Broken Age

Broken Age

45 Achievements


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Are You Trying to Get Rid of Me?

Are You Trying to Get Rid of Me?

Find 30 unique reactions to the Spoon


How to unlock the Are You Trying to Get Rid of Me? achievement in Broken Age - Definitive Guide

This is a long process achievement as Shay (the male protagonist) has to use his spoon on various objects available in act 1 and act 2. There are 34 reactions in total and you only need 30. Nevertheless, it is easily missed. If you can do manual save after you got new interaction, that might reduce the chance of missing this in case you need to load to previous "Save" but do not do the interaction again (thinking you already did it).

Act 1:
- Use the Spoon on Shay himself (1).
- Use the Spoon on the Sleeping Bridge Man (2).
- Use the Spoon on Shay's Bed (3).
- use the Spoon on the Omicron Inhibitor (4).
- Use the Spoon on the Knife (5).
- Use the Spoon on the Whipped Cream Gun (6) that is spouting cream on the right side of the room. Do this before you pick it up.
- Use the Spoon on the Control Hatch (7).

Act 2:
- Use the Spoon on Shay's Dad (8)
- Use the Spoon on the destroyed spaceship (9) [this one is easily missed as the ship will fly away]
- Use the Spoon on the Mayor (10),
- Use the Spoon on C'rol (11) - The lady doing the fishing
- Use the Spoon on the bowl of Chum (12) - spoiled fish puddle on the beach.
- Use the Spoon on the Broken Hexipal (13) [via your inventory]
- Use the Spoon on Alex (14) - the bald guy with his own spaceship
- Use the Spoon on the Charging Station (15) the same room with Alex
- Use the Spoon on the Schematic (16) [via your inventory]
- use the Spoon on the Snake (17)
- Use the Spoon on Curtis (18) - the woodworker
- Use the Spoon on F'ther (19) - the big guy on the cloud
- Use the Spoon on Shay's Dad (20) - you get different interaction when he is standing near the spoiled fish
- Use the Spoon the bowl of Chum (21) - you get different interaction this time
- Use the Spoon on the Flute (22).
- Use the Spoon on the Talking Tree (23).
- Use the Spoon on Rocky and M'ggie (24). The young girls selling Cupcake on the cloud
- Use the Spoon on the Cupcake (25).
- Use the Spoon on Vella's Dad (26). You will meet them inside Alex's spaceship
- Use the Spoon on Grandpa Beastender (27). He is on the cloud teaching a young boy how to fight
- Use the spoon on the Cane (28). [via your inventory, you get it from Grandpa]
- Use the Spoon on Jessie the bird (29). the blue bird protecting its egg
- Use the Spoon on the Peach (30).
- Use the Spoon on the Dead Eye God's Bodyguards (31).
- Use the Spoon on the Eggshells (32). the eggshell will later drop below the blue bird named Jessie.
- Use the Spoon on Vella's Mom (33).
- use the Spoon on the Wire (34). You get this wire from C'rol who likes fishing on the beach

(Credit to punkyliar, the owner of the walkthrough on this site)

19 Oct 2022 03:20

Do not press B to skip the dialog after using the spoon on something. Didn't unlock the first time through the game when I was skipping everything.
By rekikire on 18 Dec 2022 04:48
Did them all in one session and didn't skip any of the dialogues and it still didn't pop until the 32nd one. Definitely glitchy!
By CheshireMulisha on 08 May 2023 16:22
You get a unique reaction from the spoon if you use it on the Hexipal in your inventory after he's been rewired, but I already had the achievement so I don't know if that one counts or not.
By rholliday on 08 Mar 2024 22:29
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Shay Act 1 and Act 2

This trophy is missable. You need to use the Spoon on 30 objects/persons and hear the Spoon give 30 different reactions to these objects/persons. You get the Spoon at the very start of Act 1 and there are 34 different reactions that you can hear. These are the objects that trigger them:

Objects that can be triggered at any time
1) Shay - "As you command sir, but I'm up for anything."

Act 1

Runaway Train Mission
2) Sleeping Bridge Man - "I'm happy to volunteer for that suicide mission sir, but I think if you just shout at the bridge man, he'll lower or raise that bridge."

Shay's Room
3) Shay's Bed - "I'm spit-shined and ready for action, sir."

Marek's Hub
4) Inhibitor - "Shut up whom?"

