

83 Achievements



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Get 5 turrets on the map simultaneously



How to unlock the Builder achievement in Brotato - Definitive Guide

Turrets can be purchased from the shop in game for materials they will appear in the shop as a turret to buy or can come with an item that can proc a turret spawn (Upon tree kill spawn a turret), simply have 5 of these on your map at once and the achievement will be yours. This achievement unlocks the Engineer class

Edit: Pocket factory (Turrets spawn from killing trees) DOES NOT count towards the cheevo therefore you need to purchase 5 different turrets from the store

30 Jan 2024 04:31

But for me, the turrets spawned from trees by the pocket factory item didn't count.
Had 10 of them on screen but no achievement.
But as soon I had 5 turrets in my inventory it immediately popped at the start of the next round. It also does not have to be 5 of the same turrets. It popped with 4 turrets + 1 incendiary turret for me.
Maybe you could add this to the solution just to clarify.
By Stoned x HD on 30 Jan 2024 11:29
ah thank you very much
By TTV Aerico34 on 30 Jan 2024 11:32
Despite the description, the achievement isn't ONLY for actual turrets - it also applies to (at least some) other permanent structures as well. I got the achievement with no "turrets", but five gardens, all of which were created by the Pruner weapon, which creates a food-spawning garden on the map.

I was using the Pacifist class (unlocked by collecting 10000 materials, which will come naturally over a few runs), and I'd recommend that for this achievement - the Pruner is a starter weapon option for that class, and once you've got a weapon, additional copies of that weapon appear more frequently in the shop. After you equip a fifth Pruner, the achievement should pop at the beginning of the next round. I didn't specifically note which round I got the achievement on, but I believe I had it by round 10 or 11.

Because I got the achievement with five gardens, I can't confirm with certainty whether multiple structure types work (for example, three gardens, a Tyler, and a Medical Turret), although my assumption is that they would.

31 Jan 2024 21:30

This achievement is worded strangely, because what it actually requires you to do is buy five turrets from the shop. The turrets that spawn from trees if you have Pocket Factory do NOT count towards this achievement. I had easily ten turrets on the map and was wondering why this wasn't unlocking. You need to buy five turrets from the shop, and they don't need to be different types of turrets (regular ones, fire, healing, etc.). You just need five total, so as long as you focus on this achievement during a run, get a little lucky, and use rerolls to get more turrets, that's all that's really needed. Once you buy five, during your next wave just wait a few seconds for all five turrets to spawn, and this achievement will unlock.