Call of Duty 3

Call of Duty 3

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Grizzled Veteran

Grizzled Veteran

Completed the Single Player Campaign on Veteran difficulty.


How to unlock the Grizzled Veteran achievement in Call of Duty 3 - Definitive Guide

In addition to the other posts that regard strategy and tactics, in this solution I will discuss the REAL requirements for this achievement.

Did you finally beat that last level on veteran and not see the cheevo pop? I did, and nearly went insane. This was because about midway through my run on veteran I went back to the first few levels on easy, just to clean up a few achievements.Then continued my previous game on veteran.

It is crucial to know that the game does NOT save the highest difficulty you completed, but rather the MOST RECENT difficulty. So if you beat a level on veteran, then went back to do it on easy before finishing the campaign, it will save as being completed on EASY.

Good news if the achievement doesn't pop after the ending of the final level, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO REPLAY THE ENTIRE GAME ON VETERAN. All you have to do is go back, re-do the levels on veteran that you went back for on easy, then you must REPLAY the final mission on veteran for it to unlock. I can confirm this because I did it myself.

This is why I highly recommend that you play straight through the game on veteran, get the achievement, then go back to clean up the others. Don't get impatient like I did.

The only time the achievement will ever pop is after the last level on veteran difficulty. I hope that helps those of you this happened to. If you do this, your patience will be rewarded with that glorious 150 and a great ratio.

If you have questions feel free to comment.

07 May 2010 20:37

Thank you for the heads up! +1
By dc0dr on 14 May 2010 18:50
yay someone actually read my solution, thanks!
By ZonkedAdam on 16 May 2010 00:49
Excellent solution, thank you for the heads-up. Fortunately, I cleaned up all of the other achievements before I started my Veteran attempt. It's proving to be an absolute bastard so far, the checkpoint-spacing is ridiculous.
By Ginn0rz on 17 Aug 2010 15:21
Can anyone else confirm this?
By Dilhack on 25 Aug 2010 22:43
Oh thanks apart from statin the obvious this helped me in way at all.
By DjDooksy on 27 Aug 2010 18:39
What was obvious? The game never says what difficulty it saves as being completed. Thus causing the achievement not to pop, even if every level was beaten on veteran. Reading comprehension...
By ZonkedAdam on 28 Aug 2010 01:43
Thanks for the heads up! guess I'll have to start veteran later... don't know what that guys problem is though... helpful find!
By British GM on 01 Jun 2011 16:21
I got the achievement! *kisses everyone*
By Ross Wyatt on 14 Jun 2011 23:34
I was playing on veteran level and after i beat the 3rd level night drop i believe it saved then kicked me out and said my gamer profile has been changed or modified ??? does any one know what this means?? I restarted the game from my check point (4th level France) so it's still hard as hell?? SO i don't believe the difficulty switched just nervous on trying to finish now.
By MC PHILABUSTA on 23 Jul 2011 09:15
Same thing happened to me, but I don't think there's a reason to assume a difficulty swith.. it happened to me when in chapter 7, or so.. I'm now in 13 out of 14.. Tomorrow I can hopefully say that there's no reason to be affraid.. xD
By MaDDaWQ on 25 Jul 2011 14:47
i will never play cod 3 again on veteran fucking horrible!
and those glitches and friendly fire bullshit ....
By Lloyd Bangs on 23 Oct 2011 17:53
Is there anyway to tell which levels you have to go back and redo. Just finished on veteran and no cheevo I think I have to redo the second mission and the first tank one but if there is a way to be certain that would be ideal
By OwenPaige1 on 08 Mar 2012 15:48
I've saved checkpoint and turned off the box. and resumed the next day. Has that fucked me on this achievement?
By End Fuhz on 12 May 2012 05:30
if you havent changed the difficulty youll be fine
By ZonkedAdam on 16 May 2012 19:51
me wondering why you have negative votes on this, you've given everyone a warning about what really needs to be done.
Fortunately I can be patient on cleaning up the other cheevos i missed (tank level's great for bullet allergies and the checkpoint)
By Lockerdown3 on 27 Jun 2012 22:23
Thank you for this information. I ran out of smoke grenades and CANNOT pass Falaise Road for the life of me. Unless someone knows how to get more grenades, I'm restarting this mission!
By PrimeBigTime on 03 Aug 2012 08:32
I'm a little bit confused. I haven't dropped the difficulty once during the game, but I've recently started playing it again, and I'm finding that it's taking quite a few bullets to kill me. Now, I don't know if CoD 3 followed the same "3 shots, you're dead" mantra that the others do, but it seems substantially easier than I remember.

