Call of Cthulhu

Call of Cthulhu

49 Achievements


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Nameless Cults

Nameless Cults

Refuse to take part in the ritual


How to unlock the Nameless Cults achievement in Call of Cthulhu - Definitive Guide

EDIT : I invite you to look the comments of Jotuns360Tag and Funky Monkee just below for an access to all the ends in one time.

This is what I did to get it.
- I began with all the points in Occultism
- I never drink ("More sober than Zadok Allen")
- I found the 12 occults items ("Strange secrets") -> Became master in Occultism.
- I accepted Drake's help ("Scholar of the unspeakable")
- I saved his ass ("Companion in arms")
- I read all the unholy books ("Complete revelation")
- I replied every time I could in R'lyehian ("Fluent in R’lyehian", I can choose that ending, reload and do the other.)
- In jail, I submitted to the Leviathan and I accepted the knowledge
- I killed Bradley
- During the visions, I refused to take the medicine, refused to eat the flesh but I killed the Dr.

At the end, kill yourself and pop :)

06 Nov 2018 12:35

Alright, I played this on PS4 rather than the XBOX, but still thought I'd add my choices. Seeing as I got access to all four on my second playthrough, and my choices were different from the ones stated..

- First of all, I put all points into 'Spot Hidden' on character creation
- I brought 'Spot Hidden' up to 100% as quickly as I could with earned character points
- I then brought Investigation up to 100% as soon as I could
- I divided the points after that equally across the remaining three categories

- Not only did I drink every time I could, but I exhausted the option to do so every time (3x)
- I think I found all the occult items

- I told Bradley to stay by the car
- I accepted Drake's help and saved him at the Shambler fight

- I interacted with all occult books, but refused to read them
- I started responding in R'lyehian as soon as I was given the option to do so

- I submitted to the Leviathan in jail and accepted the knowledge
- I killed Bradley
- I saved Mitchell and went back to check on Cat after

- I refused the medicine, the flesh and chose not to kill Fuller

- I chose prudence when it came to telling Irene about her husband but drove her to suicide for the trophies regardless
- I lied to Bradley about his ex, and gave him the R'lyehian response about faith after that

I did make some dumb calls that cost me some sanity along the way - like using the electricity to create a distraction, as well as investigate Sarah's ritual. But yeah, I had access to all four endings at the end, after choosing the final R'lyehian response.
By Jotuns360Tag on 03 Dec 2018 01:10
I did exactly what Jotuns360Tag described, with the exception of the jail cell. I struggled and refused the knowledge. However it still worked perfectly. Had all 4 options at the end.
By ThePaleHorseman on 02 Jan 2019 02:28
Works! Thx for the guide. Upvote!
By Mr Greneda on 10 Nov 2018 20:45
Interesting. I had the refusal option as well and I chose very differently.

I began with all my points in Spot Hidden.
I also never drank.
I also found the occult items.
I did not accept Drake's help.
I did not save him.
I did not read all the unholy books.
I did not reply a single time in R'lyehian.
I did not submit to Leviathan in jail.
I also killed Bradley.
I also refused the medicine, refused the flesh, but I choice not to kill the doctor.

Huh, I would love to know more about how the decisions influence your destiny.
By Ry Fryy on 11 Nov 2018 04:17
Yeah I would like too because I think juste one two choice really matters. That's why I gave all my choices because I don't wich one have consequences.
By Winters z99 on 17 Nov 2018 10:27
I did all on your list but didnt get the refusal option. I will try The other guys solution now. Good thing The game is short smile
By Good Old Nick on 17 Nov 2018 17:37
I followed Jotuns advice and I got all 4 endings in one go too. I didn't drink and I took Bradley to the mansion, other than that I followed it exactly. Cheers buddy
By Funky Monkee on 20 Dec 2018 17:11
Ok thanks for the advices ;)
By Winters z99 on 20 Dec 2018 19:05
Followed Wolf's and Ry Fry's steps to the letter and did not get the refuse option :( Jotun's solution was spot on, I got all 4 choices.clap
By Lyzyrd on 04 Apr 2019 18:13
I did exactly like in the solution, but I only got the first 2 options (ritual and counter ritual). This is my 3rd run and I'm pretty tired of the game already, so I hope Jotun's choices will lead me to my final achievement... I won't downvote since there is no official documentation, I'm only saying that there are almost certainly parameters affecting this ending that are not mentioned in the solution.
By Fuuldrin on 26 Feb 2020 21:37
I followed the ta guide but missed out on the fluent in R’lyehian and shared guilt achievements.
On my second play though I continued the same guide but made sure I completed the requirements for the 2 missing achievements as per their respective guides.
I missed the option about telling Bradley to wait by the car and obviously differed From the guide for the Irene path.
At the end I got all 4 endings to complete the game.
Good luck.
By Gouldy1972 on 06 Mar 2020 10:27
I just got all 4 endings using the same steps as Jotuns360Tag (rewritten under Playthrough 2 of the walkthrough). I believe the key to getting all four endings lies in not reading the occult books. I did a second play through to where I followed the steps put forth by Jotuns360Tag, except I did read the books and found all but one occult item. My third playthrough I did not drink or read the books, and I missed two occult items. Still managed to get all four endings.
By duckonabike on 06 Mar 2020 23:12
Is it possible to get all of the different endings in one playthrough? If not that sucks, no way I’m running through this game three more times.
By MrWhite2U on 08 Mar 2020 15:23
You can open up multiple endings in a single playthrough. After you beat the game, reload your save and choose a different final option.
By Vektor0 on 08 Mar 2020 16:33
Ry Fryy posting was less of a hassel and worked. Had 3 choices...2 of which I needed for this achievement and Farewell. You'll have to use "view all comments" to pull the guide up. Thx Ry Fryy!
By Oxmix on 20 Oct 2021 00:07
After three playthroughs, I can say with much more certainty that keeping your Sanity as high as possible is what makes the difference here. I also followed Jotun’s guide, but after comparing my third run to my previous playthroughs, Sanity was the major difference. I actively avoided reconstructing scenes not needed to progress the story, choosing not to read unholy books, refusing everything from the Leviathan in Ch 13, and ect as mentioned in previous comments above. I still was at the “Psychotic” level by the end of Ch 13, but many of the Sanity events had not been unlocked unlike my previous playthroughs.
By Not Exactlyy on 21 May 2023 06:37
Jotun's advice worked perfectly for my second playthrough, though I did have to do the Summon Cthulhu ending first just to make sure I got the Fluent in R'lyehian achievement as well.
By Boost17 on 22 Jan 2019 12:15
I had followed the TA walkthrough previously for the game and didn’t even get this ending option.

