Clicker Heroes

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5 Achievements

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Zone Conqueror

Zone Conqueror

Beat Zone 3,600!

10,000 XP


How to unlock the Zone Conqueror achievement in Clicker Heroes - Definitive Guide

19/12/2017: WARNING! Update 1.10e10 hits PC a few weeks ago, this update removes Solomon after the first transcension, along other major changes that makes this achievement longer than ever, if you need to close this game, do it before this patch arrives to consoles. more info:

07/06/2017: Transcension update hit xbox. Guide update complete. You can find what has been updated just by CTRL+F with the word "NEW".

The achievement is grindy but pretty straight forward, just reach the lvl 3600, you will need to ascend and transcend multiple times in order to get hero souls and ancient souls to improve your DPS, buy/upgrade ancients, upgrade outsiders and move gilds.

NEW: I recommend you to transcend right away when you launch the game if you have 20+AS waiting for you, but check how far are you from the next AS though, you can gain the first 20-30 AS pretty fast without trascend.

Here i will explain the basics of the game and the best way to maximise dps/gold with minimun effort but playing legit.

I will not explain any glitch/exploit, this guide is intended just for normal afk play. This will take A LOT of time (no matter your play style), if you want to take this out asap check other guides with glitches and exploits.


If you follow this guide for idle play you can expect to reach 3600 with:

Fresh start: 42 Ascensions - XXXe5 HS - 29 AS - HZE 1500-1600 - Time: Unknown for me (the game dont track the time before the update) but easily 300-400 hours.

Transcension 1: 27 Ascensions - XXXe8 HS - 40 AS - HZE 2100-2200 - Time 210 hours

Transcension 2: 21 Ascensions - XXXe9 HS - 50 AS - HZE 3000 - Time 70 hours

Transcension 3: 14 Ascensions + 2 Quick Ascensions - XXXe11 HS - HZE 3600+ - Time 96 hours

I dont know if this is idle time or total time (console turned off) i personally had the game turned on while i was at work, traveling, etc, i also spent a lot of time testing stuff for guide purposes, so you may be able to do it with less time, but dont expect less tan 400-500 hours.


This game allows you to play in three ways:

- NEW: Active or Auto-active: This means you are actually playing (or using auto-clickers), clicking X to do damage, using abilities for more damage/gold, leveling heroes and ancients. This build will be the fastest way to grind this achievement (if you really want to play 24/7 or want to pay for auto-clickers).

- Idle: This means the game plays by itself, you don't click or use abilities, but you need to manually ascend, lvl up your gilded hero/s and ancients. This will be the slowlest build to grind the achievement (but you don't really need to play)

- Hybrid: A mix of gameplay, this will be the more expensive to build since you will need ALL ancients to maximise efficiency. NEW: I don't recommend to go hybrid now, with the auto-clickers you will want to focus only on the auto-active or the idle build since both requires the same amount of effort (0).

NEW: HOW TO AUTO-ACTIVE (general tips)

You can buy auto-clickers now, if you have enought gems collected or you want to pay for the completion this will make the active build the fastest way to complete the game without effort.

You can buy as much of this autos as you want and they stack unlimitedly, each one gives you 10 clicks per seconds, so if you buy 10 (e.g.) you will do 100 clicks per seconds, thats pretty much insane combined with abilities and active ancients.

For this build to be as broken as it seems you need a total of 9+ autoclickers:
- 5+ auto-clickers set in the abilities so they go on as soon as they are ready. You can skip "clickstorm", "dark rituals", "energize" and "reload" if you lack of auto-clickers. Yes, you lose the ability to trigger all of them together, but you dont need to stay in front of the TV (being that the point of the auto-thing).
- 3+ auto-clickers set in the enemy, this will build your damage, the more you set here the better.
- 1 auto-clicker set in your gild hero so he lvl up as soon as you collect enought gold.

Thats a total minimun of 2700 gems (each autoclicker worth 50 gems more than the previous) or $300, im not saying you need to pay or something, the idle build is perfectly viable, just slower, and this guide is detailed for the idle one. I just share this for those who want to actually do this but i'm not going to drill into auto-active more than this general tips.

If you have enough gems to buy 1 or 2 autoclickers and you will focus on idle build is ok, go and buy them, the update also grants a new ancient who will boost your gold gain based on your unassigned auto-clickers.


I will divide this in 3 steps:

1) Fresh start

In this stage you will have no ancients nor gilds, you will be leveling your heroes to lvl 25 and getting their 2 first upgrades before moving to the next hero, rinse and repeat. This part of the game is very active and needs your constant attention for leveling heroes and buying upgrades.