I did start playing the multiplayer to unlock General, but I don't think that would reset my difficulty, would it?
By Crimson Ridley on 15 Apr 2013 09:54
What if you played the game on easy, and then played the last mission on veteran?
By VintageIceman95 on 21 Jul 2013 16:32
Soooo? What's the word MadDawg?
By VRETENAR 906 on 28 Feb 2016 15:40
Wow, that was 5 years ago i said tomorrow, lol. I guess it worked out fine for me, because i actually unlocked the achievement on the same day as i commented to this solution.
Sorry, but i don't really remember more details. smile
By MaDDaWQ on 28 Feb 2016 16:32
Haha, no worries. Thank you laugh
By VRETENAR 906 on 28 Feb 2016 17:10
I give up. Im on Laison River, and it is pretty much FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE in the final segment due to the enemiee being completely glitched. Theu fall thru the floor but can still shoot you, they hit thru solid walls, they sometimes get infinite health, etc. I have beaten all lot of them on veteran, but I give up on this because of how unbelievably broken and u fair it is
By Renegade531 on 06 Jan 2018 20:49
Funny on my 1st account I completed Cod 3 on Veteran. Now running it back on "OOG". Half way through the game it is more brutal than I remember it being. SiRFaPaLot420 Cod Classic ain't much different. 1 health bar, no health regen, no running, no med packs. Considerably more checkpoints than Cod 3 lmao. Came here to see if there was a guide as I am stuck taking out 3 88 Flak guns with no check points. Only got to the 3rd one 2 in 2 hours of replaying 1 section of the level. Whelp, we are all suffering I guess.
By OOG on 31 Oct 2020 05:23
May be worth mentioning that you do in fact have to replay through the entire campaign again if you don't know which missions ended up completed on easy. There is no way to check your best/recent completion.
By Whats a Chundy on 12 Apr 2021 20:01
This is a great tip. Unfortunately for me having got to chapter 12 in one run I unknowingly went back to a few levels on easy to go for some other achievements. Although I have replayed all of the levels that I went back to plus the final level on veteran again too I didn't get it.I I'm probably just going to re do it all to leave no room for error. If only I had seen this earlier lol.
By OJP 99 on 28 Apr 2021 13:01
Thanks for the tips!
By MineMasterjake1 on 14 Jul 2021 00:38
Not perse a tip but i really like the Scoped rifles and you know normally you don't get more ammot them so what you want to do is pick up a non-scoped variant aswell fill it up and then drop it again this way you have full ammo reserves for the Scoped variant, especially the common scopws Lee-Enfield you get in a few missions just snag a normal one and pickup more ammo for the lee enfield this way you get 100 rounds for the Snipers
By on 23 Jul 2021 16:22
I went through the whole game on veteran and it didn’t pop do you have to do it on Xbox 360 or can you do it on Xbox one
By FoolOvFoOD38 on 23 Jan 2022 05:57
You can definitely do it on the One, I just played through the whole campaign on Veteran and it unlocked on the last mission no problem.
By AHGreg on 01 Feb 2022 22:08
is there a way to tell what levels you have done on veteran. need to go back to this game
By Mike United 007 on 21 Dec 2023 10:17
Sadly there is no way to check what missions you're missing. In addition to that, the only way to pop the veteran achievement is on the final mission. So whatever mission you think you missed, you wouldn't know unless you replayed the final mission after as well.
By Whats a Chundy on 21 Dec 2023 23:54
ok cheers - yeah i changed half way through at some point - i remember doing it, before achievements was a thing too me lol
By Mike United 007 on 22 Dec 2023 11:26
I am posting as someone who bought this on sale in 2015. I have done veteran on cod ghosts, black ops 1 and 2, cod4 mw, mw2, mw3, cod world at war and call of duty 2. I would say cod 2 and waw are really tough on veteran, but fun and rewarding. Cod 3 on veteran is such a joke. This is by far the hardest campaign in a cod game. Not because it is tactically challenging, but because this game is extremely broken. No sprint. No wall banging, but everything will walk bang you through 3 layers. The movement is clunky, and you WILL die to being stuck in the ground. Shooting is clunky. Hits do not always register. Sometimes objects are larger than they appear and you will shoot around a wall or rock only to have the wall or rock eat your bullets. Sometimes your bullet will go through and you will hit a nazi (I know I hit because he flinches and sprays blood) but he will not die even to 30 sniper bullets because he is glitched. Enemies can sometimes see you through smoke grenades. Also you CANNOT throw grenades through glass windows, which makes no sense that is what grenades are designed for. Oh and your teammates are unusually obstinate/useless. If you are looking for a call of duty game to get achievements, skip this one, or suffer the consequences. I would absolutely recommend cod 2 first, which is by far the easiest completion imo. This game makes me scared to play cod classic. This game makes me wish I were playing cod big red one. This achievement is sooooo bad I hate my life, but it's doable, just frustrating and not fun. Oh and as good as the story is, it lacks the grittiness and soul sucking depression cod 2 and waw have. The story is all rainbows and lollipops.
By SiRFaPaLoT420 on 10 May 2015 07:53
It's a good tip but you realistically have to play the entire game on veteran again, as most people won't know what missions they want back to do misc. on.

