Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009)

50 Achievements


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Complete Of Their Own Accord, Second Sun, and Whiskey Hotel on Veteran Difficulty.



How to unlock the Homecoming achievement in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009) - Definitive Guide

Some survival hints for these levels:

Of Their Own Accord
- GO SLOWLY. Every time I died on this level was because I pushed ahead way too early. There are tons of cover in the buildings.
- Once you clear the mezzanine in the main room of the first building, you'll hang a left into a hallway with far too many entry points. Be careful here as the baddies can pretty much one-shot you through the door straight ahead while you're taking care of the ones around the corner to the left, and vice-versa.
- At the crow's nest, pay strict attention to Foley. I know sometimes the AI's suggestions are kinda wacky, but this part is pretty much dead on. Also, when you hear "get your ass to the roof," run like hell.

Second Sun
- If you're the kind of player that completely forgets that you have flashbangs, here's a wake-up call. Don't hesitate to use them when going through the buildings,
- In the encounter on the street where Foley throws the flare, you can kill the enemies before that whole script without penalty.

Whiskey Hotel
- This is a mean level as it starts with just about the most irritating encounter in the game. Take cover often, try to pick off the guys in the White House if you can score something with a scope, and be ready to die a hell of a lot.
- When you move out to the left of the press room, be careful of the guys rappelling down and on the balcony above.
- When Foley says you have less than two minutes, keep moving but don't be stupid. Make good use of aim assist. When you get to a tall staircase that doubles back, there should be no more baddies and you can just book it to the end.
- Psycho Joe 1 reminded me that the countdown in the above note is not actually a countdown, and you really can just take your time. Props to him, because I totally forgot about this.

07 Jul 2010 17:48

Also, in Whiskey Hotel, when you get the 'two minute warning', there's no countdown, and you can feel free to us as much time as you want
By Psycho Joe 1 on 05 Apr 2011 22:33
Thanks for the helpful guide.
By Solario32 on 29 Sep 2011 12:24
I had very little trouble, got through all three levels in about 45 minutes. Good guide
By on 30 Apr 2014 23:15
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