Call of Duty 2

Call of Duty 2

13 Achievements



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War Hardened

War Hardened

Finished the Single Player Campaign on Hardened or Veteran difficulty setting


How to unlock the War Hardened achievement in Call of Duty 2 - Definitive Guide

Yeah thats right about the other achievements being for completing levels on Veteran difficulty, but for "War Hardened" you only have to complete the game on Hardened difficulty (which is one difficulty level below Veteran).

By completing on Hardened diffculty, you will only get the achievements "Won the War", and "War Hardened" worth in total 350GS, but it is slightly easier if you cant quite handle Veteran!

On Veteran as above go slow, take your time, and in open areas use smoke making sure you dont use too many and run out - as this can be the difference between a section being fairly easy, and almost impossible.

Use cover where you can, if you start getting hit drop to prone ASAP as this can save you sometimes, but most of all keep moving forward! The enemies will infinately respawn unless you get past a certain point to trigger them to stop. If you stay too long in one position it is very easy to get pinned down, so take it steady - but keep moving!

Always have one bolt action (or any rifle - M1 Garand and Lee Enfield being the better ones) and one machine gun (MP40 is good and you will find plenty of ammo from the dead Germans) in your possesion. The rifles are excellent for picking off targets in the mid-long distance, and will kill in one shot. Use the machine gun when clearing houses, as you often need that extra power close up (however they are useless at mid-long range).

Also use the auto aim to your advantage if you have it turned on. Aiming your crosshair close to the target and pulling the left trigger (to use ironsights) will snap you onto the poor guy, so you know you can fire as soon as you pull LT and you will kill him. If there are a group of enemies in the distance, aim your crosshair in the middle of the group, pull LT, fire, let go of LT, pull LT, fire, etc etc and you will keep snapping to the next guy without having to adjust your aim.

Grenades are useful for clearing houses, but also for "charges" through smoke. After throwing a smoke grenade and waiting for the smoke to obscure their vision, cook a grenade and toss it far forward into the path where you are running. This will take out any guys that otherwise you would run into and gun you down.

Take advantage of your teammates! They are unlimited in number so dont worry about them too much. If you are stuck at a section, wait for a lull in the enemies fire and make a charge for a decent bit of cover as close as you can to their position and go prone. Your teammates will advance with you, and although many will get shot - it often happens that your new position has trigged the AI to stop respawning there. Whilst you are face down on the ground your teammates will eventually mop up whatever enemies are left, leaving you free to stand up and keep advancing!

The levels are fairly open, and most have multiple ways round the enemies position - so if one way isnt working out for you, try another. You may find it easier than the way you were trying for so long!

Most off all on Veteran difficulty this game can be VERY frustrating. If you get stuck on a section over and over again - put down the controller, turn the game off, and come back tomorrow with a fresh head. You will often find that the section that was giving you so much grief the say before you can now quite easily stroll through. When you get as frsutrated as you do playing this game - you start rushing and taking silly chances, which of course only makes things worse. So turn it off, take a breather, and come back with a clear head the next day.

Easy, huh?!? Good luck!

21 Aug 2008 22:05

Defo worth the effort!
By System of a Dom on 17 Jul 2009 16:37
d-day made me sell tha damn game lol but i got my achievments regardless
By Odd One89 on 19 Jul 2009 22:08
in my opinion one of the hardest games on the xbox, i was stuck on the same section for over a month XD
By Dimmock on 17 Nov 2008 15:33
agreed pain but worth it
By ITS 0vER 9000 on 30 Nov 2008 19:10
Great guide!

Yes it was painful but so worth it!

Nanja Gaiden 2 is much harder.
By Fafhrdd on 25 Mar 2009 16:19
Worth it just completed it 1st time on Vet.

Hardest section was D-Day, some say Hill 400 but i found that easier.

All in all it took me 3 days & hell yeah it was worth it in the end.

Much harder than COD4 & WAW. (Havent played COD3 yet though)
By II R3B1RTH II on 17 Jul 2009 03:13
This was one of the more satisfying achievements that I have accomplished. Definitely walk away from the game if you are getting stuck. There are many points in the game where I walked away for at least an hour and came back and accomplished the part that was troubling me. Keep at it. I did this in veteran so I could get the other achivements as well
By Gidyup on 03 Aug 2009 14:33
Looking to pick this game up second-hand to complete the set :D

So far got 1000GP on WAW, 1000 on COD4 and 575 (all single player) on COD3.