That being said, most of the misc. cleanup achievements are doable on missions 1,2,3, and potentially 7.

Edit: December 28/22. Still here. If you start the game on 360 and then play it BC on the one, you won't get the achievement no matter what. My initial playthrough on the 360 was on the hard drive, and that save merged with the cloud at a later date. I played exclusively on the XB1 BC since and did not unlock the achievement. I have completed the game from start to finish an additional 2 times only on the XB1BC. All of this was using the cloud save.

The chapter select to replay missions is an excellent suggestion that MAY save you a huge amount of time, but it did not fix my issue specifically. I played the game an additional "fourth" time by going through each mission one by one, followed by the final mission I've become a master at. Never popped.

I would recommend playing it on one console only, and using your hard drive to save as opposed to the cloud.
By Whats a Chundy on 26 Sep 2021 18:17
This issue can easily be avoided by doing the miscellaneous achievements on a different game save. You can have the game save, the one on which you are working with your veteran run, stored on whatever memory unit your xbox came with, while you work on the other achievements either on a game save on cloud storage or another memory unit.
If, however, you want to do some of the miscellaneous achievements on some of the later missions (some achievements are easier done on these) and don't want to go through the campaign to unlock these missions (even though it shouldn’t take that long on easy difficulty), you can simply copy the save, the one on which you are working on that veteran run, and put it either on cloud storage or another memory unit. This way you'll have all the missions so far unlocked on two separate game saves, and you can go back to mop up some of the easier achievements without interrupting the main save. Amen.
By Thrifty SiMON on 16 Jul 2012 10:43
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A few hints and tips i can give, and things to expect: (Bad ones first)

Firstly, its going to be HARD. sometimes making you so angry you want to jump out your window head first and end it right there. but thats expected, it IS veteran right? i have completed 6 CoD campaigns on veteran (all but CoD1 & 2) and this game is definitely the toughest ive come across to date! but dont worry, you will do it.

Secondly, the checkpoints are ridiculously far apart! this will probably frustrate you most of all! all that work you;ve done and you get sent back miles into the level. Bummer. Also this game is the most glitchy game out there. you get stuck on and inbetween walls, doors, trees basically all random enviromental objects, sometimes your squad ends up glitched in stupid places and cant free themselves making you restart checkpoints etc etc. really really annoying. also sometimes, when a german is in cover, you will be blatently shooting them in the head/body and it will not register a hit, making you move out of cover to kill the dude and then some kraut pops one in the side of your head. having to start at the last checkpoint (which is most likley miles away) That window is sounding tempting now isnt it?...................

and thirdly, friendly fire. your squad are affected by this and its hard sometimes not to kill them, why? because they are silly! You will be giving it the beans on a wall mounted MG and some numbskull will run out directly in your line of fire! and another classic, your at a front door of a house full of germans, thinking what to do, you lob a nade in there to soften them up a little before you make your entrance. and before you know it, your squad are piling in this room and get blown to bits by your grenade. so if you kill a friendly, even by accident, its yep you guessed it! back to the last checkpoint!

