Castle Crashers

Castle Crashers

12 Achievements



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Win 20 All You Can Quaff Ranked Matches.


How to unlock the Glork achievement in Castle Crashers - Definitive Guide

If you want to do this without boosting, there is a very good way of doing this that I have discovered. Do NOT alternate your button presses, use your good hand's thumb going the length of the X and Y button, and mash both at the same time with the same finger. It makes you eat much faster than alternating the buttons does.

19 Oct 2008 11:01

This works really well thanks!
By Alex Whiskers on 06 Dec 2009 14:34
Yep it sure does
By Dat Boi Treezy on 31 Dec 2009 04:54
Anyone have problems with this not unlocking? I have 21 ranked wins and no achievement yet
By Crimson Drifter on 14 Jan 2010 00:33
@Crimson Drifter: If your opponent quit it does not count (but added to your leaderboard score), personally I have to win 23 matches. Oh, yeah, and the solution worked fine to me, thanks!
By StrongFirst on 11 Feb 2010 14:12
solution worked fantastically...used my left thumb to hold down the A button and my right index finger laid across the X and Y buttons and just kept pressing them...not much effort, just time consuming when boosting with another person
By PinataZombie on 07 Jul 2010 03:45
I tried it yesterday for the first time and it worked great! Fantastic info and one thumb up for you!
By Sixfeetbehind on 14 Jul 2010 20:14
cheers for the tip , it has helped alot
By I AAR0N I on 25 Aug 2010 19:40
Is this a Live Gold achievement, or can you simply do it on the 'All you can quaff' option in 'Local Game'?
By xoIrawrIox on 09 Sep 2010 20:34
Yep works like a charm!
By Viles Vengeance on 10 Sep 2010 09:00
Awesome technique that worked great for me! Thanks!
By vSully on 14 Oct 2010 16:17
use plastic bottle cap ;)
By Pa1ppi on 16 Feb 2011 01:04
for the sake of your finger :D
By Pa1ppi on 16 Feb 2011 01:19
that solution really works, i have had some stupid fast a.i in some of my matches... and before i went looking for a bewtter way to hit buttons they were kicking the shit outta me lol
By AngryKamehameha on 06 Mar 2012 01:49
Looking to do this, add/msg me if you want to do it together.
By Xonatron on 28 Mar 2012 03:27
Just like @Tsukimi, I just won 20 ranked matches (shows as 20 wins and 6 loses on the "lifetime ranked" leaderboards) and NO ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED!

Is this a patch glitch?
By Xonatron on 29 Mar 2012 02:41
I just won it with 23 wins. Apparently wins from quits do not count for the achievement, but count towards the leaderboards.
By Xonatron on 29 Mar 2012 03:28
+1 much easier with this technique. Had to win 22 total for achievement to unlock due to being quit on twice.
By MaseJ on 19 Dec 2012 01:06
Couldn't you use a turbo controller for this?
By Mr Granstaff on 21 Jan 2013 14:03
wHori to the rescue ;)
By Crimson Drifter on 21 Jan 2013 18:55
Yep, I'm using the Hori myself, with X and Y turbo'd together. Just hold em both down and watch the computer get destroyed!
By PNibbles on 18 Apr 2014 18:50
you can also keep cn_A hold down.. wink
By herbal1st on 19 Apr 2015 17:46
Anyone up to? There isn´t much players on multi...
By nicolau44 on 23 Apr 2015 16:47
Anyone want to boost the last three cheevos send me a message
By An Naomh Naofa on 23 May 2015 21:46
If anybody is still seeking this achievement, I am setting up a boosting session to get the last few achievements for this game. PM me if you are interested.
By Zootown Montana on 17 Sep 2015 17:53
Need Help with this and the other online cheevo.
Text me on xbox if you wish to help GT: rippercito
By rippercito on 06 Feb 2019 17:27
ain’t that hard
By on 22 Apr 2020 13:44
Hi guys - Urgamanix here, ex-gamerscore champ! I had some spare time during the current situation to play some old games and complete those achievements I never got around to. Anyone fancy a boost session for the two PvP games? Hit me up at Urgamanix. Thanks!
By Urgamanix on 28 Apr 2020 14:19
Need boosting for all the multiplayer achievements if anyone still plays this!
By Fang Foom on 03 Jan 2022 09:48
I need this and all other multiplayer achievements !! Can someone help? My gt is MySingingBruh
By MySingingBruh on 09 Apr 2022 19:54
Trying to get this achievement if anyone is down.
By Selfaye on 16 Oct 2022 21:59
I need this one and also Arena Master. Gamertag: a13xth3o
By a13xth3o on 02 Jan 2024 04:47
If anyone is down to do this achievement hmu my gt is Meshuggala