In order of difficulty I'd say:
By bakerboy83 on 24 Sep 2009 14:40
Call of Duty 2 is the Hardest cod i have ever played!! period
By CraziestSock on 11 Dec 2009 13:12
craziestsock I beg to differ. The COD: MW vet achievements are by far harder. I breezed through COD2 no problem!
By on 08 Jan 2010 00:05
It took me a month to get the mile high club on my non xbl gt!
By on 08 Jan 2010 00:06
So I'm going to come back to this after a two year hiatus, and after playing a bit there seems to be no run button??? I could have sworn there was a way to sprint in this COD, just like the newer CODs?
By RVM on 04 May 2010 21:34
yeah COD2 is really easy to go threw on vet. MW has like 2 lvls that are hard at the end but still easy.

and.. @Robotic Aquatic i could be wrong but im pretty sure the running wasn't put into the COD until the 3rd one
By P4NDA CAKES on 28 Jul 2010 23:59
i had an easier time with all of the other CoD's then this one due to the game mechanics *
cant run limited cover etc im nearly done with the last mission of the game on vet
By Chill n Space on 04 Oct 2010 08:06
cod 3 is the hardest ive beaten imo, only because its extremely unfair
By Scythecam on 02 Mar 2011 21:52
It seemed beating this game on Hardened was 984019276527894635235 times easier for me than Veteran... just like Black Ops and Halo: Reach. It's weird, like I'm a lot more paranoid on the hardest difficulty so I go turtle speed.
By guns vs kittens on 12 Mar 2011 13:18
I found WAW to be the hardest, but I got some really bad checkpoints that made me have to restart some of the levels. This was was pretty tough, but I think I would have had a much harder time if I had played in at release and not years later.
By Mmart32 on 05 Apr 2011 00:40
It can be a really pain in the ass,but using some veteran tip from all others COD games make it more simple to get.
REMEMBER: abuse of the auto aim system,if you use will get way more easy to advance trough the game. If you get stuck on some part,here's a good advice: stop playing for a while,'cause getting frustated will not help you at all.
Using these tips make me to complete te achievements in one week
By Amendocrem on 23 Apr 2011 20:32
i own every CoD game except the first one and the only one i haven't finished on veteran is CoD 3, i'm three levelsoff the end with over 24 hours gameplay on it. in my opinion the games have genrally got easier over time. i would put them in order of hardest to easiest
CoD 3
CoD 2
CoD:WaW (purely for the last three levels)
CoD 4
By ratstookmymoney on 28 Jun 2011 00:28
Great guide!
By Godfather1504 on 08 Mar 2013 10:36
"Infinitely" like "definitely", but otherwise great guide.
By PrimeBigTime on 05 Apr 2013 07:38
I know this is old, but here is a good tip. If you have a bad checkpoint but you can make it out safely, go back as far as you can through the mission. You will either get a checkpoint there (Pro: 100% safe, Con: It's a distance from the battle and it may make your side retreat to you). If you want to get a checkpoint with your team here is what you do. Follow the EXACT same path you did to get to the battle, your allies will copy you and move with you, when you are with your allies you get checkpoints more frequently.
By Evil Paragon on 01 Jan 2015 17:24
Another tip to do with D-Day, when you are waiting for your reinforcements. Retreat all the way to the back. At then end there will be a base and the last building you defend. When you get to the base, go through the only opening until it puts you on the right hand side, so the base is to your left and the cliff is in front of you. Go behind the base and all the way to the barbed wire, you can go down a little bit of cliff here. Go down there and go prone. No enemies can find you now. When it gets to the 60 second mark, through a smoke grenade so that it lands on top of where you need to go (on top of the base). Simply follow the barbed wire and jump on top of the base, activate the green smoke and simply retreat to the cliff. All you have to do now is kill about 1 or 2 guys and the mission is yours.
By Evil Paragon on 01 Jan 2015 17:31
achievement not popping i got jiped
By STOUTASSASSIN67 on 28 Sep 2018 01:45
yes! finally finished it today. next one: mw1
By Fa3ed#5722 on 14 Jun 2021 02:54
Is it possible to do it in two playthroughs? In my fjrst playthrough i was on easy
By ThermicKnight7 on 16 Jan 2022 04:29
pretty damn hard achievement do not underestimate how long it will take you
By moistyvulcan on 07 Sep 2023 17:52
This game is highly irritating on veteran, you can’t sprint or throw grenades back, enemies constantly respawn in every gun battle, game feels really dated which makes it much harder than other CODs, the game can feel like a grind because there’s no real story and you’re just doing similar objectives constantly, imo this is harder that WaW purely because of how clunky and old everything feels with the monotonous nature of everything
By YeehawMannn on 12 Sep 2023 13:31
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One thing that the above solution didn't go into was (unlike other cod games) any time you get a timer in the top left corner, where you have to defend X position, there's finite number of enemies. (but if the timers ended and they're still coming, check you're objectives.)

