Cabelas Safari
30 Achievements
Xbox 360
Spur Winged Goose Perfect Wing
5 Spur Winged Geese were hunted in Safari Hunt without missing a shot.
How to unlock the Spur Winged Goose Perfect Wing achievement in Cabelas Safari - Definitive Guide
Careful! The description for this achievement is not totally correct. You've got to take 5 without missing a shot but with exactly 5 shots. It's rather easy to shoot 2 at the same time (even on expert) but then you finish with 4 shots taken and the achievement doesn't pop up.
Not true. Just took 4 shots, killed 5 birds and it popped. You have to be on foot. Not in a boat.
By HamletBacon on 08 Jul 2015 01:16
Can confirm with Blisle83 - you don't need to shoot 5 times. I just got this killing 5 Spur Winged Geese in 3 shots. Done in expert using custom shotgun.
By planchetflaw on 31 Jul 2019 20:37