Call of Duty: Black Ops

Call of Duty: Black Ops

71 Achievements


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Space Race

Space Race

In Ascension, Pack-a-Punch a weapon before round 8.


How to unlock the Space Race achievement in Call of Duty: Black Ops - Definitive Guide

Note: I have gotten this on another account that got compromised to a point I needed to just start over with a new account. I have obtained this achievement the day before I posted this solution.
Just wanted to mention this to clear up any possible confusion this may cause.

This was actually pretty easy to achieve in solo, although it took me 3 tries to get it and I will explain why below. I also provided a video for those that don't like to read much. I do not take credit for this video and also differs from what I have written but follows roughly the same steps. This is how I went about doing it, but first here is the breakdown of the amount of points you will need to have acquired by the end of Wave 7.

All doors to access the Lunar lander pads: 7750 points.
To fly the Lunar Lander's to access Launch Protocol: 750 points.
For the Pack-a-Punch: 5000 points.
For a grand total of 13500 points.

Waves 1-2 you will stay in the area the lunar lander takes you to start. First off go buy the Revive, just in case.
On the first wave let them break through the barriers, so when you kill them you can get the power-ups they may leave behind, shoot twice with your M1911 then stab to maximize your points (150+ each). Rebuild 2 of the four barriers just to be safe. Then just as wave 2 starts rebuild the other 2 barriers to get those points then allow the zombies to break through again and this time shoot 4 to 5 times then stab.(170+ each)

Note: Only pick up 2x, insta-kills, and max ammo's. If at all possible DO NOT pick up the H-Bomb or the Death Machine. Those will only cost you points. Sometimes as you stab and kill a zombie you may end up picking up a power-up you may not want, so be careful.
Also try to kill the one's on the lower level fist, if possible, so the spinning machine does not kill the zombies, because this is a loss of valuable points.
Now by the end of Wave 2, if you did not get lucky and get a 2x power-up, you should have about 2400-2500. If you end up with the 2x power-up you could end up with up to 3100+ points at the end of Wave 2.

Now Wave 2 is done go open the door for 750 points at the upper level and then go right. Go and pick up the MP5K for 1000.

First door bought grand total needed by end of round 7 is now 12750 points.

You will be staying in this area for Waves 3-7.

For Waves 3 and 4 start off by staying in the corner between the MP5K and the barrier which the zombies will be coming out of. This will give you maximum view of the whole area. If you still have ammo for the M1911 and you are experienced enough go ahead and use that to maximize those points.
Wave 3 it will take 6 to 7 seven shots to weaken them enough to kill in 1 or 2 stabs. Wave 4 it will take a whole clip and a few extra.
If your going to use the MP5K then go for head shots to maximize your points. In Waves 3 and 4 they move slow enough to take proper aim, or shoot 2 shots and stab for wave 3 and 4 shots and stab in wave 4. Just watch your back at all times.

Note: Also during Waves 3-7 I suggest to leave 1 or 2 crawlers or slow moving zombies. This way you can rebuild all the barriers to maximize those points and to also give you vital time to prepare for the next wave. Also do not open any doors till the end of wave 7 and you have at least one crawler. Do not buy any other weapons just use the MP5K for the duration. Before you start each wave and you have rebuilt all barriers, even if they don't give points rebuild anyway for this can give vital time if for any reason you need to retreat to the beginning area because they will have break through and that should hopefully give you time to thin them out before the new ones break through, and you need ammo kill the zombies that are left first before you buy the ammo. This way if they happen to drop a Max Ammo you did not waste 500 points.
If you end up incapacitated and waiting for the revive you bought to kick in, DO NOT haphazardly shoot your explosive pistols. You do not get points and you can also cost yourself point's. If you need to get a few zombies out of the way that are to close for when you revive just aim directly and shoot to get rid of it. DO NOT go and buy another revive (unless your absolutely sure you can), it could cost you to obtain your goal.

Now for Waves 5-7 you will still be in same area again in the same corner, but keep moving. This is just to give you a view of the area as a whole so when the zombies do start coming out you will know where to start first. Go for head shots as much as possible use grenades when you need to, such as acquiring a crawler or to thin a mob. DO NOT pick up any H-Bombs or Death Machines this will only hurt you points wise, unless there is only one or 2 zombies left and your sure of it go ahead and pick up the H-bomb for that 400 extra points. As for the Death Machine, avoid it like the PLAGUE.
Now as for carpenter, use your best judgment. You really can't go wrong with it except for loosing some points for rebuilding barriers, but it can also give you valuable time to thin out the zombies before the ones that got stuck behind the barriers, when you picked up the power-up, break through.

