Bramble: The Mountain King

Bramble: The Mountain King

30 Achievements



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Completed a playthrough without dying



How to unlock the Survivor achievement in Bramble: The Mountain King - Definitive Guide

Hi !

This achievement looks daunting but thankfully it's not as hard as Little Nightmares as i found a workaround.
You can use the Cloud save trick to have a backup save.It makes this task alot easier !

To use it:

- Close the game to make a backup save to which checkpoint you want to save.
- If you die,don't quit or anything ! Press cn_guide then cn_start on Bramble and go to "Manage game and add-ons" -> "Saved data" -> Your profile -> and erase your local save only !!!
- The game will be closed.Launch it again,you'll have a Cloud sync and when you'll hit "Continue" you'll be back at the point you were when you quit the game.

Also,DO NOT load a previous checkpoint,even if you aren't dead.Doing this will void the achievement.
So always do the Cloud save trick,death or not !

That's all,enjoy your (easier) completion now ! smile

And if you want a 100% walkthrough video (but where i died some times sorry),here's mine:

Good luck !

29 Apr 2023 08:25

What a nightmare that turned out to be! It took me a few playthroughs of this even using the method of being online to get a good save point, then going offline for the tricky bits, then going back online to get a new save point. The method does work but you have to concentrate at all times. In the end I found the game to be so poor with the platforming (falling off logs, paths in the swamp, even the king's sword near the final battle! That was a treat I climbed up, noticed my character had moved to the edge of the handle and even though I pushed the right direction, off I slid!!!).
And don't rely on the flowers in the bottom right meaning the game has saved either! Sometimes it would send me so far back even though I had seen three or four saving points flash up. In the end I played mainly offline and just checked in to do the odd save point. I am glad it is done! The game got deleted two seconds after the achievement popped.

Thanks again to FireJunAle for all the tips and support.

Now I am going to lie down in a dark room for a long time...
By BRANIAC1972 on 04 Jul 2023 15:45
@N1sso I just started my first playthrough and haven't died yet, but the file doesn't have ironman in its name, so not sure if this is always the case.
Not the name of the file but check the contents of the file. It should be part of this section:

Achievements StructProperty \ S_AchievementsList •`û¡N±Iº VÁÂ 5; 3 BooksCollected_91_CA78AEE9434D1D051FE547B257A574FB ArrayProperty ¬
ByteProperty E_Books::NewEnumerator0 E_Books::NewEnumerator1 E_Books::NewEnumerator5 E_Books::NewEnumerator3 E_Books::NewEnumerator4 E_Books::NewEnumerator6 , Ironman_95_5DB8DC864790570EF83371B36654A0D2
BoolProperty , HasDuck_97_483F134948080912722127905AA56F74
BoolProperty 8 FigurinesCollected_101_536E63A44706174ACDA60DA634710DFB ArrayProperty F
ByteProperty E_Figurines::NewEnumerator27 E_Figurines::NewEnumerator28 None None
By star21player on 13 Jun 2024 03:09
For the cloud save trick, it's very important to follow these exact steps:
1. Press the Xbox button to dashboard.
2. Select the game and press start to open the menus.
3. Select "Manage games and add-ons"
4. Select the third row, press the "Delete all" button (saves you from selecting profile and choosing delete local save only, prone to mistakes...)
5. Extra step: if you know there are some tricky parts like jumps or bosses then you can go "offline". If you die then simply delete the save (quit or dashboard is the same, console can't upload) and after that just go online and sync again.
6. Make sure not to jump to other games or press the quit button (if online), else the game marks the save for upload and you're screwed...
By FireJunAle on 03 Jul 2023 06:15
I know not everyone is technical but reading the comments it seems many people don't understand how saves work (not specific to this game). Props to FireJunAle for his patience!

For what its worth, saves work like this
- Game makes a local save to store the "state" of your game, in this case, what checkpoint you are at, collectibles, death count etc.
- This is stored on your Xbox and gets updated whenever the game dictates. In this case, it's when you see the flower icon in the bottom right
- Completely separately, the Xbox OS periodically makes back ups of your save to the cloud. The exact timing is not known and can vary. Its also possible the OS could detect a change to save file and also trigger a backup then
- Additionally, whenever a game is closed (ie quit to dashboard) or in Quick Resume, the OS will also make a backup

The problem many people are encountering is point 3, where they die and are racing against the periodic backup, and since the save file for this game is tiny (~2MB), it can upload exceedingly quick. This is what must've happened to me too, as it didn't pop but I never accidentally closed on death.

OT: Don't think I'll try again without a death counter being added tbh
By thatNoseyParker on 04 Sep 2023 16:52
To make this extra clear for everyone who want to use the offline cloud-save trick:

1 - Start up the game, select new game. Go to the Xbox settings and go offline.
2 - If you die (while offline): Hit the Xbox button, hit start while hovering over the game, select "Manage game and add-ons" and then "Saved data", delete all saves. This will not delete the cloud save since you're offline.
3 - Deleting all saves will close the game. While on the dashboard, go online in the Xbox settings and boot up the game. This will sync your last cloud save and you can keep playing from wherever your last cloud save was. Pause and go offline again when you've loaded into the game and keep playing.
4 - If you get far enough and want to create a new cloud save from where you can reset in case of death: (While offline, of course) Hit the Xbox button, hover over the game, and close it. Go online in the Xbox settings while still on the dashboard, boot up the game, hit continue. This will sync your cloud save with your local save. Go offline again and keep playing. Repeat the process if you want to create a new cloud save. This works between phases of bosses.
5 - When you take control of Lillemor at the very end of the game, go to the Xbox settings and go online. The achievement will pop during the cutscene when Olle pops up outside the window.

I suggest creating a new cloud save fairly frequently, especially after long "boring" parts so you don't have to redo the longer walking sections. It only takes two minutes or so and will save you a lot of time and frustration.