Thanks Jotuns360Tag this was a big help and worked perfectly for me, had all 4 endings, when I followed your tips.
By DJ RJester on 12 Mar 2019 21:34
So I finally managed to get achievement. And, in this play through I had all 4 options available to me.
I think "Complete the ritual" is always an option, "complete the counter ritual" requires drake to be alive and present, so I reckon you must accept his help and save him from being sucked into the painting to have this available. Not sure about "call it off."
But in my final play through, which unlocked all 4 options I drank at every opportunity (on 4 occasions, 3 drinks each time.) And received as little psychological trauma as possible. That means only taking on trauma essential to story progression and avoiding opening unholy books, not using the tunnel to get to the warehouse or doing optional reconstruction scenes. I don't think speaking R'lyehian was a factor as most of the time my SAN score was too high to be able to use the option. Neither do I think that the collection of occult items was a factor as I collected just as many on my last playthrough as I did on earlier ones that didn't unlock the 4th option
That's all that i think was relevant, but if anyone wants to cross reference with other people's experience I also did the following: collected as many occult items as I could find (but didn't open the books), left Bradley at the car, used the gas method to escape the asylum but didn't make a deal with the other inmate, decided on prudence for questioning irene but still drive her to suicide, spoke R'lyehian on the few occasions when it was available to me, didn't bother healing any of the patients, struggled against the leviathan (my SAN was too high to submit, but accepted the knowledge, refused the medicine, meat and gun.
By Legend for Hire on 30 May 2020 16:08
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During the final encounter of the game, choose "[Sacrifice oneself]." Make sure you follow the steps provided in Step 1 of the Road Map to have this as an option during the ending.



Depending on your choices through the game, you’ll have different choices of dialogues at the end of the game. To be able to refuse to take part in the ritual you’ll need to:

-Chapter 9 to 14: Always choose the R’leyhian dialogues
-Chapter 10: Submit and Accept the knowledge when talking to Leviathan
-Chapter 10: Save Drake during the Shambler battle
-Chapter 12: Kill Bradley
-Chapter 12: Give the first aid kit to Mitchell
-Chapter 13: Accept the gun during the visions with Fuller

Then in Chapter 14, choose to “Sacrifice yourself” to unlock this ending.

In order for the desired option to appear in the finale, you need to bring the main character’s level of madness to the maximum.

01 Nov 2018 20:16

It is best to add the highest level of the “Occultism” skill to the maximum level of madness (pump the maximum free character points (OP) into the skill at the start of the game).

