Brave Guardians
29 Achievements
93,000 XP
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Brave Guardians achievements progress.
Call all early waves in a stage
Upgrade all guardians to level 3
Get 50000 crystals
Ultra Rare
5,000 XP
Upgrade all guardians up to max level
Complete all lava stages with 3 stars
Ultra Rare
4,500 XP
Finish all stages in Guardian mode
Ultra Rare
5,000 XP
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Ultra Rare
2,000 XP
Complete all forest stages with 3 stars
Complete all winter stages with 3 stars
Spend 60 hours playing the game
Finish all stages in Campaign mode
Spend some real money.
Ultra Rare
5,000 XP
Complete all desert stages with 3 stars
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Call 10 early waves in a stage