but The space is quite large, plus it happens that 1 of the witches stands stupidly in place, and your assistant is not pinned against the wall. We kill two witches and return to the witch in the middle of the map, now she will be alone there and you can easily defeat the minions and then the witch herself
By suffocated on 04 Nov 2016 19:25
The previous hint is bullshit... Yes, it allows you to kill the boss, but only its first stage, in the form of a demon. Then a dragon appears, and not a complete victory, but how to communicate with him - we have already read above.
By SkirdaS on 24 Aug 2018 18:02
If you farmed money through a glitch and brought 50+ minutes to the final boss, then there is an elementary way to kill him. When we climb into the arena for battle, we don’t move, we start laying 50+ mines under our feet, we save, and only after that we move on. We go through the first stage of the boss as you please, the main thing is that the boss does not step on the prepared stack of mines. When the dragon arrives, we hit it, and then immediately run to the mines (they will be to the right of the dragon), lure the boss... on any difficulty, he dies instantly.
By Umbra on 06 Jan 2023 02:43
Before the final mission, we buy ore, metal, and leather from the merchant with all the money in a ratio of 10/4/2 for crafting mines. In the final mission, before climbing onto the ledge (right before the battle with the boss), we craft mines using all the resources, then we climb onto the ledge and WITHOUT MOVEING THE HERO FROM THE PLACE, we immediately place all the mines (I placed about 50-60), then we take a step forward, after the splash screen, the boss will run at you, we don’t move, we wait, and the boss will come across mines (my mines destroyed about 70-80% of HP, I think if you craft it at 100pcs, he will die immediately), after which we simply finish off the boss.
By kartlos on 29 Dec 2016 17:31
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