In addition, getting both is easy to combine.
By Darth_Alex on 05 Nov 2018 21:40
It only worked for me when Drake was alive; without him, even with maximum psychosis, there was no ending
By DXtro on 10 Jan 2019 10:15
In my third playthrough to the final, all four ending options were available at once. Now I can’t say exactly what influenced this, but - “Investigation”, “Eloquence”, “Psychology” were pumped in to the maximum. I didn’t read occult books, I didn’t accept knowledge from Leviathan, I tried, if possible, to avoid those places where crazy knowledge could influence me (at the beginning I didn’t go through the tunnel and wherever possible I tried to avoid influences on my mind.)
Nevertheless, by the end he was still quite shaken (perhaps influenced by the inspection of the site of Sarah Hawkins’ ritual).
In general, it’s a little chaotic, but I think it might be useful to someone.
By hardboiled07 on 16 Nov 2018 14:54
Drake is not necessary at the end of the game in order to stay alive, when you refuse the help of the leviathan, the first time you will be able to refuse, and the second time when you sleep in the police station and the leviathan appears again, in any case you will accept his help, because the answers are drawn there hieroglyphs. I thought it was necessary to refuse in 2 cases, but it is enough in the first case. I can also add that I didn’t drink alcohol at all and used a cylinder with an audio recording in the Sanders’ house, also brought a first aid kit to Mitchell, and then examined Kat’s body. I upgraded occultism to the maximum from the start of the game, then as I progressed through eloquence, investigation and psychology
By CyborgEvgeha on 19 Mar 2023 08:24
I made a safe at the beginning of the tenth chapter and used it to enter the fourteenth chapter three times, the trophy did not fall out,
The following combination helped: 1) refused Leviothan's help, 2) shot Brad, 3) allowed Algernon to be dragged into the picture, 4) do not answer in hieroglyphs in dialogues, 5) refusal of treatment, 6) refusal of meat, 7) refusal of a pistol. Result: on the ledge they offered the choice to perform the ritual or sacrifice themselves. We select a bullet in the forehead and after the credits the trophy appears.
By Smith_of_good on 13 Jan 2019 21:24
There are many guides on the Internet for getting endings and they are often contradictory. I'm unlikely to make it any clearer, but I got this ending like this:
up to 10 ch.
during the passage, Irene remained alive (nervous breakdown?), read only two books with unholy knowledge, occult 75%, accepted offered help, did not drink, chose all available lines in R'lyeh, "participated" in all mystical scenes affecting the mind
from 10 ch.
-accepted the knowledge of Leviathan, obeyed him in every possible way (drank, ate, shot)
-killed Bradley
-conducted an investigation at Fitzroy
-saved Kat, but after that he found and examined Mitchell’s body (I don’t think it makes much difference who to save, the main thing is to find the deceased later)
- tweeted in R'lyeh
-looked at Leviathan at the whaling station
-in a conversation with Truth and Reality, chose Reality (is it enough to look in his direction?)
By lockmir on 18 May 2019 15:01
I don’t know how relevant the hint will be now, but this achievement is much easier to get than everyone writes here.
Conditions that are necessary: ​​cause the death of two people.
1) drive the widow Sanders to suicide (blame her husband for the death, listen to the audio recording with her, and then in the hospital, play as a girl doctor, look at her body on the bed and read the death certificate, where it will be said that she committed suicide with myself).
2) at the police station, when you have the choice to kill or not police officer Bradley, choose to shoot him.
3) in the chapter where you need to get to the whaling factory towards the end of the game and when you find Kat, who asks you for a first aid kit, find the first aid kit in the Hawkins barn. Then see for yourself - the bartender Mitchell is lying far away on the pier, I gave the first aid kit to him, then returned to Kat and looked at her body, after which in the final scene there was an opportunity to shoot myself in the head.
That's all I did. He didn’t download occultism, he didn’t make any madness worse for himself. I only had this trophy left and I just started the game again and just ran through it in 1.5-2 hours, fulfilling only the conditions specified above and got this achievement with the least amount of effort and time.
By Th0maS on 04 Dec 2023 00:15
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To get this ending you need to do the following:
1. Don't drink alcohol
2. Read all the wicked books (the first in Sanders' house, the second in the bookstore and the third in Fuller's office)
3. During dialogues, always choose the Rlieha language (when you get to the Hawkins house with Sarah, do not forget to talk to Bradley to unlock the answer in the Rlieha language, select the option to tell the truth)
4. Accept Leviathan's knowledge (before this, I chose to try to speak)
5. Accept Drake's help and save him from the tramp
6. When Bradley asks you to kill him, shoot him.
7. Give the first aid kit to Kat and don't forget to go to Mitchell's body on the pier
8. Take your medicine, but refuse to eat meat and don't carry a gun.

PS At the beginning of the game, I upgraded everything to Search.
Before going to the widow, I chose the "Tell the truth" option.
I tried to console the widow, then I blamed Fuller, and then I gave her the Sanders tape to listen to,
and drove away the tramp with a knife

04 Jan 2019 17:37

1 Comment
I made a save in Chapter 9, when you find yourself in an endlessly long hospital corridor.
Until this moment, I collected/read everything possible in the game and did not drink alcohol. Starting from the hospital corridor, I followed all the points described above, only I found Mitchell alive, but gave the first aid kit to Kat. After which he went to Mitchell’s corpse and clicked on “interaction”, listened to a short text and a notification appeared on the left that this would change fate (and he clicked 2 times and the message about the influence on fate came out both times). At the end of chapter 14, he looked towards the “protection of consciousness” (clone of the player dressed).
As a result, 3 endings were opened: Cthulhu/reverse ritual/self-sacrifice.
After that, I reloaded the save and quickly ran through the game from the corridor of the hospital without collecting anything/answering in the language of the ancients and did not save Drake. As a result, I opened the 4th ending with Sarah's farewell.
In all cases, occultism and medicine can be upgraded only with the help of game items, i.e. At the start of the game, when distributing points, I did not upgrade these skills.
By Bembik on 21 Mar 2021 07:39