By Meshuggala on 27 Jan 2024 03:45
Crimson Drifter....I had the same problem as I had to get 25 wins before i unlocked the achievements. Just keep quaffing and you'll get it!
By CEREAL KILLAH23 on 21 Jan 2010 18:19
Well, kinda shame to ask here, I won over 20 matches w/ random players & confirmed over 20 matches no one quits, did not unlocked. And then I tried to boosting w/ my friend and now I can see I won over 70 ranked matches but still, not unlock this achievement. I tried to ask the development team on their facebook page, but the answer was they don't know either. Sigh..
By Tsukimi on 23 Mar 2012 07:20
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I tried the rock band drum kit method but my hands were starting to get really tired. My brother had a percussion massager (
External image
) and we just held it down on the blue and yellow pads. Had to lift it up for each new fruit ( a button) but this method worked amazing ... undefeated!

09 Apr 2010 14:16

that might be the lamest thing i've ever seen
By vikingbloodlust on 12 Apr 2010 07:11
i donno y but that looks incredibly slow to me you must have gone against slow people.
By Mstrofdashadows on 29 Jun 2010 06:43
Brilliant, I don't care if it's lame, it's genius regardless.
By Hurball on 17 Jul 2010 17:47
By Vodkabrother BE on 03 Aug 2010 21:57
That's hilarious. To the guy saying that it looks slow, do you hear how fast that massager thing was going? I believe that he's undefeated with this method.
By RCPD Zombie on 06 Aug 2010 06:28
HAHAHAHAHAH! You are an evil genius! :°D
By fbsarts on 10 Sep 2010 11:05
Very creative. I applaud you, sir.
By Phil the guy on 16 Sep 2010 13:39
I'm surely not going to try this, but thumbs up for making me laugh. This is both creative and hilarious.
By NeverwinterMoon on 16 Feb 2011 12:56
haha - that's awesome!
By TitusHeck on 24 Feb 2011 18:36
By PermanentKarma on 08 Apr 2011 20:59
By KGK Lunchbox on 15 Apr 2011 21:41
i dont know if i should Applaud your ingenuity or be worried about the fact you own a vibrating massager
By WotWaPoinMinat on 07 Nov 2011 11:27
I borrowed it from my mom ... Just kidding
By ChrisTheMeat on 07 Nov 2011 15:03
omfg too funny, thumbs up for humor.
By GWARRRRR on 05 Mar 2012 21:01
LMBO. That is freaking brilliant. I couldn't stop laughing watching this.
By Phaque Dee end on 15 Oct 2012 18:04
Lame maybe, but gotta be the most unique and original way of getting an achievement ever.
By terrett101 on 17 Jun 2010 21:24
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The only way I found I could get the achievement was to use the Rock Band drum kit. Hitting the blue and yellow pads instead of mashing X and Y worked like a dream. The pads are much more sensitive than the 360 controller's buttons so you can eat much faster than you ever could using a standard controller.

07 Apr 2009 15:38

A great edge and way to keep your arm from tiring out is to hit X and Y as much as possible and HOLD A the entire time. This will cause your next fruit to fall almost immediately.

19 May 2009 11:31

Surprised I havnt seen this tip yet. Ill tell you right now, its easy easy easy to win with my method and you dont need to boost.

take a bic lighter and rubb it vigorously over the 2 buttons.. its an old school nes technique and it works well. i won 90% of my matches doing this and it doesnt even hurt your hands nearly as much as just pressing them.

if you dont have a lighter, anything will work.. i used a pen once.. something small and hard will do the job.
FInd a boosting buddy, and get in a private chat, and have one person create rooms and the other join right away, then just switch off mashing the X,Y button. Without a boosting buddy, your arms will probably fall off.

29 Aug 2008 08:44

If you are okay with boosting for achievements I suggest you use the strategy I am about to give you as it is the most hassle free and least physically demanding way to get this achievement.

This strategy requires you to have at least one friend who is willing to help you get this achievement. However, it is preferable for you to have three other friends who are willing to help you get this achievement as if you do not have 4 human players A.I can make obtaining this achievement more difficult.

Once you and your friend(s) are ready to get this achievement one of you should host a custom ranked game of All You Can Quaff, you should then set the number of players of to the number of people you have helping you get this achievement. Once this is done you have your friend(s) search for a match with the same criteria as the match you have created. Don’t worry about joining other peoples games as there are very very few people who still play ranked all you can quaff.

Once you are all in the game you should all ready up and start the match, you should then starting to eat your fruit at a steady pace and instruct your friend(s) to eat their fruit very slowly as this will make the AI. Player(s) eat their fruit even slower than usual. If you have 4 players helping you it is not necessary to have them eat their fruit at all.