Instead of running around trying to keep every German from over running said position (except the silo/sniper checkpoint), find a spot that gives you cover, go prone and let them come to you.

Your team mates will take care of a lot of enemies and if you've positioned yourself right there will usually only be 5-6 enemies that actually get to your spot.

Here are some of the checkpoints that you can use it on but remember to try it every time you see the timer. (and even a few times when there isn't one)

The winter war, Demolition (there's a hole in the cellar wall)

The battle for Caen, the brigade box (small room to the left as you enter front of farm house)

D-Day, Defending the pointe (the apple orchard=archway enterance) and (the bunker=doorway on corner of long L shaped hallway)

Hill 400, The battle for hill 400 (round the back of bunker, right corner and throw smoke down hill if needed)

This took me a while (and too many deaths to count) to realise, so I hope it helps.

Also this is my 1st solution so if you vote negative, please leave a constructive comment so I can improve on it, thnx.

03 Mar 2010 12:44

Great solution, thanks.
By Godfather1504 on 08 Mar 2013 10:36
Your welcome :-)
By JOHNNYx76 on 08 Mar 2013 13:49
This is easiest to get if your playing on Hardened, but if you want the rest of the achievements, you might as well just get this one while playing on veteran. The best way to do this is honestly just trial and error. It took me a LONG time to get this achievement. There are a lot of difficult spots throughout this game, but its definitley not impossible. Keep pushing ahead, make sure there are no enemies before you run to the next spot, and always use checkpoints to your advantage.
A good advise is to focus on checkpoints. Sometimes I played an hour or more just to reach the next checkpoint (in the russian missions for example). Take your time and always use cover. Grenades will help a lot - take your Smokegranades for hard spots!

Sometimes it may happen that you get a very bad checkpoint wich makes it impossible for you to complete your mission or your current target. In this case you should restart the level and do it again. It's not necessary to get frustrated by doing the same impossible thing over and over again (it happened to me at the level where you have to take down the planes with the flak and at the sniper-part at D-Day).

08 Feb 2011 07:59

Very true! Same thing with WAW; bad checkpoints are usually what gets you stuck. I had a bad one on 'battle for Caen - the tiger' and at the last 30 seconds of Hill 400. Didn't restart though, because I was SO close to finishing that I didn't want to start all over again. Looking back I think I should have restarted 'The Tiger' because it took me over an hour to do!
By III INDIGO III on 08 May 2012 16:27
Thx for your comment! Nice to see that my solution is still helping people out there.
By LizardKingv666 on 09 May 2012 06:46
Nice solution, thanks.
By Godfather1504 on 08 Mar 2013 10:40
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All I can say is you are going to get frustrated and don't let that bring you down. Some missions may take up to a hour or even longer. Go slow, take your time, take out every enemy you can so they don't bite you in the back later on. If you keep dying at one part try analyzing where all the enemies are and mix up your strategies to see what works best. Try to keep from throwing your controller at the wall. This was on of the toughest achievements I have gotten and in the end it is worth the bragging rights. So far I have beaten Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 4, Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and Call of Duty Black Ops on Veteran. Good Luck!

17 Dec 2010 01:44

Currently i am doing a Call of Duty 2 Video Walkthrough, on easy and on Veteran too. It's edited, so you don't have to watch me sh1tting around for hours, and probably i can show you some good routes and tactics. I'm not going to put all of the videos here, but here is the playlist:

15 May 2016 18:53

Finish the game on hardened or veteran difficulty.