Thats the bad parts out the way, now for the helpfull tips to help you get this G and an awesome ratio,

1. Always let your squad go first. there are many times when you can sit back in cover and let them clear out a good portion of baddies before you pop your scared little head out. saving you alot of effort!

2. Abuse the auto-aim. this little gem is a life saver. press LT to look down the sights and it snaps to the nearest enemy giving you a clear quick shot to waste them. this works best with bolt action rifles because its one shot kill, so if you perfect this you will be practically quick scoping your way through the game. combine this with standing to shoot and quickly ducking down to cover again makes you almost un-hittable. use it and abuse it!

3. Keep moving forward. Most of the levels have infinite respawning enemies. if you dont move up once wasting a few germans, they will keep spawning all day long. the way to combat this is to cap the nearest couple (or ones that seem the most dangerous) and move on up to the next piece of cover. doing this will trigger them not to spawn. also they will seldom stop and fire apon you when THEY are running to cover. they will finish running first to wherever theyre going, then they will fire. so its a perfect time to open up on them cause they rarely fire back.

4. Smoke grenades are your friends! if you keep finding yourself getting turned into swiss cheese by a wall of german bullets, throw smoke. it seems an obvious option but its really easy to get carried away with trying to kill as many krauts as you can while trying to move up. so throw smoke! (the auto aim trick still works through smoke nades so you can kill enemies with out even knowing where they are!

5.Go in guns blazing! sometimes when trying to clear a house or similar area, grenades just dont do the job, neither does any of your pussy squad want to be the first one through the door. so its down to you. ive found that if you burst in to a room at speed, firing from the hip the AI kind of dont know what to do and just stand there. (only for a few seconds though, buts its enough time trust me) so its always a good option if you have run out of nades ect. just make sure you reload before doing it so you have the maximum amout of rounds to unleash when doing the deed .and if there happens to be more pesky germans in there than expected, dont waste time reloading, melee those bitches! i liked the MP40 for this job, quick, big magazine, very common gun for ammo and packs a punch close range.

6. Watch youtube vids. i recommed a guy called "Labradoodlesrule" hes got all the levels up on there and its super handy if your stuck, and its also good to see whats lies up ahead. If you havent had a checkpoint in a while you will most likely be paranoid about moving up incase you run into 20+ fritz round the corner. But this solves that! heres a link to the playlist thanks to Pedle Zelnip:

7. Its all in the choice of weaponry! there are some good weapons and some bad ones. picking the right one for the job makes the difference between checkpoint and dead before checkpoint. as a somewhat CoD enthusiast (more battlefield nowadays, good or bad? you decide) im partial to a good assult rifle or SMG. but i tended to stay away from these as i found i could kill alot quicker with the bolt action rifles combined with the auto-aim trick. the Lee Enfield or Kar98 where the best. along with the M1 Garand not far behind. the Tompson is horrible, so use the MP40 instead if you can for machine guns i find it alot better. The Bren gun is a heavy machine gun and i will go as far to saying this is (in my own opinion) the best gun in the game. its so devastating and its so versitile. this gun is also one shot kill, so by using the auto-aim trick and firing just one bullet from it you now have a rifle and a machine gun in one. so you can snipe away and rush rooms with the same weapon!