Now your at the end of Wave 7 and you should have at least one crawler and if you maximized your points without relying on the power-ups you should have acquired roughly 13000 points, this does not include the door you already bought, and if you got lucky with insta-kills and double points then you should have about 15000+ points. That is more than enough to open the rest to the doors and to ride the lander's to access the launch protocol with the 5000 needed for the Pack-a-Punch.

This may be a small glitch!
On two occasions I have played and have not bought a perk at all and once I turned the power on I got a monkey wave. Just a heads up on this!
Now on to why I have not mentioned anything about opening the doors to at least turn on the power.
The reason for this is, once you turn on the power you risk the chance of a Monkey Wave, and if this happens no matter how much you maximize your points you will not get enough to obtain your goal. This is why it took me 3 tries. There just isn't enough monkey's to get the points needed, unless of course you get lucky and get 2 or 3 double point bonus's the next round or 2, depending on when you get the Monkey Wave before you reach the end of 7. I wouldn't rely on that though.
So you may as well hang it up and start over.
And that would suck, all that time just to have to start over.

Once you have obtained the necessary points, open all the doors and gate's that lead to the landing pads.
First open the gate (1250) next to the MK5P then head right in to the building. Climb all the stairs till you reach the door (1000) at the top of the last set. Now turn power on then open the gate (1250) next to the power switch, DO NOT use the Mystery Box unless your absolutely sure you can spare the 950, even then I would still wait until you have opened all doors and gate's and have used the lander's.
Follow the stairs down turn right then forward until you get to an open door to the left, but go right up the stairs instead to open the door (1250) to the first lander. Call it then ride it to the start area. Now go through the door you opened at the end of Wave 2. Turn left open the Gate (1000) go all the way down the corridor until you get to an open area with a Perk Machine. Open the door (1250) to the right then go through all the way to the end of the open area. Call the lander and ride it to the beginning area again. Now all you have left to do is ride the lander where you held off Wave's 3-7. Call it and ride it to the beginning area and the rocket you see should be all green now. Just head up to where you turned the power on, to the right of the power switch, and press the launch button. Now you have lift off. Now go through the gate next to the power switch head down the stairs and go all the way down till you reach that same open door to the left and go through it down the stairs through the hole in the wall and to the right. Go through that big door and to the right is another and the Pack-a-Punch is on the back wall. Just put in your weapon and as soon as it comes out and you pick it up.....Bleep bloop.....45GS.

Hope this is Helpful.

04 Feb 2011 23:26

Thanks for the solution man! I suuuuuuck at zombies alone but the guide got me the achievement first try. I bought the QR at the beginning which paid off on round six. I knifed an A-bomb zombie to end the 4th round almost right after it began, bought ammo once, picked up the death machine once by accident, and at the very end, had 600 extra :D
By Sweet Rvng on 14 Aug 2011 22:07
Extremely detailed, worked on the first try. Great work.
By MD Retribution on 07 Feb 2011 05:32
Thank You! Glad to hear it helped you.
By Fallout Jackal on 07 Feb 2011 07:08
By the way Monkey wave can only happen if you get a perk as well as the power
By motothemax13 on 20 Feb 2011 15:41
im trying this as we speak, and on wave 4...have not turned on the power nor bought a perk as of yet because i dont really want monkeys on my ass lol. now im not calling chef a liar, but i just dont understand why monkeys would appear, if you havent purchased any perks. i always thought that they are a perk-oriented enemy but like i said im in the middle of it right now. i think ill play it safe and leave the power off for now, besides you dont really need the power until the end of round 7 so. other than that this walkthrough/strategy along with the video down below, are pure GOLD for this achievement. i personally love running circles lol but thats just me...Shi No Numa all day baby!!
By MattyOHC TTV on 24 Feb 2011 06:12
awesome this worked like a charm. cheers bro! and just so ya know, i turned the power on at level 4 and still didnt buy a perk, and no monkeys appeared, so maybe chef, you must have just got unlucky that game. try it again and see if it matters at what level you turn the power on. just a thought. thanx for the walkthrough.
By MattyOHC TTV on 24 Feb 2011 06:53
Glad to hear it helped ya out MattyOxHxC.....I'm starting to think that maybe I ended up with a little glitch those first couple of times I tried and got the Monkey Wave even though I have not purchased a perk but the power was on, although when I killed them off I did get the revive perk both
By Fallout Jackal on 24 Feb 2011 07:11
Great solution. Did it second try :)