Since this is all offline, there's no reason to try to be fast while navigating the Xbox menus. I always took it very slow and thought everything through when I was syncing/reloading a save.
By JeppeBoy95 on 01 Nov 2023 17:00
To make this extra clear for everyone who want to use the offline cloud-save trick:

1 - Start up the game, select new game. Go to the Xbox settings and go offline.
2 - If you die (while offline): Hit the Xbox button, hit start while hovering over the game, select "Manage game and add-ons" and then "Saved data", delete all saves. This will not delete the cloud save since you're offline.
3 - Deleting all saves will close the game. While on the dashboard, go online in the Xbox settings and boot up the game. This will sync your last cloud save and you can keep playing from wherever your last cloud save was. Pause and go offline again when you've loaded into the game and keep playing.
4 - If you get far enough and want to create a new cloud save from where you can reset in case of death: (While offline, of course) Hit the Xbox button, hover over the game, and close it. Go online in the Xbox settings while still on the dashboard, boot up the game, hit continue. This will sync your cloud save with your local save. Go offline again and keep playing. Repeat the process if you want to create a new cloud save. This works between phases of bosses.
5 - When you take control of Lillemor at the very end of the game, go to the Xbox settings and go online. The achievement will pop during the cutscene when Olle pops up outside the window.

I suggest creating a new cloud save fairly frequently, especially after long "boring" parts so you don't have to redo the longer walking sections. It only takes two minutes or so and will save you a lot of time and frustration.

Since this is all offline, there's no reason to try to be fast while navigating the Xbox menus. I always took it very slow and thought everything through when I was syncing/reloading a save.
I just want to echo that @JeppeBoy95's solution does work and is what helped me finally pop this achievement on my third playthrough. Just dashboarding and deleting the local save wasn't enough, I had to be offline. Once you get the rhythm down, it's not too bad. You can also hold B to skip most cutscenes. Good luck everyone!
By stephmuffin on 07 Jun 2024 17:46
Great job 👍🏼
By The Hankunku on 30 Apr 2023 08:40
Thanks a lot. Just got 100%.
By aakrasnov on 11 May 2023 11:38
A Note to know is.... Don't Restart a checkpoint the whole Run even you are not dead👍
By Arenafighter on 25 May 2023 21:10
Hi ! Indeed,i forgot to write it in my guide.
I'll add it right now.My apologies for your wasted time redface
By Clad master on 25 May 2023 21:14
Has there been an update or something?
I got around half hour into the game, Died, Done what you said but it puts me back at the very beginning again.
Anyone else having the same issue or am i just being a dumbass? Lol
By TheWelshHunt on 25 Jun 2023 21:44
Hi, do you delete your local (console) save only ?
It worked perfectly for me and a lot of people like this, strange.

Also you need to dashboard and quit the game to create a backup save at any checkpoint you want before trying this method or else, you'll restart from the last point you were before quitting the game.
By Clad master on 25 Jun 2023 22:07
Hold on, so with this method you have to dashboard to make a save at a checkpoint so you can use it if you die? So basically you have to KNOW you are coming to a tricky point or a point to where you could die beforehand for this to possibly work? Or at least work efficiently?
By R3f1CuL on 27 Jun 2023 15:02
These are really starting to get annoying its like they're in every game now
By HBK316HHH619 on 27 Jun 2023 15:29
@R3f1CuL yeah basically the local save trick for this type of game, is very much when you hit a check poitn and feel you wanna save any progress you would quit to dash and relaunch this uploads a new cloud file.
By Terrin on 28 Jun 2023 05:47
Out of curiosity, is there something similar for Playstation about the cloud save trick?
I completed the Oris, Little Nightmares and other games that required no dying runs thanks to this trick, it makes harder games easier.
By FireJunAle on 28 Jun 2023 09:45
To be clear, this achievement is just keeping Olle alive the entire playthrough correct? The gnomes can die via traps etc?
By mCaPP09 on 28 Jun 2023 13:21
Yeah, you don't have to worry about them,they can die.
By Clad master on 28 Jun 2023 15:21
Additionally - has anyone tried pausing the game quickly before you’re about to die & quitting to main menu to bypass a death or is quitting to main menu also counting for a death?
By mCaPP09 on 28 Jun 2023 21:06
It's dangerous. You can try, but the game save really quickly when you die.
My solution is way safer
By Clad master on 28 Jun 2023 21:29
I really dislike these "do an entire run with no deaths". I mean, if that's the way, at least go "perma death", it's more honest. Anyhow, too many games so I'll use this as an excuse to skip it.
By SlayerSpecial on 28 Jun 2023 21:59
Powerpyx have a list of good save ponts if anyone needs help on the best places to save
By Mr Biceps 90 on 29 Jun 2023 14:28
anyone know the save file location for PC game pass?
By Demonz kingz on 01 Jul 2023 03:22
@mCaPP09 did your method end up working?
By RyBread on 01 Jul 2023 21:50
Can i please get some clarification. I did this method and after the part where the troll is looking over the wall I dropped down and died on my jump over to the tree. I deleted my save on console and reloaded the game, continued and it put me in front of the jump where I died not before where I made the checkpoint at the troll . Did I mess something up because I don't want to keep going and have this whole playthrough be invalid for the achievement. Thank you
By l FISTO l on 01 Jul 2023 23:47
Pain!! I wanted to do this, but the controls in this game are super frustrating... I may wait to try later when devs, hopefully, improve controls. The final sequence of final boss was particularly painful.
By LC BR on 02 Jul 2023 01:56
@Demonz kingz - i started a forum thread to ask just this, take a look, I can't get it to work, any manipulation of the PC save just loses all progress
By Lord Von Chimp on 02 Jul 2023 06:25
Il faut combien de temps pour le finir en un seul run
By III Skyzo III on 02 Jul 2023 17:34
Tried this method but haven't ever used it before so I know I must be doing something wrong as I completed an attempt at this run, but it didn't pop.Can some kind soul please do a step by step idiot's guide for me? I apologise for being a useless Muppet!

