Clash of Kings
189 Achievements
94,500 XP
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Clash of Kings achievements progress.
Iron mine Upgrade to Lv.10
Iron mine Upgrade to Lv.15
Iron mine Upgrade to Lv. 25
Mithril mine Upgrade to Lv.25
You completed 20 Science research
You completed 40 Science research
You completed 80 Science research
You completed 100 Science research
You had accumulated 100M colected resources
You had accumulated 500M colected resources
You had accumulated 1000M colected resources
Become equipped with 6 articles of Orange equipment
Become equipped with 6 articles of Gold equipment
Make a wish in the Wishing Well for 9999 times
Make a wish in the Wishing Well for 99999 times
Reinforcements Kills 200000
Reinforcements Kills 1000000
Reinforcements Kills 5000000
Reinforcements Kills 25000000
Collect the 7th Daily Trading Reward for 30 times
Collect the 7th Daily Trading Reward for 30 times
Collect the 7th Daily Trading Reward for 50 times
Collect the 7th Daily Trading Reward for 100 times
Log in the game in 2015.08.11-2015.08.19
Wish 20 times in 2015.08.11-2015.08.19
Help your allies 50 times in 2015.08.11-2015.08.19
Log in to the game in 2016.02.05-2016.02.16
Gather 1000000 resources in 2016.02.05-2016.02.16
Help your allies 50 times in 2016.02.05-2016.02.16
Upgrade Sawmill to Level 30
Upgrade Mithril Mine to Level 30
Upgrade Farm to Prestige Lv. 1
Upgrade Sawmill to Prestige Lv. 1
Upgrade Iron Mine to Prestige Lv. 1
Upgrade Mithril Mine to Prestige Lv. 1
Upgrade Farm to Prestige Lv. 3
Upgrade Sawmill to Prestige Lv. 3
Upgrade Iron Mine to Prestige Lv. 3
Upgrade Mithril Mine to Prestige Lv. 3
Upgrade Farm to Prestige Lv. 5
Upgrade Sawmill to Prestige Lv. 5
Upgrade Iron Mine to Prestige Lv. 5
Upgrade Mithril Mine to Prestige Lv. 5
Upgrade Castle to Prestige Lv. 1
Upgrade Castle to Prestige Lv. 5
Completed Technology: 150
Completed Technology: 200
Completed Technology: 250
Completed Technology: 300
Completed Technology: 450
Completed Technology: 550
Completed Technology: 700
Completed Technology: 800
Accumulated 2100000000 resources while gathering.
Traps have killed 2000000 soldiers.
Made a wish in the Wishing Well 1999999 times.
Defeat other Lords 1000 times
Defeat other Lords 2000 times
Defeat other Lords 5000 times
Defeat other Lords 20000 times
Fuse Dragon Grapheme Stone 3
Log in to the game in 2016.08.05-2016.08.20
Help your allies 50 times in 2016.08.05-2016.08.20
Trade 40000000 resources to Allies
Trade 60000000 resources to Allies
Trade 100000000 resources to Allies
Used Peace Shield 5 times
Used Peace Shield 50 times
Alliance has helped others 200 times
Alliance has helped others 600 times
Help allies open 50 alliance treasures
Help allies open 200 alliance treasures
Help allies open 1000 alliance treasures
Donate to Alliance Technology 1000 times
Donate to Alliance Technology 5000 times
Donate to Alliance Technology 10000 times
Donate Alliance Building energy 60000000
Donate Alliance Building energy 80000000
Donate Alliance Building energy 100000000
Use March Acceleration 200 times.
Use March Acceleration 800 times.
Use March Acceleration 1500 times.
Use March Acceleration 5000 times.
Use March Acceleration 10000 times.
Ranked No.500 in the Ancient Battlefield
Ranked No.100 in the Ancient Battlefield
Accumulate 4000M collected resources
Traps have killed 100000 soldiers
Traps have killed 500000 soldiers
Become equipped with 6 articles of Green equipment
Become equipped with 6 articles of Purple equipment
Make a wish in the Wishing Well for 99 times
Make a wish in the Wishing Well for 999 times
Reinforcements Kills 500000
Gather 2016 resources in 2016.02.05-2016.02.16
Completed Technology: 350
Completed Technology: 400
Completed Technology: 500
Completed Technology: 600
Completed Technology: 750
Plundered 2100000000 resources
Reinforcements Killed 30000000.
Collect the 7th Daily Trading Reward 150 times
Collect the 7th Daily Trading Reward 200 times
Collect the 7th Daily Trading Reward 300 times
Fuse Dragon Grapheme Stone 5
Fuse Dragon Grapheme Stone 10
Fuse Dragon Grapheme Stone 15
Gather 1000000 resources in 2016.08.05-2016.08.20
Wish 20 times in 2016.08.05-2016.08.20
Trade 20000000 resources to Allies
Use Active Skills 200 times
Use Active Skills 600 times
Use Active Skills 3000 times
Use Active Skills 5000 times
Used Peace Shield 200 times
Used Peace Shield 500 times
Alliance has helped others 1500 times
Alliance has helped others 3000 times
Help allies open 3000 alliance treasures
Help allies open 5000 alliance treasures
Donate to Alliance Technology 500 times
Donate Alliance Building energy 20000000
Ranked No.20 in the Ancient Battlefield
You completed 60 Science research
Donate to Alliance Technology 100 times
Ranked No.5 in the Ancient Battlefield
Accumulate 9999M collected resources
Make a wish in the Wishing Well for 999999 times
Traps have killed 1500000 soldiers
Wish 50 times in 2016.02.05-2016.02.16
Become equipped with 6 articles of Blue equipment
Collect the 7th Daily Trading Reward for 10 times
Traps have killed 40000 soldiers
Traps have killed 200000 soldiers
Trade 80000000 resources to Allies
Upgrade Iron Mine to Level 30
Upgrade Castle to Prestige Lv. 3
Donate Alliance Building energy 40000000
Mithril mine Upgrade to Lv. 15
Completed Technology: 850
Completed Technology: 650
Used Peace Shield 1000 times
Alliance has helped others 5000 times
Ranked No.1 in the Ancient Battlefield
Gather 1,000,000 resources in 2015.08.11-2015.08.19
Use Active Skills 1500 times
Defeat other Lords 500 times
Fuse Dragon Grapheme Stone 1