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Speed Run

Speed Run

Complete a full speed run, beating the challenge time.


How to unlock the Speed Run achievement in Braid - Definitive Guide

This is NOT an easy achievement in any way.

First of all you will have to unlock the speed run mode by beating the game. Beating the game requires you to find all puzzle pieces and solve all puzzles in order for you to unlock the final level (or world 1).

I recommend if you have not recently beat the game to play through the whole game again without a guide to get yourself familiar with your own way to solve the puzzles before looking to see if there are faster ways of doing them.

If you just got the game I recommend going for this achievement soon after beating it so you will be familiar with a way to solve the puzzles.

When you are going for this achievement plan to spend some time on it, I know the achievement says you have to do it in less than 45 minutes, but you have to become very good at solving each of the puzzles in order to do it that quickly. Personally I spent 7 hours retrying the full game speed run before I finally got the achievement at only 43 minutes.

EDIT: The final stage of the game will take a MINIMUM of 4 minutes, that's without messing up at all so if you're going through the final stage at 42 minutes or more you can go ahead and restart, chances are you will end up with just above 45 minutes. Also if you get that close you should look at the video and review any stage you had difficulty with.

If you are looking for ways to do levels quicker I recommend looking at this guys speed run. He did it in 32 minutes and NEVER messed up. I used some of his ideas and saved just enough time to get the achievement.

EDIT: Don't worry about memorizing the whole speed run, you CAN pause the game without the time adding up, so if you are having trouble with a specific puzzle go ahead and pause the game and then look at the video until you know how to do it, also putting the puzzles together does not count against your time so don't get anxious or nervous solving the puzzles.

There are 3 parts to this video, you can find the other parts through the same video.

EDIT: Decided to put all three on here as the comment suggested

24 Dec 2009 11:13

Having a speed run video embedded is obviously a good thing for this sort of achievement, but it would be nice if you could put in all three (saves the need to navigate off this page). You do know that you can add multiple videos per solution, right? Just put each URL on a separate line in the appropriate field.
By Mr Fiddler on 05 Jan 2010 23:55
Great guide, my man.

Thanks for the videos also, I'll have to attempt this when I have the chance... I'll have to beat the game first, lol.
By The Dear Hunter on 15 Feb 2010 14:47
good luck Mulletguy
By Quarantane on 15 Feb 2010 18:41
Thumbs up from me...very nice guide.
By on 11 Jul 2010 05:13
I had many, many more runs, but these are the few I finished and took note of.

AND FINALLY!!! 42.05.08

I would recommend this game to anyone who wants their money worth.
By Zymotic on 12 Aug 2010 02:16
It's been awhile but I left this one chieve for last and then didnt play for quite awhile but the video helped so thanks for posting them!
By Nanotron on 31 Aug 2010 03:34
If it wasn't for those videos, I would never have even attempted this. Despite making a major mistake and taking a couple minutes to correct it near the end, I pulled it off with about 3 minutes to spare.
By Groudon199 on 06 Apr 2011 21:49
I don't think many people even try this achievement. I'm going to try after more than a year of not playing (I've only beat it once).
By Xonatron on 07 May 2011 13:03
@Gacys Clown- I'm not sure how he did it either, never noticed until you pointed it out
By Quarantane on 01 Aug 2011 19:17
@Dropkick- Thanks for the explanation :)
Though I'm not sure the extent of his editing, I know that the methods work, if you know how to do them. In some cases I had to go about using my own method because I could not get theirs to work.
By Quarantane on 19 Aug 2011 16:47
I can honestly say yes they have been edited but all there methods work i can say i used there methods to unlock this achievement exactly how they did it so of there methods are tough but do work with practice.
By QcK Dagger HeaT on 01 Sep 2011 18:35
Well, I didn't use the videos all the time, and there were a fair few moments I messed up (like 5 minutes of puzzle and then realizing you missed something) but my first run clocked in at about 65:45... =D I'll get it eventually. Thanks for the great guide!
By Ehekky on 26 Feb 2012 15:28
@Ehekky- Good luck, it took me forever but just keep at it and you'll pull it off. =)