The objetive of this stage is to reach your first ascension as fast as possible with a reasonable amount of souls: 7-10 if this is your first time ever, 40-100 if you just transcended.

To ascend you need a lvl 150 Amenhotep, and for hero souls you need to reach game level 105+ and have a primal boss to spawn (if you transcended) or lvl all your heroes as much as you can (1 HS every 2000 hero levels).

If you transcended you can move to stage 2 now, if you are new to the game you will need to repeat this stage for 5-10 times in order to collect a minimun amount of HS.

2) Building the basics

Now you will start having a few hero souls, buy some ancients and start sending your mercenaries to claim additional rewards. This stage is also very active, you will still need to level every hero little by little until you reach dread knight, at that point you can return to the beggining of the hero list and you will be leveling one by one the "power five" (see heroes chapter) to exactly level 1000 until the progress is very slow making the ascension a priority.

The objetive of this stage is to buy all the ancients you need with a minimun level, start to gather the gilds and probably (most likely) setting all of them in the masked samurai.

If you transcended this stage will last 2 or 3 ascensions, no more. If you are new to the game you will be stuck in this stage for a very long time. Either case you will be probably ready for end game when your samurai reach lvl 1000 for the first time

3) End game

Now is time for the real idle. You will want 1 auto-clicker, just that. After every ascension you will be leveling your ancients using the calculator and after that set the auto-clicker to the masked samurai lvl, thats it, go take a coffe and when you return you will have tons of souls waiting for your next ascension. You can lvl all the other heroes to lvl 200 just for the global dps/gold bonuses.

When you reach masked samurai lvl 2500 while instakilling everything you will want to move all your gilds to Atlas, who will be your new main hero, you will use the un-gilded samurai to reach atlas in every ascension.

From that point on is just rinse and repeat (when you reach lvl 2500 with your main hero move your gilds to the next one).

When you have like 20-30 ancient souls for you waiting a new transcension is a good time to start all over again.


The only way to improve your DPS in this game is by Hero Souls (HS), each HS will add +10% to your DPS. But HS are more than that, you can use them to buy ancients, doing this you will lose your HS (that means -10% DPS) but you will get a very powerful ancient.

You can also use your HS to re-gild your heroes, but i dont recommend start doing this until you have at least 10000 HS, you can work with your random gilds until then.

NEW: You will also get Ancient Souls based on how many Heroic Souls you have collected (spent or unspent)

You will get HS in 2 ways:
- 1 HS every 2000 hero levels: This will eventually become insignificant
- Defeating primal bosses: This will be your main resource of HS when you start to build up lvls of solomon.

As a reference you should start thinking on ascension when you stop insta-killing the normal mobs.


Transcension will make you lost everything: ancients, gilds, level progression, hero souls. But you will gain the most valuable currency in the game now: "Ancient Souls" (AS from now on) and trancendent power. You need to reach lvl 300 in order to unlock the transcend tab.

Its like a fresh start, specially at the beginning when you dont have ancients or gilds, but at the moment you get solomon, siyalatas and the rest of the ancients (and gilds) you will start to gain HS like crazy, making the transcension a yes-yes situation.

Ancient souls are used to level the new outsiders (will talk about that later). Making it short the number of AS you get each time you transcend is defined from the total HS you have collected from the beginning of the game (spent and unspent). You have more details, including maths here:

Transcendant power (to keep it simple) makes you gain more Hero Souls from primal bosses, and i mean A LOT more up to a maximum as a factor of the maximum level you have ever reach, you can check this maximum in the trascend tab.

To give you an example so you can see how good this TP is: after my first transcension the first primal boss at lvl 105 gave me 20 extra HS, and another 20 extra the next primal in 110 (i got lucky with 2 primal in a row), thats 40 extra HS for my first ascension where i only got 4 or 5 HS the first time i ever ascended, meaning that i got solomon, siyalatas and libertas with only 1 ascension, and its all about snowballing from now on, not bad right?

Im not going into more details of this new variable since its like a passive stat and i find it pointless for the purpose of this guide, but if you want to fully understand transcendant power you can read this wiki:


The outsiders are like very powerful ancients, you dont need to buy them, but you will want to level them up as much as you can, they are in a new tab and they are not lost between transcensions. They are:

Xyliqil: Increases effectiveness of all idle bonuses.
Chor'gorloth: Reduces ancient cost.
Phandoryss: Increase Transcendent Power (Additive).
Borb: Increase maximum transcendent primal soul reward.
Ponyboy: Increase effectiveness of Solomon. You will love this little guy.