And like others I find the controls really unresponsive and some of the boss fights are so janky. Hate to resort to this, but my frustration levels are so high that I need to get off this game lol
By BRANIAC1972 on 02 Jul 2023 19:30
Thanks FireJunAle, I will have a bash at this. I think for me the being offline for the difficult parts will be the key. The controls are sluggish(in my opinion) and that can make the boss battles in particular a real chore with multiple attempts needed.
Thanks again!
By BRANIAC1972 on 03 Jul 2023 07:14
You're welcome.
I think I'm at the last part of the game (about 30 mins left) and the only "difficult" boss was the swamp one because you have to see the trail on the water to know where she spawns.
About the controls, if this one feels sluggish then don't play Little Nightmares, at the beginning I fell off running the stairs and my face was multicolor... (I could swear I pressed right but it was slightly diagonal and the character...)
By FireJunAle on 03 Jul 2023 08:07
Just to repeat again, the game makes periodic saves between the screens, check the little flower at the bottom right.
To create the online save you have to close the game first (dashboard, select game, start menu, select quit) then start it again to sync.
If for some reasons you are happy of the section then create another save.
If you die, don't panic, follow the steps I wrote above.
By FireJunAle on 03 Jul 2023 08:15
Thanks FireJunAle, I will have a bash at this. I think for me the being offline for the difficult parts will be the key. The controls are sluggish(in my opinion) and that can make the boss battles in particular a real chore with multiple attempts needed.
Thanks again!
By BRANIAC1972 on 04 Jul 2023 12:50
I don't think this method works so flawless. I've noticed a "flower" saving icon at the bottom right of the screen every time i die. But as FireJunAle commented, the offline method is the way to go. That's how i managed to complete Trek to Yomi. I guess two playthroughs is the best approach, leaving this achievement for the later.
By Shulamm on 04 Jul 2023 14:00
@Shulamm: I followed one achievement video of the game and I knew exactly when the achievement/trophy would pop and went online just in time for the last hit.

Both methods work, the offline is just safer in every aspect.
By FireJunAle on 04 Jul 2023 15:15
Good to see you sorted out, you can't know if you really died until the end when the sister does poke out at the window...
Anyway, my saves were not so far because watching the video I could anticipate what to do, could go offline, did the section and quit, finally went online to start/sync.
Game is nice if not in the achievement/trophy mood...
By FireJunAle on 04 Jul 2023 19:28
Are you able to do chapter select or does this have to be a constant run from start to finish?
By TomEds on 07 Jul 2023 20:34
Start from scratch, no restart from checkpoints allowed!
By FireJunAle on 08 Jul 2023 06:08
If you go offline for a section and die during it, do you still need to do the entire exit to dashboard, delete local data step with relaunching the game? Or can you just make it to a safe point and save the game?
By xXxSethyxXx#8482 on 08 Jul 2023 06:43
You still need to delete the local save but you have to worry less if you quit or not.
Even if the save is marked for upload, it really can't because the console is offline.
Once the section is done then take the time to go online, close the game to update the save and rinse and repeat until the end.
By FireJunAle on 08 Jul 2023 12:27
Just to clarify the quit or delete local save, either case the game will quit.
Just delete the save without quitting if online else the save is screwed up.
By FireJunAle on 08 Jul 2023 20:10
I just got this achievement thanks to your method, thankyou. My partner did this aswell but somehow the achievement didn’t pop. Will have to try again and make sure it’s exactly as says!
By TomEds on 08 Jul 2023 21:13
Yes, I prefer more the offline approach because you can screw up and just delete the save without worries.
By FireJunAle on 09 Jul 2023 00:23
This type of achievement ruins my playing experience.
I'm not that addicted to 1000g at this point
By MayquelBr on 10 Jul 2023 13:01
This type of achievements ruins mine too, instead of enjoying the game you get frustrated. The method is welcome but is anoying as well.
By POLLA BIONIKA on 13 Jul 2023 00:18
I hear you, same for multiplayer in single player games, speed runs, difficulty.
Collectibles are fine, anyone can complete if they're meticolous...
By FireJunAle on 13 Jul 2023 01:32
Dashboard and quit/close the game.
By FireJunAle on 14 Jul 2023 06:54
Is there a similar trick of deleting local data without quitting on xbox PC?
By Dunge2 on 14 Jul 2023 19:25
On pc you can backup the entire game data or the save, check inside your folders.
It's easier than the console.
By FireJunAle on 14 Jul 2023 21:05
I feel you...
Same for my first Ori runs, died and pressed quit instead of manage game...
Use the offline trick and hit all the flowers, the achievement will pop when the sister pokes out at the window, not before.
By FireJunAle on 19 Jul 2023 06:20
Does this method still work?
By Tylerroosky on 31 Jul 2023 21:32
still works... today did I completed the game with the cloud save trick! You welcome... 😉
By Im PHENOMENON on 03 Aug 2023 15:44
Do i have to be offline ?
By lI Azul Il on 04 Aug 2023 02:25
Why do I sometimes load a much earlier point when I do this method? When it does this I have to repeat an entire section even though the save icon appears at the bottom right of the screen.

In my case I can't play it offline because I share an account with a friend and the "owner" of the GamePass is me and I have to be online all the time.
By Balusker on 04 Aug 2023 17:52
Why do I sometimes load a much earlier point when I do this method? When it does this I have to repeat an entire section even though the save icon appears at the bottom right of the screen.

In my case I can't play it offline because I share an account with a friend and the "owner" of the GamePass is me and I have to be online all the time.
By Balusker on 04 Aug 2023 18:00
You can still play offline, just start the game online then go offline and play.
If it still nags you inside game then take a moment to pause the game, go online for some second and finally offline.
Each time you progress one section there's the flower at the bottom right, close the game and restart it online to sync the save, then repeat all.

Offline is not mandatory, it's just safer.
By FireJunAle on 04 Aug 2023 18:13
Thank you very much. I didn't know it could be done like that. Thanks for your reply.
By Balusker on 04 Aug 2023 21:11
Fixed some typos, English is not my main tongue.
By FireJunAle on 04 Aug 2023 23:04
In the end it didn't work for me and I didn't get the achievement. I only have that one left to get but I'm not going to play it again just for that. It must have been in the final fight because it charged me right in the second round of the battle.
By Balusker on 05 Aug 2023 21:14
Welp, got about half way through it, died and brain just decided to stop remembering what to do and quit the game instead of crashing it with save delete so I guess I just screwed up cuz I'm sure it autosaved. Le sigh. What a stupid achievement to completely ruin what was otherwise a great game. Oh well. At least I can play blind now for the rest cuz no offense, but having to watch a guide is dampening the experience.
By FruitofPassion on 13 Aug 2023 03:46
Great guide, thanks!

