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Veteran of Hill 400

Veteran of Hill 400

Finished Hill 400 mission on Veteran difficulty


How to unlock the Veteran of Hill 400 achievement in Call of Duty 2 - Definitive Guide

This level was one of the easier ones for me, so I’m not sure why everyone hates it so much... I will try to tell you what I did.

Three stages of this last level as I see it:
Sniping the Mortars
Defending the hill (halftracks and infantry)
Destroying the Tigers (with infantry!)

Hill 400 - Defending the top of the Hill
Sniping the mortars: (suggest: sniper rifle and Thompson)
Start in any bunker, I chose northern one because it was close to the main bunker, and slowly worked my way around the outside. "Oh, how enlightening!" you say. This seems like really obvious advice, but move slowly because all of your (really helpful) AI players follow you around, providing plenty of covering fire for the most part! I don't suggest using smoke grenades on this part as it can hamper your allies who are doing a rather good job at ganging up on any enemies trying to sneak up on you.
As I was going around, I did not worry about the mortars trying to hit me, as they really don't, as far as I can tell. Go for the closest one, not the one on the other side of the hill.
Be aware that some of the mortars are single guys, others are two. You have to take out both if there are two (when the star disappears, you have taken it out) (yea, another obvious comment, but I thought I would throw it out there).

Defending the hill (halftracks and infantry) (suggested: Thompson and panzerschreck)
For this part, it gives you a chance to reload on ammo etc etc etc, and for this I head to the 3 machine guns near the main bunker. I find the west-facing one the most useful (faces the side that the halftracks come up on). I find that my troops did quite a good job at defending my back when using this turret, allowing me to spray anyone coming from that side, and duck down when getting hurt. If the mounted gun is not working for you, just hide behind the crates it is mounted on and pop up using a Thompson.
When the halftracks start coming up the hill, you can try (if you want) to use the turret to spray the top of the gunner's head to kill him, or just wait till it stops and kill it with the panzershreck panzerschreck. Or both. Rinse and repeat.
If at any time during this section you keep getting killed from behind (or from anywhere really) you can just throw smoke grenades at your feet to keep everyone off of you.
The good part about this section is you get a LOT of checkpoints.

Destroying the Tigers (with infantry!) (Suggested: Thompson and BAR, or any other weapon really.)
As soon as the artillery barrage starts again, head to the NORTH bunker (the little dirt on with a roof near the side). The tanks will later come over the wall about 30 feet to the west of this bunker, and you will 'spawn camp' them as they come across. Just stay in your bunker, jumping out when those perfectly aimed grenades come in. You don’t really need to worry about guys too much; you will only have 2 or 3 trying to kill you from the west side (where the tank comes from).
When you hear/see the tank coming up the hill, go out towards where it will come over the edge, plant a charge as it rolls past. BOOM. Easy. Return to your bunker, dodge a few more grenades, shoot a few more people, and do it again to the next tank... (You’d think they would learn...).

Congratz! You have finished a level everyone swears is the hardest, but I found rather easy...

Good Luck, and feel free to comment, message, question, denounce, debunk, and bash my (attempt at a helpful) guide.

12 Jul 2009 11:54

Great guide and surprisingly easy in the end.
By Nudge2enter on 15 Sep 2009 15:56
Glad you agreed with me... Everything I had heard prior to getting this game implied that it was the hardest part... but I disagree. Thanks for the comment and thumbs up :P
By Flammmy on 16 Sep 2009 02:03
It was most definitely NOT the hardest level. Good tips, especially the north bunker for the tanks.
By SwervinCurvin on 28 Feb 2010 02:14
Glad it was helpful. Thanks for the thumbs-up.
By Flammmy on 28 Feb 2010 09:22
Your guide must be really good because I followed it and I had no problems with this mission it seamed way easier than the Battle for Caen misson. Great guide! Postive vote from me.
By iLIKEchicken007 on 07 Dec 2010 21:45
Thanks! If anyone else has problems with a solution, you can respond. I read all responses (within a while, at least) and will try to give advice. (I can't always remember as I often played these games months if not years ago)
By Flammmy on 16 Dec 2010 06:35
yeah, i didnt have any problems with this level either. i almost beat it in one life once the countdown started. basically, you get a checkpoint after you take out a vehicle, the ai really does most of the work.

