

12 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Quick Off the Blocks

Quick Off the Blocks

Create a quad before the beatline has made its first pass of the level.


How to unlock the Quick Off the Blocks achievement in Chime - Definitive Guide

Pretty simple this one - assemble a solid 3x3 quad in the time it takes for the beatline - the vertical line which moves left to right across the screen - to move from left to right once.

You probably have about 3 or so seconds to get this one before the beatline completes its first pass of the level. Grab the tiles and quickly arrange them to form that solid 3x3 quad.

Note that you can only nab this achievement on the first pass of a new level, not on any subsequent passes of the beatline. If you fail to get the achievement on the first pass, quit out and start again.

04 Feb 2010 21:54

As soon as the level begins, quickly place some shapes on the grid to create a small rectangle of least 3x3 blocks. The quad will begin to fill and as long as you can do this before the beatline can get to the end of the grid, the achievement will unlock.

02 Oct 2010 21:37

The basic idea of Chime is to create 'quads', block segments that are at least 3x3 blocks in size. Simply create a quad before the first beatline (the white line that scrolls over the board) passes through.