I was slightly worried when it didn't pop straight after the final boss fight. Was happy to see it pop after the final scene! I could not imagine having to attempt this without the cloud save trick.

A word of warning to people doing this: if you're playing at night and getting sleepy, stop right there! On a couple of occassions I was pretty sleepy and died and was so very close to accidentally hitting the home button and quitting, instead of going to manage > delete from console.
By IstIngiliz on 14 Aug 2023 07:02
That's the reason I would prefer to do small offline sessions instead of being online all the time.
If you screw up then the console can't upload the save.
By FireJunAle on 14 Aug 2023 10:49
it's not as hard as Little Nightmares as i found a workaround.
I've not played Little Nightmares but why can't you exploit the cloud save? Is it a single sitting run or something?
By thatNoseyParker on 14 Aug 2023 23:54
I've had a death on the swamp women monster with the soundwaves section. I already quit the game to make a save at the start of the section. When I died, I paused the game, went to my saved data and deleted it from console.

However, when I loaded back up, and the save synched, I was at the area near where I died, not the start of the section so I was ahead. Did I do something wrong? I don't want have to go through the rest of the game if its already messed up. :/
By gobey17 on 16 Aug 2023 18:59
Is there even a tiny possibilty that you might have done something by mistake when doing the cloud save trick? I was so close to just quitting out on more than one occassion. It's not much help but I did have a couple of instances when after dying it seemed to load me back to a point ahead of where I made the manual save, though never as far ahead as you detail. I'd say risk it and carry on.
By IstIngiliz on 17 Aug 2023 06:26
I risked it and it seemed it didn't work as I got to the end and no achievement, gutted! :/ Really annoying - maybe I'll have to try going the online/offline sync too?

And its definitely 'Delete from Console' option when selecting my gamertag on the saved data for the game? And not just 'Delete All' option above the gametag?
By gobey17 on 17 Aug 2023 20:22
Just start the game, go offline, do some sections then go online if nagged and not died, else while still offline and if you died then manage game, tap A two times on the savegame box, the first to enter the menu and the second to confirm to delete the console savegame (delete everywhere despite the name just delete the local savegame for all the profiles)

If you progressed far and you like it then quit the game, restart it, press continue and then go offline. Rinse and repeat until the end.
By FireJunAle on 18 Aug 2023 06:42
Hello, where are the automatic cloud save points?
Because I did more than 10 times the 1st boss, and the witch I have more than 20
The only problem in the game is knowing where the autosave points are!!!!
I'm against the boss Pesta and there it's the same I have to retype the graveyard to get to him.
By KingDrygons on 25 Aug 2023 18:10
It's the pink flower in the bottom right corner.
By FireJunAle on 25 Aug 2023 19:49
Hello and thank you for the info.
I'm at the last boss, where is the save point of the cloud because he sees me in the room if I die !!!
By KingDrygons on 26 Aug 2023 08:39
The last boss has 3 phases irrc, each time he changes his attack pattern and the music is more intense (eg you destroy the first 5 or 6 flowers then he changes phase)
Each time there's a save between, so just pause, quit, start the game, go offline after the continue and play to the next phase.
If you die then delete the local save and repeat.
By FireJunAle on 27 Aug 2023 11:08
This is the second time I've done this and it didn't unlock yet again so I'm really frustrated! I even did the online/offline method this time as well, being extra careful to go online only when to save at a spot. :(

I just don't know what I've done wrong at all. Only thing I can try now is deleting the game/saves entirely, redownload and start it from scratch (I wouldn't think me originally beating the game with deaths, and starting a new game with no death would affect that on my profile?). Really soured my experience with the game though, achievements like this absolutely ruin it.
By gobey17 on 27 Aug 2023 18:30
It's implied that any instances of quick resume or the console goes standby or something in between may compromise the cloud save.

The game needs some qol like marking saves as no death like Ori or just redoing the "failed" chapters instead of the whole run.
By FireJunAle on 27 Aug 2023 22:03
Did I screw up? Immediately after death, I panic, and instead of going to manage game and delete save file, I pressed home button and quit. (These two are so close together in the menu). I quickly go to manage game and delete save. Anyone can confirm that the game will upload to cloud the second you quit game? 😒

Edit: Thanks FireJunAle. Oh and totally agree with the idea to put "player state" somewhere, like in the pause menu. This is to avoid blindly playing till the end not knowing the playthrough was already ruined.
By TheFirstWonder on 29 Aug 2023 13:46
I can confirm that if you quit then the console does mark the save for upload.
Just do the offline trick and you can safely quit each time you screw up.
By FireJunAle on 29 Aug 2023 14:07
I can never be bothered with these cloud save solutions :(
By Har Miggido on 29 Aug 2023 16:21
I did it for Bramble and Planet of Lana and it worked flawlessly. Can anyone confirm if this cloud save method works for Lord of the Rings: Gollum no deaths achievement?
By KillerZ x Ace on 30 Aug 2023 16:26
It should work the same I think, as long as you don't quit while online.
By FireJunAle on 30 Aug 2023 17:27
@TheFirstWonder: just a nice death counter should suffice.
By FireJunAle on 30 Aug 2023 17:28
Hello Guys, i have this achievement and I play only online ,when you die press the Xbox Guide button and go to managed the game and delete only your local save from console,now start the game and , synchronisation ist coming and continue the game. You start ever on the last cloud save from your console...sry for my bad english 🤙🏽☺️
By Im PHENOMENON on 02 Sep 2023 16:57
Thanks thatNoseyParker, the cloud save system is tricky if not understood but it can help with some hardcore games such as this.
From my humble experience as long as you are playing without exiting the game and don't turn off the console then the save will not sync.
The two cases the save are synced are quickresume and new start of the game (quit or fresh boot doesn't matter)
By FireJunAle on 04 Sep 2023 20:15
Got it playing offline, went online always for cloud saving and for launch game . No doubt best and safer method .
By JokerStayNyt on 13 Sep 2023 18:19
Once you mess up the cloud save trick that would have saved you ~25 hours on a 2nd game playthrough you learn how to do it right real fast 😂
By TruDexterMorgan on 16 Sep 2023 05:38
Multiphase bosses like the last one has saves in between, so you can "save", quit, sync, go offline and try again.
The survivor achievement will trigger at the end, when the sister does poke out the window, a pretty safe scene.
By FireJunAle on 23 Sep 2023 00:21
For those using gamepass PC:
1. Go offline.
2. Your save is in C:\users\YOURNAME\appdata\local\Packages\MergeGamesLimited.BrambleTheMountainKing_j1rzjmssdh5zy\SystemAppData\wgs. Feel free to remove the whole wgs folder to make sure you start with a clear slate.
3. Launch the game, it should start with choosing language and setting up the gamma. When you play alt+Tab before the risky fragments and copy the whole wgs folder to a nearby location to create a backup.
4. If you die, alt +F4 out of the game. Remove the wgs folder and replace it with your backup. Start the game again.
5. When you get to control Lillemor, go online and finish the game.
This approach worked for me, whereas cloud syncing did not.
By MarszalekSteven on 24 Sep 2023 20:14
^The above method is likely file manipulation and is considered cheating.^
Nevertheless, you do NOT need to go offline to do this on Xbox. I completed it using exactly the method described on 9/24/23.
By SincereSeeker6 on 25 Sep 2023 02:39
Sure you can but if you accidentally press quit instead of manage game? The 2 choices are nearby, one fatal slip of the pad or the hurry/frustration may cause irreparable damage!
By FireJunAle on 25 Sep 2023 06:43
That's absolutely correct, I was just wanted to reassure everyone, in case they want to do it all online.
By SincereSeeker6 on 25 Sep 2023 23:02
Well, time healed my frustration enough to try again, and thankfully got it this time. Offline is definitely worth the little extra effort just to be safe against unintended backups (which messed me up the first time).

