Chants of Sennaar

Chants of Sennaar

25 Achievements

1000 XP


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In this together

In this together

Reaching the real end of the game

200 XP


How to unlock the In this together achievement in Chants of Sennaar - Definitive Guide

You unlock this by:
  1. building six links through translating Terminal conversations
  2. building the four remaining links by finding and unlocking the four purple doors once the person on level 5 gives you the key
  3. going to the very top of the tower
  4. completing a strange sort of glitched out epilogue
  5. returning to the very top of the tower
Note that if you go to the very top of the tower before building all 10 links, you might void this achievement, as I think you'll get the 'bad' ending. **update** thanks to WhyattThrash for confirming it's not missable - you can load your game and go back.

Here's my guide for building all 10 links:
Solution for Peace walker In Chants of Sennaar

Epilogue puzzles
The glitched out epilogue has three puzzles to solve which are quite difficult. Solutions:

07 Jan 2024 13:30

This isn't missable, even if you trigger the "bad" ending, you can load your game and go back to fulfil the trigger for the "real" ending.
By WhyattThrash on 26 May 2024 01:32
Thank you - I've added that to the guide
By Narcotic Radar on 28 May 2024 08:12
Can you please explain the logic behind the epilogue puzzle solutions?
By vickybuddie on 31 May 2024 03:43
vickybuddie Look at the images next to the door, and find something that looks like that in the environment.
By WhyattThrash on 31 May 2024 03:48
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You unlock this by:
  1. building six links through translating Terminal conversations
  2. building the four remaining links by finding and unlocking the four purple doors once the person on level 5 gives you the key
  3. going to the very top of the tower
  4. completing a strange sort of glitched out epilogue
  5. returning to the very top of the tower
Note that if you go to the very top of the tower before building all 10 links, you might void this achievement, as I think you'll get the 'bad' ending. **update** thanks to WhyattThrash for confirming it's not missable - you can load your game and go back.

Here's my guide for building all 10 links:
Solution for Peace walker In Chants of Sennaar

Epilogue puzzles
The glitched out epilogue has three puzzles to solve which are quite difficult. Solutions:

07 Jan 2024 13:30

This isn't missable, even if you trigger the "bad" ending, you can load your game and go back to fulfil the trigger for the "real" ending.
By WhyattThrash on 26 May 2024 01:32
Thank you - I've added that to the guide
By Narcotic Radar on 28 May 2024 08:12
Can you please explain the logic behind the epilogue puzzle solutions?
By vickybuddie on 31 May 2024 03:43
vickybuddie Look at the images next to the door, and find something that looks like that in the environment.
By WhyattThrash on 31 May 2024 03:48
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This is the true ending of the game. In order to get this ending you have to rebuild all of the links and the teloport terminals before going to the top of the tower

31 Dec 2023 17:09

Once you have succeeded in getting the "bad" ending, returned to Sennaar and translated all six conversations between the people of The Tower and linked the four purple "fairy" doors, you can then return to Exile for the final section of the game and the "real" end of the game.

Reaching the ending will take a bit of work, and if you need any assistance in finding your way through the puzzles, feel free to consult the video below.

For added help, I will list the English cyphers to the door puzzles you will need to solve. I am not 100% sure how you are supposed to solve these on your own, so I imagine the text guide will be of service to you:
  • Plural Impure Make Music
  • Brother Idiot Bard Find
  • Alchemist Plural Make Formula
Once you complete the short stint of puzzles and the action sequence that follows, you should arrive back in Exile. Make your way back to the top of The Tower and initiate the end scenes of the game's good, real ending.