Castlevania: SotN
34 Achievements
100,000 XP
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Castlevania: SotN achievements progress.
Have Death steal your equipment.
Meet Maria in the Clock Room.
Defeat Lesser Demon, in the Long Library.
Defeat Granfaloon, in the Catacombs.
Obtain the Holy Glasses from Maria, at the Castle Center.
Defeat Karasuman, in the Clock Tower.
Kill Richter Belmont, in the Castle Keep.
Defeat Darkwing Bat, in the Reverse Clock Tower.
Defeat Medusa, in the Anti-Chapel.
Defeat the Creature, in the Reverse Outer Wall.
Kill your doppleganger... again ?
Defeat Death, in the Cave.
Defeat Galamoth, in the Floating Catacombs.
Defeat Beelzebub, in the Necromancy Laboratory.
Defeat Akmodan II, in Death Wing's Lair.
Defeat Trevor, Grant & Sypha, in the Reverse Colosseum.
Defeat Shaft, in the Reverse Castle Center.
Defeat Dracula, after resurrecting him.
10,000 XP
Perform every single magic spells.
Reach 200.6% of the map explored.
Re-enact Dracula's Defeat at the hands of Richter Belmont.
Meet the Long Library's Librarian.
Obtain every single familiars.
Defeat Hippogryph, in the Royal Chapel.
Defeat Cerberus, in the Abandoned Pit to the Catacomb.
Defeat Scylla, in the Underground Caverns.
Defeat Minotaur & Werewolf, in the Colosseum.
Reach 100% of the map explored.
Defeat Olrox, in his own quarters.
Deafeat Slogra & Gaibon, in the Alchemy Laboratory.
Defeat Doppleganger Lv.10, in the Outer Wall.
Defeat Succubus, in Alucard's Nightmare.