All in all its really not as hard as i make out. you just have to have patience. its key in this game! if you get frustrated. put it down and come back another day. (but remember to save!) if you follow and combine these simple tips im sure you will bash through the levels in no time! have fun!

hope my info helps out as much as possible, and good luck to all!
By Pedle Zelnip on 07 Jan 2013 03:47
I must correct you, sharndowg, smoke grenade ARE your BEST FRIENDS. Just don't get trigger happy with them, be conservative and smart with them and the fight to Paris will be a lot easier. IMHO, COD3 is the 2nd hardest Veteran to fight with a slight nod to COD Classic as the toughest.
By ReliantGung ho on 30 Jun 2012 23:00
i doubt anyone will see this, but i have a tip that would have saved me a lot of time

i was using the video playlist provided (Lab's) but did not find it to be any help during the mortar section of "the forest." after many attempts at blindly firing into smoke grenade cover, i looked up another veteran playthrough video where no smoke was used. i noted the times when he shot the 3 obstacles (the 2 trucks and the hedgehog barriers nearest to the player) and simply copied his angles. i was able to hit each of the 3 with minimal trial and error and complete the level very easily.
By RSDAY on 10 Dec 2013 04:55
Just a trick that occasionally saved me, for the rare few that might still consult this guide, The hitboxes on cover are a little off for many objects in the game. This can be bad, As there were several times that I was killed even though I was "completely" in cover, especially when taking cover near low walls and such, as the outer edge of some cover does not actually stop bullets. You might notice several such places throughout the game where you are taking damage even though you can't see the enemy and are in cover, this is why, so prone and move lower or towards the center of the object. There are several other spots I've noticed where enemies are actually able to shoot you even though they are totally obscured, the top of the bunker at the very end of the Island level, there are two enemies who were able to shoot me from behind the boxes. I ended up using a smoke and rushing them, but not before many aggravating deaths.

However, this can also be used to your advantage in certain places, such as the very end of Mayenne bridge when you pass under the bridge and need to assault the top and help the Sgt. defuse the bombs. I was having a lot of trouble going up the stairs to reach the bridge, since you are taking fire from the bridge on the right and the town on your left, until I noticed if I inched up the stairs and looked left while hugging the stone wall, I could see the red reticle, and auto-aiming and shooting the reticle would kill the enemy without ever exposing myself. This has worked several other times throughout the game.

I went into so much detail because I was unable to find any videos to corroborate this trick and wanted to be sure to detail it here. Rule of thumb, if you can auto-aim and the reticle is red, you can kill the enemy. It also seems to work better on vertical cover when peeking over rather then peeking to the side of covers. So try that before popping out of cover if you know enemies are there.
By SaintSkye on 15 Nov 2015 07:31
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I'm currently using this guide to help me through veteran and it's proving very useful, all text though:

20 Feb 2009 22:45

The GameFAQs page certainly helped me a lot, as did this IGN site:

Screen shots help you to know where you are in comparison to the guide and some solid advice as well.

Be persistent.

02 Jul 2009 02:55

I remember playing the campaign and it being so glitchy with the checkpoints. Sometimes they would pop up and other times you would be screwed over and start back at the beginning.
By Kamera on 04 Apr 2010 17:22
Absolutely. The checkpoint system in this game is very frustrating. I've noticed COD 4 checkpoints glitch a little bit too, but not as much as in COD 3.

And not only do they glitch, some of the programmed gaps between checkpoints are huge. And you often have to watch a previous cut-scene that you've seen 15-20 times at this point before you can reload at your most recent checkpoint.

I found it best to be very slow and deliberate at all times. First, you need to make great use of cover and not run blindly into any room/area. Second, I feel the game may catch up to you every once in a while and give you a checkpoint if you slowly work your way through, as opposed to possibly skipping a checkpoint if you are flying through the stage. I have no physical data or proof to back this notion up, it's just something I feel is a trend in this and other COD games.

That being said, it is very satisfying once you finally pass a difficult checkpoint/complete the game on veteran. As frustrating as it can be (and it's VERY frustrating at times), it's a great sense of accomplishment afterward.
By Duderonomy420 on 05 Apr 2010 03:16
Be persistent. Very, very persistent. :/

I will get there in the end!
By System of a Dom on 07 Jan 2011 13:42
SUCH an annoying achievement. Time consuming and frustrating... I don't know if it's just me, but somehow I'm getting shot through logs and walls -.-
By Tha dumb g00se on 26 Feb 2011 02:58
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I just started working on this again. Just a tip. If you play the same level over and over again because you keep dying your re-inforcements might stop advancing. I found that if you quit out of the game and restart from last checkpoint it will reset them.