now, "the tiger" on the other hand.....
By Scythecam on 28 Feb 2011 10:23
Definitely one of the easiest levels for me in the game. Te only part that was hard for me was the sniping part cause I am a horrible sniper. But other then that all I did was stand near the bunker entrance and survive. Now the Battle for Coen or what its called was a pain in the ass for me!
By Almighty Allah on 28 Mar 2011 05:31
I'm glad you guys all had an easy time with this level... I like how you both ended your comments with "this level was easy, but don't get me started on xxx level" :)
By Flammmy on 31 Mar 2011 14:05
Your guide worked great for me. Had very little problems with the level. Took a few times to get through the part with the halftracks, but I didn't even die once on the other two parts.
By Mmart32 on 04 Apr 2011 23:58
I was in fear of hill 400 a bit, looked up your list of tips before starting and died only 3 times during the whole chapter, really impressed. Thanks man.
By skofu on 20 May 2011 00:16
Thanks for the great advice. I ended up finishing the last two parts on this one with the Thompson and the Panzerschreck. After hitting the halftracks with missiles, I hung out near the door of the central bunker and killed Germans as they came around the corner. When the tanks showed up, I used the Pazerschreck to take them out. My only problem was that I tried to hide in the main bunker, and the Germans have a perfect grenade aim to drop one down right in front of your face.
By Skelebone XVI on 13 Sep 2011 16:07
I am currently at the second part (after taking out the mortar crews) and I must admit that after dying many times from a shot in the back, I must say that your guide really doesen't work for me on that part. Not that I am surprised, as the friendly AI in this game is shit and does nothing but running in my way. Your guide worked great for the first part though, so thanks!
By StickyViking on 18 Feb 2012 15:10
Thanks, this really helped. I was freaking out because this was supposed to be the hardest part and I've had a lot of trouble with some of the previous missions but your guide really made it easy. Good job!
By Oganese34 on 26 Jun 2012 20:05
Really great Guide, thank you! Made the level not as frustrating. I died my fair share, but that goes for every level :)
By Kawii97 on 17 Feb 2021 13:38
Was not a difficult mission really. Struggled with the D-Day one prior but this was a breeze compared!
By Waggie5150 on 24 Jul 2022 07:56
This was very helpful, thank you. I was struggling to deal with the first wave as I was just hiding behind boxes, I didn’t know there were small bunkers in the outskirts of the main bunker.
By snow pirate 117 on 01 Jun 2023 20:29
Absolutely fantastic guide, read this before playing and managed to complete the level with 0 deaths!
By A Magical Zorse on 15 Jun 2024 17:00
Thanks a lot this guide made this one of the easiest levels of the game, an excellent strategy.
By Neil79 on 13 Aug 2012 23:38
By Flammmy on 31 Aug 2012 17:45
Meticulous solution, thanks.
By Godfather1504 on 08 Mar 2013 10:50
How the hell did I pass this mission? shock
By Aligus on 02 Jul 2013 16:53
I'm echoing what some others said. I didn't have as hard a time with this one as others. The first part just used the sniper and forced my squad to move forward and take care of business. Tried to stay behind or in the middle of them as much as possible. Same for the 2nd part. The 3rd part was a little tougher, but I think there were some squad members who could not die. I just stayed between them as much as possible. Threw smoke grenades and hid haha.
By Frizbog on 18 Jun 2015 22:06
Wow man, this was incredibly easy thanks to your guide. Thank you toast
By VRETENAR 906 on 29 May 2016 12:23
This mission is much more easier than D-Day and thaks for the help, specially the part of Tigers.
By xMoretti on 06 Dec 2016 01:13
Great guide. As good today as ever it was. Thumbs up and I have to agree the mission before was a lot harder. I think I fluked getting up the hill as I used a mobile truck as cover all the way to the top .
By on 24 Jan 2017 10:56
This helped me out big time.

