

9 Achievements

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Chicken dielectric

Chicken dielectric

An immortal Chicken on a stick makes an excellent dielectric. We do not recommend trying this in real life, unless you have an immortal chicken and an immortal you.

How to unlock the Chicken dielectric achievement in Breathedge - Definitive Guide

This one is really simple. All you have to do is use the immortal chicken on 3 sparking wires.

There is a wreck with 3 of these sparks behind the shuttle where you start the game. Head toward a spark and simply hold cn_A.

06 Apr 2021 22:39

Grâce au fidèle poulet qui vous accompagne au cours du périple de Breathedge, vous allez pouvoir débloquer le Succès/Trophée "Poulet Diélectrique". Pour ce faire, il vous suffit d'interagir avec 3 arcs électriques que vous trouvez un peu partout, afin que vous utilisiez votre volatile dessus et ainsi arrêtiez l'électricité qu'ils produisent.

Thanks to the faithful chicken that accompanies you on your journey in Breathedge, you will be able to unlock the "Chicken Dielectric" Achievement/Trophy. To do so, you just have to interact with 3 electric arcs that you find everywhere, so that you use your bird on them and stop the electricity they produce.


25 Oct 2021 00:00

You always have your grandfather's immortal chicken with you; it has a lot of different uses, but the main thing is the ability to neutralize open power sources. At the very beginning of the game, behind the shuttle there is a place with three such sources. Defuse them with chicken and the trophy is yours.

08 Apr 2021 15:47