18 Mar 2013 01:00

I haven't completed the game yet but I wanted to add a tip here.

There is a method to make some of the areas a bit easier. I will list the areas where I sucessfully employed the method of letting the AI do most of the work. What you need to do is move up to trigger the AI to advance, and then most back to a position that AVOIDS enemy grenades. I think the key is that your allies NEED to be at an aggressive location.

Keep in mind, occasionally the enemy will kill you with a grenade and walk RIGHT through your AI (idiot) allies and kill you, but this does work.

Mission 2: The Island: The first time I did this was when advancing on the hill. After the truck crashes through, I ran around the bank and went prone behind a wall/rock at the bottom of the hill. I left the controller to go out (don't remember for how long, but a while) and when I came back all the enemies on the hill were dead and my allies were waiting at the top.

Mission 3: Night Drop - I first used this method when trying to get to the 3rd AA gun. When I did the AA, I started with the one on the right and easily got the first and second AA gun, but always got killed when trying to get the 3rd. So I hide and left the game playing for 30 minutes. When I came back, all but one enemy where gone who was defending the last AA gun, killed him and advanced.

Mission 6: Fuel Plant: when I was travelling through the furnace, I quickly ran in under cover of smoke, and then backed up to the first entrance room, watched tv and when I came back my ally had killed all but 2 enemies on the rafters above and the 2/3 guys upstairs.

Mission 8: The Forest: When exiting the bunkers (trenches) I ran out, and my allies followed, then I ran back into the entrance and went prone. This one was interesting because my allies had advanced to trigger the next check point, but I just stayed there and a random enemy walked in and killed me. When I reloaded I was at the next check point.

A note about the ending Mortar. I tried many times do shoot the mortar and leave it to kill the advancing enemies. Never worked. Finally I made it to the mortar and stayed on it, trusting my AI allies to defend me, and they did. I only did this one time so I don't know if it works always. Just a tip.

Mission 12: Corridor of Death: At the ending of the level, when you have to take out the 3 mortars, shoot them from the second floor, and after you do, go prone, put down the controller for awhile and the AI will not only kill the attack from the North, they will take out the men that enter AND they will defend the attack from the SOUTH thus causing the checkpoint and save. Then just run to the right and use the crowbar.

I will list more areas where this is possible when I discover them.

12 Jul 2014 06:41

Some people say that Call of Duty 3 on veteran is not a big deal. Or that it isn't as hard as Call of Duty 2 was. Let me pour cold water on you: this game so far is the hardest Call of Duty game i have ever tried to beat on veteran difficulty. Prepare to:

- get stuck on objects
- not being able to shoot through bushes (while the enemy keep doing the opposite of it and killing you)
- being killed by invulnerable enemies who are lying in a cover where you simply cannot hit them
- being killed during animations where you are literally vulnerable and cannot move anywhere
- being pushed away by bullets with incredible velocity
- killing your teammates who are running in front of your fireline
- being pushed out from cover by your friendlies
- getting stucked in oversized hitboxes

and so on...

There is nothing i could say about this one, but to keep trying. Over and over and over again. In some sections i wasted hours just to get through. And i'm not speaking about levels, i'm speaking about sections between two checkpoints. Yeah, another thing is worth to mention: checkpoints are ridicolusly far between each other. Enemies are keep respawning infinitely until you reach a certain point of the map, so laying down and shooting them while hoping that sometime all of them will be dead - is already a dead plan. Sometimes it worth to kill the vast majority of them from distance, so your buddies can push forward and deal with the rest of them, but keep in mind to always move from cover to cover whenever you can. Auto aim is a big help here, especialy if you're using it like a parkinson disease suffering man so just keep aim and shoot all the time, quickly as possible to deal headshots (just as i do in the videos) If you played any COD games before you might know that gas grenades are basicly non-solid bulletproof walls. Use them wisely, because they are rarely can be found on the map, and the game won't give you any when you needed. Throwing them in front of a big group of enemies is making a lot of sections easier, because the enemy bullets cannot hurt you through the smoke. It just works like it did in Call of Duty 2.