I still had 400 points left after buying the revive perk twice, and ammo for the gun twice.
By Anno Mundi on 21 Mar 2011 21:04
I can't make it through round 7 :'(
By SecondHeartbeat on 22 Mar 2011 00:26
I just made it through and then somehow the crawler I left behind regenerated and started running at me, wtf!?
By SecondHeartbeat on 22 Mar 2011 10:31
@ SecondHeartbeat
Yeah that happens! What happened is that you ended up getting to much distance between you and the zombie so it re-spawned Closer to you and ended up with legs. Also at times if you take too long to end the wave the crawler will die and a new Zombie re-spawns in it's place.

@The Cosmic Duck
That happens if you can maximize those points. Head Shots are the key. I had to buy ammo a couple of times myself and still had just over 1000 left after I opened all doors and gates needed and the launchers. I was even able to buy from the mystery box just before I went to Pack-a-Punch.

Just another tip for everyone: Also I've noticed is the more head shots you get the more power-ups are dropped by zombies.
By Fallout Jackal on 22 Mar 2011 18:30
Great of the best i've it on first try. Thanks bro.
By L2S The Game on 22 Mar 2011 20:26
great guide man... took me a few more trys than most people but im terrible at zombies..
note... i needed and bought 3 revives and two ammo still had 350 left over... second note.. not to sure why u said not to use death machine aside from making u slower.. headshot are still worth 100 points with it..
By WJS Osiris on 20 Apr 2011 09:50
@WJS Osiris
The reason I say to avoid the Death machine, is that it is very inaccurate when firing. This way you don't hinder points. If you can use the death machine and get head shots left and right with it, by all means use it.

The more you maximize your points the more you can get. It's just a matter of how well you can shoot. I have done it numerous times since and I end up with varied amounts of points left over.
By Fallout Jackal on 22 Apr 2011 02:27
Thanx for the guide! Got it on 1st try with 3550 points extra!! Thumbs up
By PensFan4Life71 on 25 May 2011 19:38
Check out for help with this achievement and many others ( including Call of Duty, Gears of War, Halo 3, and many more games ). Teams designed to get YOU the tough achievements. ~~Over 650 "Vidmaster: Annual" for Halo 3 runs successfully completed! ( As published at )
By SpecOp3 on 28 Jul 2011 18:08
Thanks for the amazing guide! I want to add something though.

I got to the end of the 7th wave with a crawler and was 40 points short from using the PAP, so I got the crawler to follow me to right next to the machine, knifed him a few times and he died. I IMMEDIATELY started to PAP the gun I had, and to my surprise while the round was in the process of ending, it gave me the achievement!!!

Just thought I would let you know if you're a few points short this is definitely an option.
By Tandar1 on 07 Aug 2011 20:22
Awesome guide. Got my achievement using this.
By TheBlackxRanger on 08 Jul 2012 04:19
Excellent guide, thanks. Followed this and got it second try.
By InsaneFlame on 12 Jul 2012 05:18
Your Welcome! Glad to Hear it worked for you.
By Fallout Jackal on 12 Jul 2012 05:33
this is top i finally have a way of getting this achievement on my own with out people with me cheers.
By AH Howesy on 07 Jan 2015 11:51
I got the monkey wave on wave 6 right after I turned power on in wave 5 and did not have a perk and also I got the monkey wave during wave 7 after I turned the power on in wave 5 and both times I did not have a perk which is why I mentioned that in my solution. I did not buy the revive the first couple of tries nor any other perk. I bought the revive on my third try for extra insurance for wave seven.
By Fallout Jackal on 20 Feb 2011 19:56
Great guide! I would only reiterate that the landers cost $250 so people are not confused about the total cost.
By Hockey Ed on 14 Apr 2012 15:02
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Here is a link to a youtube video of me obtaining the pack-a-punch before the end of round 6, solo. Sorry it's kind of long, it's the full game and doesn't have any commentary, so it's a little boring. It's like a video equivalent of a "wall of text". :D

Credit for the train/loop always goes to the youtuber Syndicate -

Here are some pointers:

