38 Achievements
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How to unlock the 救いの手 achievement in Bully - Definitive Guide
This is for completing 10 favours. These are the blue x's on your map. Here is a list of all errands in the game:
Bullworth Errands
Escort Algie: Near Algie’s locker in the second floor school hallway
Bog Roll: Boys’ restrooms, first floor of the school
Bog Roll 2: Boys’ restrooms, first floor of the school
Firecracker toilet: Outside first floor boys’ restroom in the school
Canning: Behind the main school building
Egg Girls’ Dorm: Outside boys’ dorm (NIGHT)
Egg Boys’ Dorm: Outside girls’ dorm (NIGHT)
Fire Alarm: First or second floor near the stairs
Locker Stuff Challenge: Near second floor hallway by principal’s office
Lock Picking Challenge: Near the stairs on the first floor
Secret Admirer: Second floor, between the office and art room
Secret Admirer 2: Ground floor of the school, near the English room
Take Me Home: School parking lot (NIGHT)
Blue Skies Errands
Cable Guy: Near the Spencer Shipping Warehouse
Egg Greasers: Near Spazz Industries
Rat Killer: Blue Skies Docks
Shipping & Receiving: Near townies’ hangout
Smash Up a Car: Near Wonder Meats (NIGHT)
Lost Cargo: Docks
Crazy Farm: Asylum front gates
Bullworth Town Errands0
Detective Jimmy: In front of City Hall
Prank Downtown: Alley south of the police station
Lost Jacket: Between movie theater and police station
Smoke Free: Gas station
Easy Drugs: Near Easy Drugs
Lost Dog: Near Mental Dental building
Lost Dog 2: Near old movie theatre
Recover Stolen Bikes: Shiny Bike Shop (NIGHT)
Strange Hobo: Near Easy Drugs and the comic shop
Old Bullworth Vale Errands
The Widow: Retirement Home
Great Escape: Retirement Home
Fast Food: Burger Joint
Crab Traps: Seafood restaurant
Tag Bullworth Vale Area: Bullworth Vale Gardens Park
Lost Bear: At the beach, near the gazebo
Shipwrecked: Big pier on the beach
Swim It: Lighthouse dock
Jumping Man: Vale beach on the big pier
Mailman: The Underdog: Between the shortcut house and the top of the residential house
Carnival Errand
Carnie photo: Near souvenir tent
New Coventry Errands
Smash Up a Car: Near the rail overpass and Yum Yum Market (NIGHT)
Girl Escort: Near alley by Slab O’ Meat and Yum Yum Market
Spazz Delivery: Spazz Warehouse
Tag Poor Area: Near the New Coventry underpass
The Cheat: Near the police station or The Final Cut barber
Tenement Fires: By the tenements (NIGHT)
Photo Taggers: Near bike garage and tenements
Rats Out: By the tenements
Egg Tenements: The Projects (NIGHT)
Homeless Help: Near the greasers’ hangout (NIGHT)
Bullworth Errands
Escort Algie: Near Algie’s locker in the second floor school hallway
Bog Roll: Boys’ restrooms, first floor of the school
Bog Roll 2: Boys’ restrooms, first floor of the school
Firecracker toilet: Outside first floor boys’ restroom in the school
Canning: Behind the main school building
Egg Girls’ Dorm: Outside boys’ dorm (NIGHT)
Egg Boys’ Dorm: Outside girls’ dorm (NIGHT)
Fire Alarm: First or second floor near the stairs
Locker Stuff Challenge: Near second floor hallway by principal’s office
Lock Picking Challenge: Near the stairs on the first floor
Secret Admirer: Second floor, between the office and art room
Secret Admirer 2: Ground floor of the school, near the English room
Take Me Home: School parking lot (NIGHT)
Blue Skies Errands
Cable Guy: Near the Spencer Shipping Warehouse
Egg Greasers: Near Spazz Industries
Rat Killer: Blue Skies Docks
Shipping & Receiving: Near townies’ hangout
Smash Up a Car: Near Wonder Meats (NIGHT)
Lost Cargo: Docks
Crazy Farm: Asylum front gates
Bullworth Town Errands0
Detective Jimmy: In front of City Hall
Prank Downtown: Alley south of the police station
Lost Jacket: Between movie theater and police station
Smoke Free: Gas station
Easy Drugs: Near Easy Drugs
Lost Dog: Near Mental Dental building
Lost Dog 2: Near old movie theatre
Recover Stolen Bikes: Shiny Bike Shop (NIGHT)
Strange Hobo: Near Easy Drugs and the comic shop
Old Bullworth Vale Errands
The Widow: Retirement Home
Great Escape: Retirement Home
Fast Food: Burger Joint
Crab Traps: Seafood restaurant
Tag Bullworth Vale Area: Bullworth Vale Gardens Park
Lost Bear: At the beach, near the gazebo
Shipwrecked: Big pier on the beach
Swim It: Lighthouse dock
Jumping Man: Vale beach on the big pier
Mailman: The Underdog: Between the shortcut house and the top of the residential house
Carnival Errand
Carnie photo: Near souvenir tent
New Coventry Errands
Smash Up a Car: Near the rail overpass and Yum Yum Market (NIGHT)
Girl Escort: Near alley by Slab O’ Meat and Yum Yum Market
Spazz Delivery: Spazz Warehouse
Tag Poor Area: Near the New Coventry underpass
The Cheat: Near the police station or The Final Cut barber
Tenement Fires: By the tenements (NIGHT)
Photo Taggers: Near bike garage and tenements
Rats Out: By the tenements
Egg Tenements: The Projects (NIGHT)
Homeless Help: Near the greasers’ hangout (NIGHT)