@Adayin, yeah most bosses have multiple phases with saves in between. I made sure to this against Skogsra, Pesta, and the King.

Finally, this guide really needs updating to include when the achievement is expected to pop. I don't trust the offline-pop later feature, so reconnected after beating the King and waking up as Lillemor (I see FireJunAle has also confirmed this in comments). It popped shortly into this scene (I believe when interacting with the window)
By thatNoseyParker on 28 Sep 2023 22:53
First of all there is the wonderful start button that pauses the game, think if you're at the second or third phase of a boss, create a save then quit, start, continue and go offline.
It's just for the sake of this achievement because if you miss something then you can use the chapter select feature.
By FireJunAle on 29 Sep 2023 06:00
I literally can't believe this is the 3rd time I have done this and it still didn't pop, despite doing everything to the T as per the guide. I hate this stupid achievement.

As offline didn't work for me last time I tried online again, which I made 100% sure I pressed quit from the option on the game dashboard when I wanted to save. And if I died I would immediately pause, press 'Manage games and add-ons' and deleted my local save from that, which would automatically dashboard the game. What on earth can I be doing wrong? Its really disheartening. :(

The only thing I noticed, when doing the normal deleting local save one time when I died at the final boss battle and started the game up again, the icon which states the save is being synced didn't show at all but came up with the game menu.

If I notice that happen and I believe the save hadn't synced, what should I do? Didn't want to risking quitting the game again in case it overwrite my current save. But if it dosen't sync then that might be the problem too. :/
By gobey17 on 01 Oct 2023 19:12
Is your Internet stable and working?
AFAIK when you dashboard quit and launch the game then it does sync and it is safe to assume so when you reach the main menu.
Other than that I did exactly the offline version and it did work flawlessly, I can't say how many times I died on the various bosses and that damn swamp box jump...
By FireJunAle on 01 Oct 2023 19:22
Yep, I got no disconnections or anything like that, played over two different sessions. I have to try the offline version again (even though it is a pain to keep switching it on and off again constantly). If that dosen't work though, I don't know what else to do really. Kinda wished I never started this game now if I knew it be this much of a pain. :(
By gobey17 on 02 Oct 2023 16:45
@HerrKatzchen..... Not sure if you know this, but are you talking about the part when the king slams his scepter/mace, and the stalagtites fall, then does his power kill blast thingy?

Because you know you can use those stalagtites for cover, right? lmao
By DK1MonkeyMan on 09 Jan 2024 16:02
Take Limbo or Little Nightmares as examples, they're two very good games with very difficult achievements, the first is going from start to the end dying max 5 times iirc and the latter is the same without dying and in less than 2 hours (or 3)
I did both but I had to make saves for the Little Nightmares else it would be the same chore with unresponsive commands...

If you play forgetting about the achievements then it's a pleasure and an one way travel to the end, if not then it needs extra patience, time and commitment...
By FireJunAle on 07 Oct 2023 20:06
Frustrating but doable, aiming controls are very poor and unresponsive, general movement also. That was obviously my last achievement and I was never happier uninstalling a game before
By gr00by666 on 21 Oct 2023 21:46
Thanks for recap.
This achievement is doable, just take your time and chill if you die, follow the steps to delete the save and sync from the cloud then try again.
By FireJunAle on 01 Nov 2023 17:56
Anyone who tries this, considering how dookie butt the controls can be, and how unfair some boss fights are, is clinically insane.
By Visions of Gore on 08 Nov 2023 15:07
So I don't know if they changed things or if this only works if you own the game, but now ever five minutes you are booted from the game if you're playing offline and it tells you that you need to be online to play it.

It somewhat still seems to work, but it's very very annoying. I'm not sure how this is going to impact on some of the bosses as well, if you take more than five mins mid boss fight - you'll be booted out of the game and told to go online, and then it resets your progress to the last checkpoint, which is usually just before the boss fight.

Edit: Can confirm it is every five minutes you will be booted to the menu. I've made it to chapter nine so far, I'll keep updating this comment/or add a new comment if I get to a roadblock with the cloudsaves.
By Lord RoAlJo on 27 Nov 2023 02:56
The console that you are playing on needs to be home console for an account with gamepass (or the game) if you want to play offline.
I never played offline and was able to unlock the achievement using the local save deletion trick.
The only finicky section where the controls proved to be a problem was the shockwave section at the mountain.
For the bosses - take your time and don't get greedy. Also you can create a save after every section of the boss fights. They don't need to be fully completed in one go.
By LordMakanaki on 27 Nov 2023 14:38
Sometimes you can still tap the game and the nag screen would go away.
There's no a problem to pause, go online and then offline, as long as you don't die.
By FireJunAle on 27 Nov 2023 18:20
I finally completed this game. I really enjoyed the simple story, and dark fantasy world. However, the wonky controls coupled with the unskippable cutscenes made this incredibly annoying.