1) Don't get quick revive or juggy. In addition to saving money, you won't waste a round on monkeys.
2) Starting in round 3, run a train/loop wherever you prefer and go for collaterals. I ran mine by the PHD Flopper lander, just running around from corner to corner.
3) Don't hit the box. Depending on where you want to run your train, get either the MPL or MP5K, that way you can run for ammo if you need to.
4) If you get Max Ammo, and you should at least once in the 7 rounds, reload your M9 and as you are forming your train behind you, turn around and empty a clip through all of them. It won't do any damage and you'll get a ton of points.
5) If you get a Nuke, try and pop it off between rounds where it won't kill anyone, but you'll still get 400 points.
6) Don't bother picking up other power-ups like the death machine or insta-kill. You need the points.

You have to get it while round 7 is still active (round 7 at the latest, I got mine in round 6), so you want crawlers. And remember that calling the lander near a zombie will kill it. Go do all three landers and pack your gun without killing your crawler(s). Achievement unlocked.

06 Feb 2011 21:52

This works perfectly. Got the achievement on Round 6 just like the video with extra points to spare for 2 tries from the mystery box, though thats not recommended till after the achievement unlocks.
By GLBlizzard on 12 Feb 2011 17:07
Works perfectely got on round 7 bought AK74U and PHD- Flopper with still about 1,000 points left.
By CDonns on 22 Feb 2011 12:02
watched the video... now imma try it :D
By iTzDanski92 on 27 Feb 2011 23:21
this is a good guide but when i get to round 6 the zombies seem to chase me faster round the circle then i get trapped :S
By iTzDanski92 on 27 Feb 2011 23:51
Thanks for posting this. I don't have pals who care about achievements and don't care to play online with strangers so doing it solo was a necessity.

I wish I could say this worked great the first time out...more like the 20th, but it's a very easy method for a disciplined player.
By klobeast on 20 Feb 2011 16:13
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This is the only achievement that might give people some trouble on the new zombie map, Ascension. It requires you to upgrade a weapon using the Pack a Punch machine BEFORE round 8 (so during Round 7). I'd advise doing this in a group of 2+ people. I managed to do it with only one other person, but it would be a lot easier with four people. If you do attempt this with two people, go for stabs early on, use the pistol on the zombies body to get extra +10s, repair barriers and always go for headshots.

So there are three parts to unlocking the Pack a Punch area:
- Opening the areas to the 3 Lander Platforms.
- Riding each lander to the Core to unlock Missile Authorisation.
- Launching the missile from the controls near the power.

So from the start, I'd recommend you organise to have 1-2 people, depending on the size of your group, to go for the achievement. That person will require 5000pts to Pack a Punch a weapon, and also 950pts to acquire a decent weapon from the mystery box. The others should use their points for doors and the landers, after buying a weapon.

For Rounds 1-3, use the M1911 and knife to take out zombies before moving the group through the bottom door for [750pts]. Follow the stairs up to the roof unlocking the two doors for [1000pts + 1250pts]. Turn on the power on the controls to the right. The controls to the missile are here also, just to keep in mind. Depending on how many there are of you, have someone watching the window here and also any zombies that drop from the roof, and the another watching the stairs. Personally, I prefer being the level below as the zombies come at you on the same level, making headshots easier. Either way, try the mystery box and stay here till the end of round 5.

At the end of Round 5, leave 1-2 zombies left and move downstairs to the ground level (There's a 1 on the wall). Move out to the left and go through the door here [1000pts] and head straight up the Platform B. Call in the lander and finish off any zombies to start 6. Have one person watch the stairs straight ahead and another to watch the windows to the left and up the stairs to the right. By the end of round 6, there should be enough points to unlock the rest of the map. Again, leave 1-2 alive and from this position, go down the stairs and right, following the path through a door [1000pts] till you hit an area with a pool of water and a Perk machine. Open the door on the right [1250pts] and you'll be at Platform C. Head all the way back to the main building, this time, heading right from the exit. Open the door [1000pts] and go right up the stairs, until you go through another door [1250pts] to Platform A.

Now that all Platform areas are unlocked, call in the lander to one of the platforms, ride it [250pts] to the core, and repeat this process at each of the platforms. This will give Missile authorisation, so head up to where the power switch is, activate the missile and head back towards Platform A. This time, instead of going up the stairs, follow the path down and right and you'll be in a previously locked area. The Pack a Punch machine is to the right in this room. Pay 5000pts, take your shiny new gun and the 45GS for the achievement.

