Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2011)
76 Achievements
Base Game
50 Achievements
No Assistance Required
Complete a Special Ops Mission Mode game on Hardened or Veteran with no player getting downed.
Diamond in the Rough
Rescue the Russian President. Complete "Down the Rabbit Hole" on any difficulty.
Out of the Frying Pan…
Complete "Persona Non Grata", "Turbulence", and "Back on the Grid" on Veteran difficulty.
The Darkest Hour
Complete "Eye of the Storm", "Blood Brothers", and "Stronghold" on Veteran difficulty.
This is the End
Complete "Scorched Earth", "Down the Rabbit Hole", and "Dust to Dust" on Veteran difficulty.
For Whom the Shell Tolls
Destroy all targets during the mortar sequence with only 4 shells in "Back on the Grid."
Collection Bundle
26 Achievements