I know you can do the cloud save trick to make it easier, but that was frustrating too because it would often put me back a couple minutes forcing me to replay certain sections over again.

Plus, during the second phase of the Pesta fight I accidentally deleted my save from everywhere, which obviously meant I had to replay nearly the entire game over again.
By Fl0ydPinkert0n on 29 Nov 2023 05:53
@Fl0ydPinkert0n you couldn't delete from everywhere if you just did stick to tap saved data and delete all at the top.
It's just a bad design though, it should give a double warning to delete, really delete the save game...
By FireJunAle on 29 Nov 2023 14:44
lmao, what an awful achievement this is. Even if you were to do this legit, King Nils can start Phase 3 with his "CLONK" instant-killing you since you have no cover yet.

I genuinely don't understand why devs bother with these kinds of cheevos. They're always complete and utter unnecessary bullshit and 99% of times you can cheese with cloud-saves anyways.
By HerrKätzchen on 29 Nov 2023 20:48
My cloud save would still update somehow when I'd delete my local save. Never had this problem before but I had to keep going offline and online to stop it. Really annoying but I got it done
By TruDexterMorgan on 06 Dec 2023 01:30
Such unnecessary achievement in an otherwise great game! Not even gonna try this, and neither should you. Let's just ignore all "don't die in the entire game"-achievements forever, until developers get the hint.
By PinkJulicorn on 03 Jan 2024 19:21
I get a "you are required to be online for this game"?? Any help
By II Bate II on 05 Feb 2024 20:02
Start it online, go offline, if you're satisfied with the "chunk" of the progress without dying then plan to close the game and sync the save.
If it nags again then pause the game, go online then offline.
By FireJunAle on 06 Feb 2024 08:35
@II Beate II
Sie haben vermulich Ihre XBOX nicht als Heimkonsole aktiviert.
By Christian xy on 16 Apr 2024 15:38
This wasn't bad at all actually. Finished with less than 7-10 deaths with the save backup method. Probably died 40-50 times on my first runthrough.

Small note with the cloud save, unlike every other game I've played that downloads a cloud save, there was no download progress bar at the game's startup. It just quickly seems to download the cloud save super fast in the background, so you don't even notice. Was kinda worried the whole time this might mean something was wrong, especially after seeing a few comments saying they had to play offline most of the game, but it all worked fine. I never quit to menu when I wanted to make a new cloud save, I just dashboarded and quit the game.

This was a great game.
By EarthboundX on 23 Apr 2024 04:51
The cloud save is not so reliable if you're always online.

E.g. I'm playing The Quarry and after some minutes of playing my save was updated to the cloud, therefore thr offline method is good for short and dangerous sessions where it's possible to die.
By FireJunAle on 23 Apr 2024 08:45
Only game I ever had the usual method not work well so far in was Mirror's Edge Catalyst, that game seemed to upload the cloud save every minute or so, maybe even every autosave. Every other game I've tried this method with seemed to upload every 15-30 minutes.
By EarthboundX on 23 Apr 2024 09:30
back to main menu will void?
By LikingMallard44 on 02 Jun 2024 13:06
Really not a fan of cheating for these kinds of achievements. Is it possible to do on easy or something? Or is this the only realistic way to obtain it?
By Nave Sutlef on 02 Jun 2024 15:54
^Then git gud and do it "legit" by your definition. OR treat it like just a game which is what it is and just do it, up to you.
By Angels Kill Too on 02 Jun 2024 19:09
@nave: i find these achievements very stressful, if I can cheese them then it's a no loss for me.

By FireJunAle on 02 Jun 2024 19:16
@nave Not really. There's no difficulty or relevant accessibility options here. You either have to do it the "intended" way - i.e. learning the game well plus perfecting all the boss fights and probably getting lucky a number of times, or you use this method to at least give yourself a bit of leeway.
By Catatonic Nali on 02 Jun 2024 21:39
Didn't get this achievement I must of messed it up & forgot to delete my save at some point. This achievement ruins the game like it did with Limbo.
By A Jedi Knight on 04 Jun 2024 18:53
So why doesn't the uploader of this have the achievement?
By Angels Kill Too on 05 Jun 2024 14:34
That seems to have been bug on TA for a while now, where sometimes guides show the achievements for the writers as locked even if they have them.

In fact, if you look at the tracked gamers for this achievement, Clad master is literally the first person on TA to pop this, lol.
By EarthboundX on 05 Jun 2024 20:05
This is the most annoying achievement of this game
I highly recommend to take care when quitting to the menu, when you want to create a new cloud save... don't quit while it is saving (the pink flower on the bottom right)... it might erase you save altogether (This seems to be rare, however happened to me).

I like the game very much, but playing again for this achievement is not very enjoyable, imho...
Of course, my experience was also worsened because for some reason my save file got completely deleted, after the first few tries without the cloud saving "trick", so I HAD to look at every single cut scene again x_X

I highly recommend to get this achievement as the last one and actually enjoy the game at a leisurely pace!
By FCO Russe on 08 Jun 2024 17:10
There is a way to verify that you haven't voided the achievement on PC only. Open your PC save file location in C:\%LocalAppData%\Packages\MergeGamesLimited.BrambleTheMountainKing_j1rzjmssdh5zy\SystemAppData\wgs\...(navigate to the file with numbers/letters and no extension, like CD453424C3BA49E488230681EBEC71E0). Open the file in a notepad/editor.

I diff checked a save file with death and without death. The difference is that the file without death has the following string:


Even if you play on Xbox, because the game is play anywhere, you can install on PC, cloud restore, and you can verify.