You'll need 9500pts to unlock all doors and landers + 5000pts for each person who wants the achievement. If you maximise your points and get lucky with a 2x pick-up, you should be able to get this during Round 6, and comfortable in Round 7.

EDIT: You can also have your teammates down themselves with frags, and you'll receive points for reviving them if you ever come up short (Credit to DuelFates). Also if you exit the starting room from the top door, you'll save yourself 1000pts as you open one less door (Credit to DarkSlayer00001)

Best of Luck!

01 Feb 2011 15:09

Good guide. Something you might want to add which helped me. I had 4850 points with just a crawler left on round 7 (was playing with 4 and one already just got it). I was not getting anymore points for windows so I had my teammates down themselves with grenades to come up with the difference. Worth mentioning in case someone is very close to 5000.
By DuelFates on 02 Feb 2011 18:20
You can "pack a punch" your stock starting pistol therefor avoiding the extra 950 points needed.
By on 03 Feb 2011 06:58
true, but it'd be difficult to get the kills to accumulate the points without a second gun.
By MIL5Y on 03 Feb 2011 07:14
Taking the top area from the starting room requires one less door to be bought
By therealdnaz on 04 Feb 2011 00:32
Further point to the one about downing and reviving yourself to get a few extra points - you can actualy shoot a crawler in the arm with a pistol around 20 times, then knife him for 130 points to end the round and very quickly pack-a-punch your weapon as the counter at the bottom is changing from round 7 to 8
By Liam5426 on 10 Feb 2011 22:19
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This is very simple to get, I did it solo. The first thing you wanna do is go upstairs and camp it out. When the zombies approach shoot them twice and then knife them for 150 points each, then in round two shoot them three times and them knife them for 180 points, by round 3 you should have around 2500 points, open the door upstairs and go right towards the moon lander, buy the mp5 next to the door and camp next to the moon lander until the end of round 5, when there is one zombie left open the door next to the mp5 and turn on the power, once you turn it on go downstairs and use that first moon lander.

When you land go upstairs and turn left this time to go to the next moon lander and activate it. Now all you need is the last moon lander, once you land go upstairs and open the door past the mp5, go upstairs and activate the last moon lander. You should now have activated all 3 moon landers by round 5. Go to the power room and launch the rocket

Go towards the first moon lander and buy some mp5 ammo, activate the lander and kill the last zombie, now camp at the moon lander and if you get over run just take the moon lander and get out of there. I just ended up running down the stairs like a fool and almost getting trapped, but luckily got insta-kill. Now do the same strategy for round 7 and dont kill the last zombie, this is important because the eachievements asks you to do it BEFORE round 8.

You should have 5000 points by now and all you have to do is go to the pack-a-punch, once you pack-a-punch your weapon and pick it up you should get your achievement. Good Luck

02 Feb 2011 18:17

Just to add to the above solutions, which do cover everything exceptionally well. If you are within 130 points of the 5000 required to pack a punch a weapon, dont restart the game. What you can do is go run and stand by the pack a punch machine and bait your crawler to come to you. The crawler you created last round will eventually make his way to you and when he does, knife him very close to machine. As the round is ending (the round count flashing white) quickly pack a punch one of the weapons that are in your possession. You will get it back just in time before round 8 to start earning you a nice 45-Gamerscore.

I just obtained this achievement this way moments ago and figured I would share that fact with the rest of the community.


24 May 2011 04:45

Here's an excellent guide provided by IGN. It helped me out a lot earning the space race and three landers achievement. This video was made by IGN, full credit goes to them.

29 Mar 2011 09:45

Found it best to do with 3 people. select one person who will get to get the achievement all buy the gun off the wall and the one who wants the achievement go upstairs from the start. He will hold down the two windows up here. Don't be afraid to use them grenades. The other 2 guys on bottom let the zombies in before killing hem to get 2x perks. When each player accumulates 4000 points should be around round 4 make a crawler and let the 2 bottom people start opening doors turn the power on fly the landing pads in. Regroup kill crawler start round 5 kill all zombies and leave 1 or a crawler preferably and launch the rocket and it is all yours. I got it in round 5..It seems hard at first but once you get to know the map it is actually pretty easy......found it difficult with 4 people because the money distribution is not favorable