Once this is done you must repeat it at least 20 times. If any of the people helping you also need this achievement you should take alternate turns at wining the match, this is often better than if no one else needs the achievement as it gives your arm a rest and stops your friend(s) from getting bored.

This can take a long time and is best done with good friends as to avoid becoming unbelievably bored.

29 May 2009 20:48

Best possible way to get a victory, use a turbo controller. turbo up X and Y and hold those down while pressing A every few seconds. Easy 15.

23 Jun 2011 06:07

This achievement is entirely about how you grip the controller.Take the standard grip and then move your your left thumb to the x button whilst still lightly holding the left hand side of the controller. Then your right thumb to the y button. Proceed to then wiggle the controller in your hand in such a fashion that you have a sort of arm controller button mashing seizure; literally shake your arms like mad with your thumb's hovering over x and y. Few can compete with this method.

04 Feb 2010 20:04

To get this without boosting, find a technique that works well for you. Then create a ranked match. Limit the number of players to two. Sit back and wait for a random to sign up. It can be a lengthy wait so be prepared.

The most important thing is to let you opponent stay close until the apple or banana. If you blow them away early they will just exit and you wont get a win that counts toward the achievement.
it took me 24 wins before it popped because of people dropping out of the game.

Save yourself a lot of waiting by letting them think they have a chance. Or you can boost with a friend. If you choose to do that then set up a 4 player match. If no one shows up 3 seconds after you both toggle the ready button the computer will fill in the other two seats.

30 Nov 2010 07:00

A lot of people still need this achievement, and it makes it harder to get it now because not enough people play it online and your lucky to get a game! A boosting lobby is your best bet! I used a arcade fighting stick and set the X & Y to rapid fire and just basically held the buttons down and moved now and again when it got stuck, nobody could get near me but had to keep on pausing and letting them catch up a bit or they would quit the game before i won! I think this is the best way to do this achievement, so if you can get your hands on a turbo pad or arcade stick, use it!!

29 Aug 2011 11:39

This is now extremely easy due to backward compatibility. You need two xbox live profiles to do this. Set up a game with whatever profile you want make sure you set the player limit to 4 because it makes the A.I.s easier for some reason. Get both profiles into the lobby, one on xbox 360 and one on xbox 1. The computers are very easy to beat 95% of the time so this is now more of a grind than a challenge. Hoped this helped a bit. smile

14 May 2016 23:55

Another Good (Possibly Cheap) method is to simply use a guitar hero controller to press the buttons. From my experience you'll register a lot more button presses than simply using a standard controller.

02 May 2011 18:14

Okay this is what I did and I found it to work very well and only took about an hour.
Have 2 people who won't be working towards the achievement (eg. Already have it, spare account, friend who is willing to help) and then you and a friend who are going for this should then make a ranked custom match with 4 people max and then make sure everyone joins, if a random gets in then just close the group and restart it. You and your friend should then continue to go through and win after each other so it will be a max of 40 games and pace yourself coz it isnt a race, and you can hurt fingers for a few days trying this hard (no joke laugh), so remember go at a nice pace and this should come easily. and remember, you can check the leaderboards whenever you want to see how far you and/or your friends are towards getting this achievement.

hope i've helped and remember to thumb up the solution and if you down vote please state why as to help fix the solution :)

07 Sep 2012 04:44

If you can have 3 friends/boosting partners to do this, its obviously the best way to go as you will have nobody to "beat" per say. But you can do it by yourself. Using the backward compatibility method, i had my second account on my Xbox One with my main account on my 360. Put it at 2 players and 2 AIs to fill up.

Now yes the AI can be extremely fast at times and beat you, but for instance today i did 5 games and i won 3 of them very easily and the last one was a bit closer but at 5 games done my arm was starting to tire a bit. Eventually yes your arm will tire so i am sugesting you do this over the course of a few days, as no hurry is required. Do 3/4 games or how much your arm can stand, and do it again the next day. You should be able to complete it in a week and not needing anybody.

18 Jan 2021 21:30

not a real solution but a warning : the game servers are desert for now,almost no one is playing it and it's rare that you see a random player in,best way to get this cheevo is to get 4 players for an easy time,yeah technically you can do it with 2 players but the game strangely fills the missing players with AI,even if you create a custom ranked match with just 2 players the game will do the same thing,the problem with the AI is that it's totally random,sometimes they are too fast sometimes too slow,either way prepare yourself for a "mashing button simulator"and hope that the AI is too slow.finally i suggest making sessions with 4 players to avoid the stupid AI,good luck

17 Sep 2017 13:01