15 Achievements
Run the Table
Pocket 8 consecutive balls in 8 ball
How to unlock the Run the Table achievement in BRUNSWICK PRO BILLIARDS - Definitive Guide
Been asked by a few people how i did this...practice mode. You brake make only 1 ball on brake ,stick with that color solid or run the table,miss no shots,but also you can not make 2 balls on same shot. After knock in the 8 ball on your 8th shot the achievement will pop..hope this helps...
I can confirm you have to run 8 balls from the break. Keep in mind though if you pocket 2 or more balls of the same type (stripes for example) from the break you can still run 8 solid balls. Even less likely but possible if you sink 1 type (solid for example) and 2 or more of the other type (stripes) on the break you can still run the solid balls for 8 in a row.
By MrGompers on 28 Jan 2021 01:59
can u unlock tables by just playing online?
By on 08 Dec 2021 22:19