Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009)
50 Achievements
Whiskey Hotel
Take back Whiskey Hotel.
How to unlock the Whiskey Hotel achievement in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009) - Definitive Guide
In order to obtain this achievement, simply beat the "Whiskey Hotel" level. This is the level in which you travel across the front lawn of the White House and through many building surrounding it. Once you get to the end of the level, the achievement should unlock.
NOTE: The credit for this video goes to MahaloVideoGames.
NOTE: The credit for this video goes to MahaloVideoGames.
The level with the big EMP strike is Second Sun. The level after that is called Whiskey Hotel and you'll get the achievement after completing that one. So not after the level with the EMP strike.
By The Fury I84I on 14 Mar 2011 12:12
Fun level :)
By Solario32 on 27 Oct 2011 17:14