My first run was nearly 80 minutes. I just kept playing it over and over and over for a grueling 7 hours, but I would say it's one of my proudest achievements, no easy way to get around it.
By Quarantane on 29 Feb 2012 03:56
YESSSS! I did it. first run was 65:45, second run was 48:47, and now my final run was 44:16. Man, my heart was beating like a maniac in those final two minutes... but, thanks again for the guide, it really helped in a couple of places.
By Ehekky on 04 Apr 2012 22:16
@Ehekky- Congrats, at least it only took you 3 tries, good job.
By Quarantane on 09 Apr 2012 01:04
Is the ladder jumping glitch still effective? Can't seem to make it work. :(
By Lordji on 13 Aug 2012 23:04
@Lordji- I never could get it to work, I don't know how they did it, so I just went about the level as I normally would. It's not necessary to get the achievement anyways.
By Quarantane on 16 Aug 2012 06:10
The ladder glitch is tough to pull off, but it is possible. Once you get the hang of it, it's not too bad, and it saves a LOT of time in one level (I forget the number of the level but it's somewhere in the 2nd or 3rd world I believe).
By Octobot Super on 28 Aug 2012 11:10
I actually managed to pull it off a few times but all in all, always trying made me lose time so I stopped going for it. I did 42min without the glitch, spending five minutes on one of the last puzzles (the one with the ladder coming down that you need to slow down then go on it and back in time to access the puzzle piece). Took me around 7 hours all in all but don't worry guys, it's manageable!
By Lordji on 08 Oct 2012 22:33
@Lordji- took me 7 hours to, congrats on getting it
By Quarantane on 09 Oct 2012 00:58
I don't see a way to turn on a timer onscreen like the video...?
By Shadow XBL on 27 Apr 2013 20:59
Shadow, IIRC, you need to finish the game first. When you'll start a new game, you'll have the timer onscreen for a time attack mode.
By Lordji on 28 Apr 2013 00:13
First run was 56:08. I haven't played this game in YEARS. But I'm going to try again tomorrow night. I know I can shave off at least 5 minutes on my next run.
By jasonlc3221 on 28 May 2014 09:25
5 tries total to get it:
1st - 56:08
2nd - 52:15
3rd - 48:01
4th - 46:52
5th - 40:30

Just playing it through multiple times, you get a much better understanding how to solve certain puzzles more quickly and then others become just 2nd nature. To everyone trying for this: Just hang in there, practice and repetition are your best friends. Don't expect to get it on your 2nd or 3rd try.
By jasonlc3221 on 30 May 2014 05:55
I did absolutely awful on about 2-3 bits where I kept messing up (and this was on considerably easy sections like jumping on the goomba's to reach the switch in the final section) yet I did the annoying ladder puzzle first time and managed to get 44:29. So as long as you go quick on a majority then you can make mistakes.
By gobey17 on 21 Dec 2014 21:02
Also, while the speed-run vids did offer some quick ways or two I found that some of the time they was using tricks like the ladder and corner glitches that I couldn't for the life of me do. So I would say just keep practicing on the sections you struggled with the most, or watch a speed-run of someone more realistically achieving the time so you have more of an idea how many mistakes you can make and take less pressure off. It can be done with some perseverance! :)
By gobey17 on 21 Dec 2014 21:11
Finally did this one! One tip to backup is do not try tricks you have not honed. Trying to do ladder jumps more than 5 times without success means you are better off solving the puzzles the normal way.
By Xonatron on 23 Jan 2015 02:54
Second try made this one.

Maybe you can add some "normal run" checkpoint times as reference for people, here are mines:

- world 2: 3:41
- world 3: 12:30
- world 4: 20:38
- world 5: 27:14
- world 6: 37:53
- final: 44:21

All my checkpoints are marked as i enter the puzzle solver after complete the world.
By Ilindur on 19 Dec 2016 19:41
Got it on my real 2nd run. 1st try: 49 minutes. 2nd try: 39 minutes. WHOO!
By GRAND NOBLE on 21 May 2017 05:45
41:07:03 Finally! I think I could make a very good video guide for this and make it much easier but unfortunately I don't have the tools to make one. Thanks for posting that video and to all the comments here with times etc.

Nice to be done with this!
By MattiasAnderson on 16 Apr 2018 17:13
I really gave up with this thing... I had never play a video game so annoying like this one, I mean, there are hard games that are fun to complete, but with this one you just want to kill its developers. Really. I just don't want to put a hand on it never again.
To expend so much time in an achievement is not worthy in my opinion.
By NessNoldo on 29 Jul 2018 04:33
Took me about 10 hours and my final attempt was 44:25.98
By joebobpants on 09 Jun 2019 00:19
I hate this game, I wish I never started playing it, imho this is not a masterpiece as many people say, please could sameone explain to me how the guy in the first video do the "platform in the picture" thing al 1:58 minute?? If I try it, I fall down...
By DeadBardt on 14 Jul 2019 09:37
Activate the puzzle to reorder the different pieces and put the piece you're interested in (the one with the platform) where required.
By Lordji on 14 Jul 2019 10:34
I've done that during my first run, now I'm trying time attack.
In the video he put the piece of puzzle with the platform in 3 different places, lower level, medium level and higher level, using the piece of puzzle as an elevator, I can't do that, when I move the piece of puzzle I fall down, even trying to jump, don't know how to do that trick, learning how to do that could safe me important seconds...
By DeadBardt on 14 Jul 2019 13:18
Third time's a charm! Thanks for the assist :) FYI there's another video out there now that goes sub-thirty. I didn't find it 'til afterwards of course :( but there's a couple of extra tricks in there that might help someone shave a few seconds here and there. I barely made it, with just seven seconds to spare. It was a tense forty five seconds navigating Epilogue :)
By Avata on 04 Jan 2011 23:57
@Xonatron- I went for this after 10 months of not playing the game. Was quite a challenge, but feels awesome when you finally unlock it.
By Quarantane on 08 May 2011 20:01
@ gacys clown and quarantane. The videos have been edited a shit load. That's why you don't see them go into the puzzle. When the in game timer is at 11 minutes something they go through a door and the timer is back at 10 minutes something. (its at the beginning of the second video)
By Dropkick Hope86 on 19 Aug 2011 16:28
after 5years I tried it.

