Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009)

50 Achievements


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Complete Takedown and The Hornet's Nest on Veteran Difficulty.



How to unlock the Turistas achievement in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009) - Definitive Guide

The easiest solution for these is similar to the one for all other missions on Veteran. It's just the first one that plays as less of a tutorial, and more of a punishment. The actual game starts here, and not with the other ones. What's the solution?

Go slow. Very slow. No matter how slowly you're moving through the mission, you should assume you're moving too fast.

The only exception to this rule is when moving from building to building through alleyways, in which case you should have a shotgun (or possibly akimbo Rangers) out, and sprint.

Take cover frequently, and pick your targets out carefully. Whatever weapons you take to replace your default ones, ensure that one of your weapons has ACOG. The majority of the two missions is spent in too close quarters for the occasional snipers you find to be useful, and too far for iron sights to be realistic.

Grenades aren't useful to harm enemies, but tossing a grenade near a corner can cause an AI taking cover to run to grab it and toss it back. Use this to your advantage, and if an enemy is giving you trouble, bait them with a grenade and gun them down.

More than once on Takedown you'll notice gunfire with no clear source. Look for white doors. Several times an enemy will be reaching out to fire and then ducking back in. Shoot the door at point blank range with a shotgun, and the bullet penetration should kill them (they'll fall out and open the door). Be ready for other enemies, as there are usually several camped in the building you just opened. A similar event happens, but with green shutters on a window, on at least one occasion. The window is too high to use a shotgun effectively, but if you duck below it, it is possible.

Hopefully I helped.

24 Nov 2009 01:25

Forgot that you could just shoot through those doors :d
Should make it quite easier.

But do you know if the enemies respawn? There just seems to be a nearly endless amount of enemies.
By Pannerup on 08 Dec 2009 10:21
Enemies do not respawn. But there are a lot of them, and ones you leave behind try to catch up.
By napoleon1066 on 15 Dec 2009 16:54
Is this thing glitched or something? I just completed these campaign maps the other day and the achievement won't pop up.
By mast3r 0r0m1s on 15 Jun 2010 12:05
@mast3r 0r0m1s: Are you sure you're playing on Veteran difficulty? (Veteran is the hardest level).

If you feel like you aren't dying more than makes sense or is fair, you aren't playing on Veteran.
By Owlowiscious on 13 Sep 2010 02:37
to mast3r 0r0m1s
either your not on veteran or you need to clear the cache on the hard drive sometimes that can help
By Bauersking08 on 22 Mar 2011 13:34
Wasn't glitched for me. Like others said, make sure its on veteran.
By Solario32 on 27 Oct 2011 16:25
it just glitched for me too, and i double checked that it was completed on veteran. Anybody else have this problem? or how did you get it to pop?
By AGGT002 on 28 Aug 2016 07:41
Takedown is impossible in veteran. Anyone who says veteran on this game is easy clearly hasn’t played it. You get stuck on the scenery every fucking single time, you’re almost magnetised into the centre mass of every obstruction. Enemies in the favela are practically magic.
By Scenic Route 16 on 11 Aug 2022 08:52
If I clear the cache like you suggested will that erase all my achievements I’m only beating it on veteran and getting the last 20 intel. I don’t have any spec ops because I don’t play it really but that would be a bummer if I had to erase everything from mw2
By VFH818 TG on 20 Oct 2022 21:38
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