02 Feb 2011 00:32

I hav not yet won this but the method is as follows: firstly I believe it will be easier when playing with friends purely because a lot of money is needed for this. So the pack a punch is directly beneath the rocket, meaning you need to launch the rocket to gain access, to launch te rocket you need to activate and use each lunar landing pad, then going to the power switch and launching the rocket. So from starting area go upstairs and open the 750 door, immediately on your left after is a 1000 door leading to a 1250 door and a pad (Pad1) from the 750 door turn right and you will eventually see the next pad on your left and a 1250 gate on your right. The third pad is beyond the power switch which you can access through the gate opposite pad 2, going inside an going upstairs through a 1000 door, power is now on your right, then go through the 1250 gate in front of you, follow the route to another locked door, open it's either 1000 or 1250?! And the final pad I there. Once all pads have been launched and the rocket has you must go to the rocket. From the power switch go down te steps and right, then down the next set of steps, follow the wide clearing to the rocket launch area, and underneath on the right is the pack a punch.

Bearing in mind this has to be done before round 8 and the pack a punch itself is 5000 it is easier to do with people so you can split the doors.

01 Feb 2011 15:01

Achievement guide for all of the first strike zombie map pack achievements: For the eagle has landers achievement you need to activate and use all three landers they are found scattered around the edges of the map. For the Space race achievement you need to activate all three landers, once you have done this you can activate the rocket from where you turn the power on, this unlocks the room where the pack a punch machine remember though you have to do this before round 8. For the Chimp on the Barbie achievement you need to purchase a perk then on the next round the chimps will come, you have to go to the area with the stamina up and as you go in to that area there will be a trap on your left activate this and hopefully a chimp will walk into it and theres your achievement. For the They are Going THROUGH! achievement you need to obtain the Gersch equipment from the random box, it looks like a yellow disk, once you have this toss it into a crowd of zombies and you should get five kills with it happy hunting.Please like and subscribe and if you need help send me a message.

31 Jul 2011 17:43

All doors to access the Lunar lander pads costs: 7750 points.
To fly the Lunar Lander's to access Launch Protocol: 750 points.
For the Pack-a-Punch: 5000 points.
This will come to a total of 13500 points.
Just keep buying the MP5k and buying ammo as you can wipe out loads. As soon as you have 5000 points get a few more and then let your partner get 8k or keep going and be prepared to spend some points.

26 Aug 2011 23:29

One thing I would tell you before you even start this achievement is that it is incredibly hard to do solo (I tried for about 4 hours before I gave up and got a friend to help me), so I would recommend doing it with a friend.
If you want to do it solo, make sure that you DO NOT buy any perks, as this will cause a monkeys round (which will stop you getting enough points for the achievement).
If you are playing solo, start by making your way out of the first room by the door on the 1st floor then buy the MP5K and run the zombies in a circle around where the lander station is, then turn round and shoot them as they follow you (run over to buy ammo when you run out). At the end of round 7 leave a crawler, turn on the power and open all the doors to the lunar landers before flying each one back to the starting room. After this go back to the power room and press the button next to the power switch (it glows green when all the landers have been 'linked'). This will make the rocket launch and you will be able to access the pack a punch room below where the rocket launched. Pay the 5000 points for a pack a punch, your weapon will go in and then come back out. Pick it up for the achievement.
A far easier way to do this is with a friend. Stay in the starting room (one person downstairs, the other upstairs) and use pistol-knife combo for the 1st two rounds, then buy the M14 on round 3 and use it to last you to round 5 (go for headshots). At this point (end of round 5) you should have engineered it so you have about 7000 points and your friend has all the rest. Leave a crawler and get your friend to open the door on the top floor of the first room, where you should now head for the power room, with you ONLY opening the 1st 1250 point door you come across and no more. Turn on the power and DO NOT hit the box - you need all the points you have for the doors and the pack a punch machine. After that head for each lunar lander in succession, riding each one back to the start room (make sure that if you buy the lunar landers you still retain 5000 points). After they've all been used, the screen showing the rocket on its side should be all green and you can go to the power room to launch it. After launch, go down to the area underneath the rocket and pay 5000 points at the PAP machine to pack a punch your gun. when you pick it up you will get the achievement.
By the way - this must be done before round 8 NOT on it.
Make sure to return the favour for the friend who helped you.
Good Luck!