I attached my video walkthrough of the game. As i see there are not many on Youtube right now, and it might be more helpful for some people who doesn't like to read guides and walkthroughts. It is a cut version, so you don't have to watch me dying a hundred times, despite the fact i die a lot in the videos too:

(Regular difficulty playthrough is between part 1 and 14, rest of the videos are the actually Veteran difficulty.)

29 Mar 2018 12:26

Some Tips that may help :

* Good use of smoke grenades is a vital part of the game, use them well and in the right places and it will make this a hell of a lot easier. Remember not to waste them though, as smoke grenades are not in plentiful supply.

* Always stay behind cover - try not to get stranded in the open or the enemy will often take you down. When reloading always do it behind cover as getting caught mid-reload will often end up with you dying.

* Always make good use of your fellow commerades. They will often be a great help and take out a number of enemies for you. They will not do all the fighting for you and you will be kept very busy, but staying behind while your fellow country men storm a house will often save you dying instead.

* When you get shot, as soon as the screen flashes and judders, get to cover as quickly as possible. This flashing screen means if you're shot again you will die. Stay in cover until the screen returns to normal.

* Always keep a careful eye on the grenade indicator, as soon as it pops up, be somewhere else. Alternatively, you can try throwing the grenade back at the enemy.

* Choose your weapons carefully, when fighting in close proximity to the enemy an automatic weapon is always the best choice. A rifle is the best choice for the enemies at long range. Be sure to carry one machine gun and one mid to long range rifle at all times.

* When clearing houses of the enemy, grenades are the weapon of choice. Remember they will bounce off walls if you want to clear the enemies around corners without the risk of being shot.

* If your stuck on a certain mission for a long time, try a different strategy, head a different way, or try something different to what you have been doing previously. Different strategies will work for different people and there a various ways around many of the obstacles.

(Thanks to snafegeeza & Carl Showalter who composed this Veteran tips list for Call of Duty 2)

I advise those who have completed it to place at least one Call of Duty on Veteran. The game is not too difficult at this difficulty . And for those who are new to it, start at least on Medium)

Some tips may help:

• Making good use of smoke grenades is a vital part of the game. Use it well, wisely. This can turn a hell of a gunfight into just a couple of shots. Don't waste them as smoke grenades are limited.

• Try to be in cover at all times. Never walk under bullets, or the enemy will often kill you. It is also recommended to stay in cover while reloading.

• When the screen turns red, immediately run to a safe place! Sit and keep your head down. The main thing is to recover quickly.

• As soon as you see the grenade sensor, run away. This will save your life.

• Choose your weapon carefully. Usually the primary weapon is the best choice. The rifle is the best choice for enemies at long range. Make sure you have some kind of machine gun with you and a rifle nearby.

• Impossible to kill an enemy? Or check if anyone is there or not? Use grenades. They bounce off walls well by the way.

09 Nov 2014 12:27

1 Comment
Another little hint, if you are not wounded and a grenade is thrown at you, do not be afraid of it, even if it explodes, you will not die. Try to push them away from you more often, periodically this helps you move on. The game has an auto-aim, it helps quite well when shooting rifles, you hold down the sight, it is aimed at the enemy, they shoot, release, etc.
By uzo255 on 24 Dec 2015 09:19
The whole game you will have to “crawl on your belly” because the enemies kill very quickly, sometimes they can even kill you through the wall.

Therefore, you need to quickly move from cover to cover and immediately lie down on the ground so that the enemies do not hit you.

The most important thing is to always let your allies go ahead!
They must "squeeze" all enemies out of their places.

Move closer to the enemy's positions, from cover to cover, and as soon as you get close to the enemy, lie down on the ground and wait for your allies to start moving forward behind you and shooting all the enemies along the way.

And don't forget to use smoke grenades.
Smoke grenades allow you to completely disorient the enemy and he will not see your movement and the movement of your allies.

Smoke grenades are very good when you need to "squeeze" enemies out of a fortified position.
We throw a grenade, wait until the smoke begins to spread throughout the entire territory and while the enemy sees nothing,
start counterattacking!

Also keep in mind that if you accidentally shoot your ally, he may die and you will have to
start the mission again from the checkpoint!

And be careful with frag grenades, if one explodes near your ally,
he might as well die.

06 Jun 2017 16:51