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Professor of Catan

Professor of Catan

You beat three Hard AIs in Catan.


How to unlock the Professor of Catan achievement in Catan - Definitive Guide

It is easier to get this achievement if you set your options to Fast Play and Fast Start. That way you only need to acquire 4 additional victory points to win the game. Take a starting position that makes it easy to acquire development cards. I won this achievement by placing 1 additional settlement, acquiring 1 victory point card, and using the road builder card to complete the longest road.

15 Apr 2009 19:59

The fast start and fast play never occurred to me. Took two attempts, but got it with longest road, biggest army and a victory card. Thanks!
By Foobar III on 13 Mar 2010 02:19
Got it on the 2nd attempt. Good solution.

BTW could you add to the solution that the difficulties don't stack. Neither difficulty achievement mentions this.
By DominusTenebrae on 07 Jul 2010 21:51
THANK YOU!!! Only took me two tries after this. X360A guide or forums doesn't mention this. You are amazing =)
By Failure Online on 17 Jul 2010 02:46
I'm not sure I even knew those options were there. Thanks to the advice about development cards I had biggest army and longest road before I knew it, and poof! First try with your method, took a year of failure without. Thanks a ton!
By Stavia on 10 Aug 2010 18:56
This helped me a lot, got it on the first try
By Der Tiroler 85 on 13 Jul 2011 13:27
Thanks helped me alot
By AxillaryMees on 09 Oct 2011 06:46
Changing the AI to Elizabeth also helps, she seems to be a weaker player.
By Richard Gear on 08 Apr 2013 08:02
Very nice thought.

I did it legit, but this would have worked. Sucks though...I played 1 game with 2 Comps thinking it would get it for me (playing against 2 makes it quicker and easier) and was ticked when I realized the Desc states 4 players, AHH!!! haha
By Curtieson on 28 May 2010 20:53
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Two ways to get this: One Fair, and one iffy. I can confirm both work as of 5/19/12, after the last probable update.

Method 1 (Fair Method)
Start a Lobby of 4 Hard AI and go to setup (setup you can reach by pressing Y)
Have the Following Options (ElaineDeShalott went into some detail on this)
- Fast Setup
- Fast Victory
- Fixed Positions
- Friendly Robbers
- Friendly Resources

you will now start at 3 victory points, and require 7 (as said before) your 3 spaces between your settlements, so connect the roads and you will get an extra 2 points. in the middle, you will be able to place a settlement for a 6th point, and upgrade any of the 2 settlements to a city for your 7th and winning point.

2nd method (iffy method, confirmed)

Start a hard game with 4 AI, go through initial settlement, and after its your turn 2 or 3 more times, quit out and play the tutorial. after the tutorial is completed, you will get the achievement. hope this helps someone C:

22 May 2012 02:11

Iffy method worked a charm. Not even ashamed.
By Teh ShadowMan on 12 May 2014 11:16
iffy worked perfect today.
By Shadow XBL on 20 Aug 2014 03:27
hi there, this is nearly the same solution as sirfacee's, but easier in my opinion. I posted this solution in early 2010, so just bringing it over to this site for everyone to use.

Choose the following options, and you should have an easy time to win:

Fast win
Basic Setup
Fast Start
Friendly Resources
Fast Victory

You will always start at a 6 for wood with your settlement and a 8 for brick with your city.

You have 3 of 7 points already at the beginning.
Because of the good resources at start (from city), it is easy to build longest road and another two settlements all turn after turn and you have won easy.

Build longest road between your settlement and city, and from the city to the center.

This works EVERY time. You start always with the same dice cards and resources!

11 Jan 2013 06:25

A very difficult achievement indeed, you will need to be either very lucky or very strategic. You must beat three hard AI players in a match, you may end up playing a lot of matches and losing before unlocking this achievement. Here are a few things to remember if you hope to win.

Collect development cards. There are five VP cards in the deck, getting those helps a lot. Road building cards will be important for getting the longest road award and the two VP it holds. Soldier cards are an easy way to gain resources and will hamper the other players' advancement, you can also get two VP for the largest army award.

Positioning settlements. Be sure to pick good spots for your first settlements, allow yourself room to move about the map and settle on other tiles. Make good use of the ports around the edge of the map, using the to reduce port trading costs will help out if you are short on resources.

Trading. Hard AI will rarely trade with you, so never assume you can progress after some friendly trading. However, you will come across the rare opportunity to trade so make sure to seize the moment. Port trading will be a much better option so try to settle on or near ports that favour the resources you gain a lot of.

Don't be afraid to quit a match if things look hopeless, there is no point in wasting time when you are destined to lose, so long as you don't take this mentality into online matches =P