16 Oct 2011 17:57

I got this with 2 people by round 5.
what we did was i got the m14. and took downstairs zombies. he took the upstairs. he bought doors and did the landers for the rocket to blast off. i racked up points. i got 5950 so i hit the box once hoping for gershes . and got a AUG. so i pack a punched the AUG

01 Mar 2013 18:09

This is easily the hardest trophy in this DLC. Without this trophy, the whole DLC would've probably taken you an hour or less. You have to open a significantly large number of doors, with a lot of money being used up - money being the key element to this trophy. For this I suggest you do this with 2 players offline as you'll have better co-ordination and communication. One player will take the role of opening all/most of the doors around the map, this person will also activate all of the launchers while the other will rack up as many points as possible before the 8th round.

The key to this is not dying (as you'll lose points) and knowing which doors to open and when. This is also a good opportunity to get the 'The Eagle has Landers' trophy as you must activate all 3 lunar landers in order to reach the pack-a-punch machine.

Here's what I did for this trophy:

- Until the 4th round my partner and I ONLY used our pistols and our knives. Even when you run out of ammo DO NOT buy the M14, continue to knife the zombies as it will net you more points.

- Leave one zombie at the end of the 4th round alive and activate the power (see 'The Eagle Has Landers' trophy for more information). Both you and your partner must now purchase ONE weapon from the random box (which is located opposite to the power switch). Hopefully you will get a good weapon to rack up points with such as the RPK, HK-21 or Famas.

- Even if you don't, just take whatever you can get. For the next 2 rounds, both you and your partners must rack up as many points as you can.

- By the end of the 6th round, my partner and I had enough points to unlock all of the doors and activate all of the landers (leaving one crawler whilst we did so). It is important to note that I did not open ALL of the doors, my partner had to open one which left him with about 3,500 points by the end of the 6th round. After the 7th round he had more than enough money to pack-a-punch his weapon.

- So, after leaving a crawler we set out to open the room where the pack-a-punch room was located. To do this, make your way back to where the power switch is. To the right of the switch is a big red button. Hold square18x18.png to activate it.

This will launch the rocket which opens up the room to the pack-a-punch machine (see the map in the 'They are going THROUGH!' trophy for the loaction). Pack-a-punch any of your weapons and this trophy is yours.

To open up the area with the Pack-a-Punch, you first need to find and ride all three lunar landers. After you have ridden them all, go up to the power switch. Beside the power switch is a console with the image of a rocket above it. If you have used all the landers, the rocket should be completely green. Activate the launch sequence at the console, and a rocket will launch from the station. Once the rocket has finished launching, go to the outside area below where the rocket used to be and the Pack-a-Punch is in the room, which is now open below the launch site.

Just be sure to launch the rocket before Round 8, and save enough points to purchase a Pack-a-Punch upgrade before Round 7 ends. The achievement will unlock when you take the upgraded weapon from the Machine.

Easy to do solo. By the end of the 6th round you can gain points if you are lucky with the multiplication. And it's so simple. Rounds 1-3 are mostly knife. Rounds 4 - 6 I used MP5, made headshots, plus, in any case, a multiplication, a shard (a knife is our everything), a cannonball will come up (take it at the end of the round, when there are no enemies left or only one, +400 points). At the end of the 7th round, he left the cripple, performed flights on the module from three lunar stations (750 points), launched a rocket in a room with a switch, and a coolshazer (5000 points). To open all the doors you need 7750 points (I could be wrong, I opened the door in the starting room from above). After all the actions there are still ~1500 points left.

20 Aug 2014 13:57

We open all the doors as in the video , dance in circles and kill in the head, I had an extra mower left on the 7th wave, do a solo! To be on the safe side in the first location, buy the revival perk.
By Z7F7R on 25 Feb 2019 00:50
Achieving is easy to do with four people. During the round we make an achievement for one person (upgrading a weapon costs 5000), the other three save money to open all the doors in order to turn on the electricity and get to the upgrader. To open all the doors you will need about 9 thousand. Everything is done in one first room, at the very beginning of the game. Two people hold two windows on the first floor, the third (the one who does the achievement) holds 2 windows on the second floor, the fourth helps him. By the seventh chapter there should be enough money, we leave one zombie without legs. Open the door on the second floor and follow the arrows on the walls. We reach the switch and turn on the electricity. Now you need to ride on 3 lunar modules and launch the rocket... After launching the rocket, we go to the place where it took off, there will be a room with an improver. We improve your weapons and achievements.
By RammRUS on 08 Jul 2011 00:26