By LLboxed on 04 Mar 2017 09:34
I found the second part, with the guns on the west to be slightly harder than the rest but I caked the first and last part with the tanks using this method. Good stuff
By KINGBANG713 on 09 Jan 2019 10:22
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Just in case you didn't want to watch a video, here is a simple solution. The German assault is insane on veteran but if the Germans can't see you they won't shoot you. You don't usually notice but out front of the bunker are unlimited smoke grenades. Basically what I did was keep throwing smoke grenades in a 360 degree circle around the bunker.

With smoke down you can move from point to point to knock out mortar teams, and then when tanks come you can run up to them through the smoke and plant explosives.

Remember the smoke dissipates so you are going to have to keep throwing them. Since the Germans can't see you they will run straight at you and try to melee you. Keep an automatic weapon with you and you should be fine.

20 Jun 2009 14:06

1 Comment
Great tips, thanks.
By Godfather1504 on 08 Mar 2013 10:52
Complete one of the hardest CoD2 missions, Hill 400. See videos for help.

12 Feb 2009 04:36

1 Comment
Thanks for the videos.
By Godfather1504 on 08 Mar 2013 10:51
You will get this for completing "The Hill" on Veteran difficulty.

The way up the hill is not so difficult - even on Veteran. Take your time and use cover. Use the smoke grenades when needed. What really could be a pain in the a** are the last moments on defending the hill. But there is a simple solution for this:

Around the bunker is a long trench. You will autimatically jump into that trench to shoot some of the mortar-groups. Just keep going around this trench and shoot the enemies. It's the safest place up on the hill. It's not necessary to stay in open fight for the last minute. On a good place you can sit out the remaining time.

11 Aug 2010 13:44

After the tricky sniping section comes the two stage assault by the Germans. Here's what I did to survive without firing more than 1 or 2 mags:
For the 1st artillery barrage I hid inside the main bunker.
I then left the bunker and ran over to the sandbags & mortar just outside to the right, and went prone & hid there. All the friendly AI gather around and do all the hard work for you.
I ran back into the bunker for the 2nd artillery barrage then returned to the sandbags and went prone again while the countdown ticked away. The friendly AI started to die off as the tanks got closer, so I had to pick off 2 or 3 gerrys myself at this point.
Then a tank appears over the sandbags... Sit tight until the bombing run starts and then leg it back into the main bunker.
Job done!
Seriously, I only died once on these assault sections, and that was only because I got caught in the explosion of the tank right next to me! Lol!

23 Nov 2012 04:35

Hill 400 starts out with you and your squad mates moving up the hill and taking out bunkers. While there isn't an easy way to do this it helps if you make sure you use the scoped German rifle (after the first bunker you breach there is a second door you can blow open. It has ammo and a scoped rifle). This makes it easy to go prone and snipe.

When the mission first starts out you have to snipe the mortar teams as they come up the hill. There is no easy way to do this. What's nice is that you can take your time (unlike silo, where you have to quickly take out the mortar teams before they blow you out of the tower). Do the best you can and stick around the perimeter. Make sure you run to the fox holes and let your squad clear the area before you move on.

When you're holding out for reinforcements, after you snipe the mortar teams, you'll have to take cover from artillery fire. Make sure you run for cover in the middle of the hill in the bunker. When the artillery fire is done head out of the bunker and make a left, hugging the bunker wall. You'll see some sand bags and a M240 mounted. Follow the bunker wall and make another left. Now you'll see another sandbag with a mortar behind it. Run behind it and go prone (your feet to the sand bags and facing the bunker wall). Your squad mates will hold up on your left and you need to watch your right. You might encounter 4 or 5 guys while the whole barrage is going on. Just sit tight until you have to run from artillery fire. Do the same thing, hold out in the bunker and run back to the same sand bags. During the second wave I didn't see a single German. There was a tank blasting me but the sand bags kept me from getting hurt. You might see one or two guys, but just hold out till the timer runs out, then BAM achievement.

See "Veteran of Crossing the Rhine" for more tips.