I haven't unlocked the achievement myself yet, but using this method to verify I haven't voided it on my second playthrough. Hopefully it pops at the end.
By star21player on 10 Jun 2024 05:28
@star21player I diff checked a save file with death and without death. The difference is that the file without death has the following string:


Even if you play on Xbox, because the game is play anywhere, you can install on PC, cloud restore, and you can verify.
I just started my first playthrough and haven't died yet, but the file doesn't have ironman in its name, so not sure if this is always the case.
By N1sso on 12 Jun 2024 19:37
I highly suggest attempting the cloud save trick while being offline or do this on PC. My first playthrough was ruined and I have always deleted my save from the console after a death and never quit. It is very likely that the game still syncs save every few minutes if this occurs during a death you have to restart.
By Ink Splitters on 13 Jun 2024 00:05
I can confirm that as long as the "Ironman_..." is inside the file contents in the Achievements section, you will get the achievement at the end. If you don't have it, then you have voided the achievement.
By star21player on 13 Jun 2024 03:12
After 3 runs I finally tried the offline thing mentioned; and it worked. It took a little longer and my xbox sometimes has a hard time reconnecting but at last this game is done... Great story/art but ruined by clunky platforming and too many open ended questions. The most memorable thing was that beautiful sad sounding song that played twice in the game. The creatures lore and backstory I found interesting, I don't know how the zombies fit in but it was a bit of a surprise lol. Thank you for the tips and the Offline trick was the way I unlocked it.
By Angels Kill Too on 13 Jun 2024 04:15
Yes, it's a shame that such a nice game would use the no death run...
Even Limbo did let you die no more than 5 times.

At least it's not like Little Nightmares, that was no death + speedrun...
By FireJunAle on 13 Jun 2024 06:06
tfw the cloud save trick didnt work so just wasted times making saves and resetting deaths for no reason :/
By HoxB on 13 Jun 2024 17:07
i messed up and didnt get it
i accidently closed out when i meant to delete the local save
i noticed something
the save size increases when you've died and its saved
think i finished the game at a 2.8
and i remember them being like 2.7 for a long time and even 2.6
dont remember what they are at the start with no deaths though
By OhhJustBQ on 14 Jun 2024 04:48
Better do 2 runs: a speedrun takes 2h (skip cutscenes with B) and it's faster/fun than reloading 100+ times while learning boss patterns
By benveg on 14 Jun 2024 08:30
when you say "close the game to make a backup save," do you mean just quit to the main menu or dashboard quit the game entirely?
By FruitofPassion on 14 Jul 2023 05:27
I think the offline trick definitely sounds safer

I just played the whole game using the cloud trick

BUT because I'm an idiot the last boss of the game
The very last second I had one flower to hit

I missed the flower and died and then I completely messed up

I hit quit instead of manage game and add ons the last few minutes of the game
😢 😭

Edit:I just did a second playthrough took approximately 4 hours using the cloud trick and

I got it i managed to get this last achievement
By lucylu1983 on 19 Jul 2023 00:05
Maybe I also shouldn't risk just quitting/dashboarding the game when I know I'm about to die from a fall? I would normally pause when I could see myself miss a jump and quit, rather than deleting the local save as I thought the death wouldn't actually be registered.
By gobey17 on 17 Aug 2023 20:26
I wouldn't risk that gobey17. I've noticed the game saves pretty darn quickly when it sees you die. It's as if the devs knew people would do that. Better to just save frequently and lose some progress. Annoying as hell, but still faster than starting over completely.
By FruitofPassion on 18 Aug 2023 00:35
Do it perfectly with the cloud trick but didn’t pop . Trash achievement. Maybe they trigger the save when the controller disconnect? I’m sure evry time I died I delete local save and load , but nothing
By JokerStayNyt on 11 Sep 2023 23:39
I had a power flicker shut down my Xbox during the Skosgra fight. When I reloaded I was at a checkpoint in the middle of the fight. I was worried that using the checkpoint in the battle would count against me, but I trudged on and still got the achievement at the end of the game. Not sure if it was a fluke, but if you're using the offline method to force-sync and reload checkpoints this might help with the longer multipart bosses.
By Adayin on 22 Sep 2023 20:55
I can confirm this works perfectly, IF you follow the instructions correctly. Make sure you understand how it works before you start, and while going for it, don't do anything in the menu on autopilot. When you call up the game menu, think before you act, every time, no matter how frustrated you get.

The other piece of advice I would offer is this: rather than trying to anticipate the hard parts and creating a cloud backup ahead of them, instead think in terms of creating a backup AFTER you complete any section you wouldn't want to have to do over. You'll end up doing it more, but you'll spend less time overall as you're locking in your progress every time you do it, and you won't end up having to repeat one of the safe but looong setpiece sections because you missed an easy jump in a later section where you weren't expecting trouble.
By Sky Pony on 29 Sep 2023 05:10
Oh my god, thank the maker, it actually unlocked after my 4th attempt! idk what was different from all the other times I did but I just made sure to stay offline for bits I might die, like the boss battles, and came online only to make a save (which I would quit out to keep then start back up to continue where I was).

Never want to touch this game again in my life now! Shame this achievement spoilt the experience as otherwise it was a decent enough. But thanks for everyone comments and help!
By gobey17 on 07 Oct 2023 17:21
@HerrKatzchen..... Not sure if you know this, but are you talking about the part when the king slams his scepter/mace, and the stalagtites fall, then does his power kill blast thingy?

Because you know you can use those stalagtites for cover, right? lmao
Posted by DK1MonkeyMan on 09 Jan 2024 at 16:02

I only learnt this last night by accident - died about a million times before that
By k0pp0 on 11 Jan 2024 11:09
I only learnt this last night by accident - died about a million times before that
Oh, well, you can hide behind a stalagtite after the first one falls and the others won't harm you either. Two can't fall in the same/near the same spot

Anyway, this achievement is more annoying the difficult really. It doesn't take that long to get. I did it in about 5 tries...really, it should have been done in 2 tries...but I kept on messing up the "save/load" steps because I was too frustrated when I died and didn't pay attention. If you follow the "quit" steps to save, and then "manage game" steps to load when you die, then you'll be fine like I was to get this achievement. The game is not that difficult, except for the movements and targeting. I died because I missed my target when firing too often.