5) Knife - "Please sir, we don't work well together."

Avalanche Room
6) Whipped Cream Gun before you pick it up - "Everything's more sanitary with a spoon."

7) Boom Arm Control Hatch - "Well! Well at least now I finally know what your problem is with me. I'm too fat! Fine! You know what? You're right."

Act 2

Crash Site
8) Shay's Dad before talking to Alex - "Yes, in my heart I am!"
9) Destroyed spaceship - "If this strange new world has food to eat then I will serve it to you Commander."

Shellmound at any time
10) Car'l - "I hope you're kidding sir."
11) Broken Hexipal - "I think he needs a recharging sir."
12) Choking Mayor - "Sir, you are more likely to force the object further down his throat if you attempt that. I recommend a sudden constricting pressure to the abdomen instead. Trust me. Choking prevention is my business."

Shellmound before talking to Alex
13) Chum before talking to Alex - "Sir, I hope you sent me into that foul gumbo to collect facts about its chemical composition and not because you intend to eat it. It's well past its prime, you see."

Alex's Ship
14) Alex - "It's a wonder you didn't die of malnutrition."
15) Charging Station - "No sir. I believe that's an old-fashioned charging station."
16) Schematic - "It's inedible."

Shellmound after talking to Alex
17) Chum before talking to Shay's Dad - "Not to question the mission, sir, but was there a reason you stuck me in that toxic potion?"
18) Shay's Dad - "I agree. In survival situations, it's often how we stick to our laws that defines our humanity and ensures our survival."
19) Wire - "Ha ha please sir! ...Why? Am I acting funny?"
20) Flute - "I'm always ready for play in the key of E, A and T."

21) Talking Tree - "Impossible sir. You know I've been developed with unchokeable technology."
22) Snake in Shay's inventory - "If you stuck me in that snake's mouth, I'll definitely tell you what's wrong... with you, sir!"

Curtis' House
23) Curtis after he has revealed the cat mold - "Sir, are you trying to get rid of me?"

Meriloft Entrance
24) F'Ther after climbing the ladder to Brother Lightbeard's cloud - "Only by making sure he's started his day with a nutritious breakfast sir."

Giant Fruit Tree
25) Dead Eye God's Bodyguards - "You could certainly do worse."
26) Fruit - "Oh sir, I wouldn't eat it. I mean, how can you trust food that doesn't come from a Replicator. Besides, I'm sensing a strong acid content."

Meriloft Centre
27) Vella's Dad - "Oh! Did you hear that loyalty. I think I'm going to cry."
28) Jessie - "Yes commander, but only small ones I'm afraid."
29) Eggshells - "Well, I wouldn't recommend eating them sir. They are comprised primarily of calcium carbonate, which has little or no nutrient value."

Nesting Grounds
30) Rocky and M'ggie - "Sir!"
31) Grandpa Beastender - "I bet they did and you just never listened!"
32) Cupcake - "Sir, even I, who believes spoons can do anything, wonders what kind of monster eats a cupcake with a spoon."
33) Cane - "Sorry sir, nothing left."

Meriloft's Maidens Feast Area
34) Vella's Mom after requesting a Radiation Suit - "Everybody does eventually."

As a sidenote, if you select the Spoon before clicking on a random area, rather than a specific object or person, the Spoon will respond with "Always, sir." I don't believe that this counts for the total, but if people find that it does count then I will add it in to the list.

15 Jun 2015 01:16

Missable and GLITCHED

This is a very missable trophy and needs to be started in Shay Act 1 but will not be completed until Act 2. To get this you need to use Spoon on pretty much everything you can to get 30 different reactions. This trophy seems a little bit glitchy were certain things don't count.

I used a list that was posted here by DEFALT that has 31 lines of dialogue but the trophy didn't pop for me until I used it on another few things.

Warning: The Following List Contains Spoilers!