1st attempt:

2nd attempt:
45min 1sec... yeah its true angry

3rd attempt:
40min xx sec

I can only say, who wanna try this. Do the world where you have most problems with. For myself it was world 6.
I did
World 2. 3:30min
World 3. 10.40min
World 4. 17.40min
World 6. 28.20min
World 5. 35.40min
Epilog 40.xxmin

Try it and you will get it.
Good luck everyone
By Vengeful Void on 12 Apr 2018 20:56
Thanks so much for this -- fantastic video guide and definitely appreciate all the encouragement from folks sharing their attempts and times in the comments.
Got it on my second try with 43:23... although that doesn't count all the times I cut the run short because of some spectacular fat-fingers and failures on various levels smile

Some other links that I found interesting and helpful were this 39 minute run with no ladder glitch:

and this 20-minute (!) run. It's a PC version and seems to leverage every glitch possible, but it's just plain impressive to watch, and I promise your head will explode a bit on the "time" screen at the very end:
By J Schwizzle on 08 Feb 2019 18:52
I completed this over the weekend, at 40:17. I would have actually hit about 39:00 but accidentally left the last level in World 6 without getting the puzzle piece, and had to circle back around to get it.

Honestly, the key is just practice. I found World 4 and 6 to be the hardest, and I practiced the crap out of those. For my 40:17 run I had a stream of good luck in those Worlds (including levels where I'd struggle, even after a lot of practice) where I ended up getting to World 1 at around 34 minutes. There's also plenty of content on Youtube now to provide strats to get through some of the harder levels with relative ease.

I had put off this last achievement for years, but it only took me probably 10-12 hours over the course of a week to feel ready for a run, and I got it on my first deep run attempt (I restarted a few times during world 4 due to burning too much time.)
By sjpsjpsjp on 09 Dec 2019 17:59
I want to add this for anyone else that keep screwing up on out of reach!

Much better solution!

And for crossing the gap if you find doing what he do in the video tough or non consistent:

But on crossing the gap after the first puzzle with the bridge I make a shadow bridge instead so the monster does not need to jump on my head. That is easier and faster.

If anyone just like myself is having trouble with the last ladder on elevator action. This one is good for that part. If you still don't understand what he is doing in the video just like myself. He is jumping and while in the mid air he press X and LT up to rewind. Be sure that you grab the ladder.

ps. Maybe you should add these into your guide?
By MattiasAnderson on 16 Apr 2018 01:28
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Once you've finished the entire game (after receiving the achievement "Closure") go into the main menu by hitting start and then select "Speed Runs." From here select "Full Game." Now you've got 45 minutes to beat the game (collecting every puzzle piece mind you) this isn't impossible to do but it may take two or three tries at the minimum.

My times when I finished the game in 44:56 (phew!) were...
4:06 to complete world 2's puzzle
8:52 to complete world 3's puzzle
18:34 to complete world 4's puzzle
30:42 to complete world 5's puzzle
39:58 to complete world 6's puzzle
44:56 to complete world 1

The main thing to remember is simply to go as fast as possible and know exactly how to do each level as quickly as possible. I made what I would assume is a perfect run and only just barely finished. Solve the puzzles as soon as you get the last piece and end up in the house, they don't count towards your time taken.

You can't use the menu to do "Return to Clouds" so when you have to go back to level 2-2 to get the two missing puzzle pieces you have to continue through 2-3 and 2-4. This also gets annoying when you screw up on a mission that you can't fix (like Irreversible.)

Speed ​​run. After you beat the game, in the menu The “Speed ​​Run” item will become active, select and click. You must complete the game in one sitting and in less than 45 minutes

14 Jul 2011 13:14