Oh, and really the only other thing more annoying that this achievement was those frakkin gnoes. My gawd their voices were terrible! I wanted to let them all die I hated them so much. I NEVER thought I could hate something more than the Ewoks until these gnomes!
By DK1MonkeyMan on 11 Jan 2024 17:01
To make this extra clear for everyone who want to use the offline cloud-save trick:

1 - Start up the game, select new game. Go to the Xbox settings and go offline.
2 - If you die (while offline): Hit the Xbox button, hit start while hovering over the game, select "Manage game and add-ons" and then "Saved data", delete all saves. This will not delete the cloud save since you're offline.
3 - Deleting all saves will close the game. While on the dashboard, go online in the Xbox settings and boot up the game. This will sync your last cloud save and you can keep playing from wherever your last cloud save was. Pause and go offline again when you've loaded into the game and keep playing.
4 - If you get far enough and want to create a new cloud save from where you can reset in case of death: (While offline, of course) Hit the Xbox button, hover over the game, and close it. Go online in the Xbox settings while still on the dashboard, boot up the game, hit continue. This will sync your cloud save with your local save. Go offline again and keep playing. Repeat the process if you want to create a new cloud save. This works between phases of bosses.
5 - When you take control of Lillemor at the very end of the game, go to the Xbox settings and go online. The achievement will pop during the cutscene when Olle pops up outside the window.

I suggest creating a new cloud save fairly frequently, especially after long "boring" parts so you don't have to redo the longer walking sections. It only takes two minutes or so and will save you a lot of time and frustration.

Since this is all offline, there's no reason to try to be fast while navigating the Xbox menus. I always took it very slow and thought everything through when I was syncing/reloading a save.
I just want to echo that @JeppeBoy95's solution does work and is what helped me finally pop this achievement on my third playthrough. Just dashboarding and deleting the local save wasn't enough, I had to be offline. Once you get the rhythm down, it's not too bad. You can also hold B to skip most cutscenes. Good luck everyone!
By stephmuffin on 07 Jun 2024 08:50
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Here's how I used cloud save to get this achievement (in the first guide, many people didn't understand what to do in the comments -
Solution for Survivor In Bramble: The Mountain King).

Step-by-step instruction:

1. After starting, we turn off the game.
2. Go to the system settings to disconnect the console from the Internet.
3. Open the game and go through it.
4. If you have passed a lot without death and are afraid for your progress, then turn off the game again, go to the settings to connect to the network.
5. We return to the game, exit the menu, then open the dashboard and close the game (the save is in the cloud).
6. Now we start the game again and do the above points in order to continue playing further.

When you die, in no case DO NOT CLOSE THE GAME, as there will be an autosave that cannot be deleted in any way and all progress will be broken !!!

At death, we perform the following steps:

1. Minimize the game.
2. Go to "Manage the game and add-ons" -> "Saved data" -> "Delete everything". The game will automatically close!
3. We connect the console to the network and start the game.
4. The save from the cloud that you made earlier is pulled up.
5. Minimize the game again and disconnect the console from the network and play on.
6. As soon as you pass a difficult section, re-save, as I wrote above.

Remember that reloading a level will also ruin your achievement!

I agree that this all looks tricky and a little confusing, but I tried to describe my experience of obtaining this achievement.

Thank you for your attention and enjoy the game!

p.s. developers urgently need to change the approach to obtaining this achievement - this breaks the game process as such.

16 Jul 2023 19:22

Wouldn't you go back to 0 if you were to "delete everything". Wasn't it local only so you can get your old save from the cloud?
By Tuschi on 27 Aug 2023 13:09
That's why I disconnected from the Internet so that I couldn't go back to 0.
After that, turn on the Internet again to download the last save from the cloud
By RustamZeynalov on 28 Aug 2023 19:19
The hardest trophy of the game. To get this one, you must complete a full 3 hours playthrough without dying AND/OR RELOAD a checkpoint. 

The hardest part of this trophy, are the boss fights: they're hard, long and must be completed flawless, because remember? 1 hit, you're dead. Platform sections are quite doable after a full run but for the bosses, it's different. There are 2 ways to earn this hard trophy:
  • ​​​​​Hard way: practice, practice, practice, practice... fight each boss until you feel confident that you can kill them without being hit. This is the hardest and longest way to get the trophy and personally, i don't reccomend it. The more you proceed in the game, the higher will be the stress, so you will reach the final boss with too much tension and this is what can kill you in that moment, despite all the hours you spended on how to learn every possible situation. 
  • Easy way: luckily, the developers gived us the option to exit the game. This means that we can back-up our savefile! Do yourself a favour and if you don't have it, buy yourself a month of the cheaper PS+ option. If you're playing on Ps4, you can use the USB stick instead, but i reccomend to use the cloud also for Ps4, as it's faster. Once you will be able to back-up the file, do it everytime you reach a dangerous area. The procedure will be:
    • Exit the game
    • Go to the save files menu on Ps4 or Ps5
    • Move the save on the cloud
    • Continue with the game
    • In case of a death, exit the game
    • Open the cloud
    • Move the save from the cloud to the hard disk of the consolle.
This way, you will be able to complete the game without dying once with not stress. The only price to pay, is that you have to repeat the procedure many time in some parts but it's better than play 3 hours and die before the last hit to the last boss.

As i wrote on the roadmap, you can do one platinum playthrough mixing this trophy with all the others. I don't recommend it, unless you have already completed the game once in other consoles. If you want to do a single playthrough, i will put here a video by TheWelshHunter with timestamps for each trophy:

I myself determined the points of no return for myself.
15-20 minutes passed without dying, you exit to the main menu, then exit the game. (The save is thrown into the cloud)
And with this tactic until the very end.
If you die, you INSTANTLY press the Xbox button, then home page, then delete the save file. After this your game crashes. Let's go into the game and you must start from the point of no return, as I mentioned above.


15 Nov 2023 08:41

This is done through manual saving to the cloud. Completed a difficult section of the game without dying - save. If you die, return your save and continue throughout the game.
Play only through Continue. No restarts of levels or checkpoints, otherwise you won’t get the trophy.

06 May 2023 18:46

1 Comment
For those who do not have the opportunity to use the cloud to manipulate saves, then you have only one option for getting this trophy (and platinum in general) - this is to play the PS4 version, and turn the trick with the save by copying it to a flash drive... The scheme is simple. : you gamble until a difficult moment, exit the game, copy the save to the flash drive, return to the game, and if you die, then exit the game, delete the save from the console, and immediately copy the save from the flash drive to the console, and continue to gamble... And so on to end.
By Psychopand on 12 Jan 2024 23:37