~ Act 1 ~

1. I'm Up For Anything (Use The Spoon on Shay)

2. Suicide Mission (Use The Spoon on Bridge Man)

3. Spit-Shined and Ready (Use The Spoon on Shay's Bed)

4. Shut Up Whom? (Use The Spoon on The Inhibitor) (Credit to Bucket for pointing out the wrong item name)

5. We Don't Work Well Together (Use The Spoon on The Knife)

6. Everything's More Sanitary With A Spoon! (Use The Spoon on The Whipped Cream Gun BEFORE Taking it)

7. Too Fat (Use The Spoon on The Lock That You Have To Use The Knife on)

8. Always, Sir! (Use The Spoon on Itself) (Credits go to Leonheart_88)

~ Act 2 ~

9. In My Heart I Am! (Use The Spoon on Your Dad After Getting Up)

10. I Shall Still.. (Use The Spoon on The Destroyed Mog Chothra)

11. I Hope You're Kidding. (Use The Spoon on Car'l)

12. Past It's Prime (Use The Spoon on The Chum BEFORE Visiting Alex)

13. Force Object Down (Use The Spoon on The Choking Mayor)

14. Needs Recharging (Use The Spoon on The Broken Hexipal After Picking it Up)

15. It's A Wonder (Use The Spoon on Alex)

16. Old Fashioned Charging (Use The Spoon on The Charging Station)

17. Survival (Use The Spoon on Dad When He's Standing Next To The Chum)

18. Unchokable (Use The Spoon on The Talking Tree)

19. What's Wrong With You! (Use The Spoon on The Snake After Picking it Up)

20. Are You Trying To Get Rid Of Me? (Use The Spoon on Curtis After He Reveals The Cat Mold)

21. Started His Day (Use The Spoon on F'Ther After Climbing on Lightbeard's Ladder)

22. Loyalty (Use The Spoon on Vella's Dad)

23. Only Small Ones! (Use The Spoon on Jessie)

24. You Could Do Worse! (Use The Spoon On The Dead Eye God's 'Bodyguards')

25. Inedible (Use The Spoon on The Schematic Alex Gives You)

26. From A Replicator (Use The Spoon On A Piece Of Fruit After Picking it Up)

27. Sir! (Use The Spoon on Rocky and M'ggie)

28. Never Listened (Use The Spoon on Vella's Grandfather)

29. Wouldn't Recommend Eating it. (Use The Spoon on The Eggshells)

30. What Kind Of Monster... (Use The Spoon on The Cupcake After You Buy It)

31. Nothing Left (Use The Spoon on Vella's Grandfather's Cane)

I also had to use it on 32. The whistle/ocarina thing that you get from Marshall Dune and 33. Twyla and Veela's Mother.

Credit to DEFALT for the list of dialogue.


Shay - Act One and Act Two

As with Gary Has His Reasons (25G), you get the spoon after breakfast. From then on you can use the spoon on the interactable objects in each scene as well as your inventory items.

Note that the achievement description says 30 but you could end up needing to carry on after 30.
The trophy is easy to miss.
During acts 1 and 2 of the game, you need to poke a spoon at various objects in the environment and in your inventory. After each over-poke, the spoon will say a phrase. Below is a list of items by act.

Act 1
1. Shay
2. Bridge man in the mission with the train
3. Empty Bed Neck
4. Inhibitor, or simply headphones for turning off the ship’s shields (in inventory)
5. Knife
6. Pastry syringe before or after taking it.
7. A hatch in space, which is needed to control the claws BEFORE using a knife on it
8. On the spoon itself

Act 2
9. Father Shay immediately after meeting him
10. Destroyed ship Sheya before it flies away
11. C'rol
12. A large cauldron with an unknown brew BEFORE going to Alex
13. Choking Mayor
14. Broken Hexipel, after it is picked up in inventory
15. Alex
16. Hexipel charging station
17. Father Sheya, when he cooks paste to repair the ship
18. Talking tree
19. To the snake after Shay picks it up in inventory
20. Curtis after he shows the mold for casting Cats
21. F'ther after he builds a ladder for Lightbird
22. Vella's father
23. Jessie - a giant bluebird with an egg - BEFORE the egg is broken
24. Guardians of DeadEye God (Dead-Eyed God?) standing by the tree
25. Blue drawing that Alex will give
26. Fruit, after it has been picked
27. Rocky and M'gee
28. Vella's grandfather
29. Egg shell (in inventory)
30. Cupcake bought from children
31. Grandfather’s cane, after he gives it for recharging
32. Vella’s mother after a short conversation with her and the Bride sewing outfits.

17 May 2015 14:18

1 Comment
To achieve this you need 30 spoon reactions, so if you missed 1-2 and getting there again is a lot of tedious time, then you don’t have to worry about them. I received the trophy before interacting with my grandfather’s shell and stick.
By SandyCake on 30 Oct 2015 04:05