About what outsiders to level, usually i would say "check the new calculator", but the calculator dont gives a hint about what outsider is best to level, so i found another spreadsheet just for this purpose:

You only need the 6 first columns being "AS" how many AS you have and the rest the recommended level for that outsider at that point of the game. As you can see Ponyboy is the king of the early-game (the boost to solomon is plain amazing) and then you start to move to Xyliqil, Chor'gorloth and Phandoryss, being Borb a ultra-late game outsider.

Also be aware this spreadsheet has multiple builds, being the idle one the first you will see as soon as you open the document, if you are doing auto-active you will want to move to the proper build.

This spreadsheet also helps you to know when to trascend, in the column named "AS gained" you can check how many AS are you supossed to gain at that point of the game. If you try to get more AS than that for any particular trascension that will take forever to get every next AS.


NEW: With the trascend update you will want Solomon, Atman, Siyalatas (only idle) and Libertas (only idle) to be your first ancients no matter what, with the bonuses coming from ponyboy and Xyliqil you will be filled with gold and HS in no time (compared to the first time you launched the game).

There are a lot of ancients in this game, and you need to select very carefully your ancients according to your build because each ancient you get makes the next one more and more expensive.

For the afk build you will want to focus in the following ancients:

- DPS: Siyalatas (idle dps bonus) > Argaiv (gild dps bonus) > Morgulis (HS dps bonus)
- Gold: Libertas (idle gold bonus) > Mimzee (chest gold bonus) + Dora (chest spawn bonus) > Mammon (gold bonus) > Dogcog (hero cost reduction) > Fortuna (chance to get x10 gold)
- Hero Souls: Atman (primal boss spawn bonus) > Solomon (primal boss HS reward bonus)

Morgulis tip 1: He should be your last ancient (you may even want to totally skip this one tbh). Even if you dump 10000 souls in him will only give you a 1% dps global boost, mathematically is more efficient than just having the souls, sure, thats the reason why the calculator will always dump every spare soul in him, but you should keep 8000-14000 souls for regilds.

Morgulis tip 2: At some point you cant drop anymore souls into morgulis unless you select MAX, this is probably a bug, but if you are using it just lvl your other ancients first, and then just select MAX in morgulis and that will drop every last HS you have in him.

Other useful ancients you may want to have when their cost are neligible compared with the amount of souls you have:
- Kumawakamaru: Less enemies per zone (you will lvl up faster)
- Bubos: Boss HP reduction
- Chronos: More time to defeat bosses
- NEW: Nogardnit: More gold per unassigned auto-clicker. Use this one only if have like 1 to 5 auto-clicker (unassingned), if you have more than that the auto-active build will be better for you and this ancient will provide 0 benefit.

If you are building an active build you will want to buy argaiv, morgulis, mimzee + dora, mammon, dogcog, fortuna, atman and solomon from this list, but you will also need every cooldown reduction ancient (one for each ability), juggernaut and bhaal.


You will need to lvl up every hero to lvl 100-150 until Dread Knight, this is to get the upgrades affecting global dps and gold, being Betty Clicker and King Midas the best examples. From Dread Knight on you will face multiple walls and you will need a lot of farm to collect the gold neccessary to buy the next hero.

But! You don't actually need to buy the dread knight, starting from lvl 200, every 25 lvls the game multiplies the dps of that hero x4, and x10 every 1000 lvls, that means that actually the first heroes can hit harder than dread knight or atlas.

In fact, when you hit the dread knight wall, if you want to maximise your gold and you are barely starting the game, the best heroes to invest are the "power five", i mean, if you want to do the maximum damage with the less possible gold you need to lvl up only:

- Treebeast
- Ivan, the Drunken Brawler
- Brittany, Beach Princess
- The Masked Samurai
- The Great Forest Seer

When you have enough HS to afford some re-gilds to max the efficiency of your gold (and argaiv) you will want to set every gild in the masked samurai and focus on lvl him up as much as you can. To move gilds you need to go all the way to the bottom of your heroes so you can see the gild menu, there you can ungild to a random hero (2HS) or gild a selected hero (80HS). You can give all your gilds to a certain hero pressing "Y" in it (if you have enougth HS) otherwise you need to go 1 by 1.

When you are able to buy Atlas without farming you should think about move your gilds to him to bump your dps to the next lvl (same rule goes for Terra, Phthalo and so on), when you do this you will start using the power five to collect the gold to buy atlas (or advanced gilded hero) and then just lvl that gilded hero until you need to ascend.

Icefiretn explained it perfectly in the comments:

"Basically, if you can level up Samurai to 2500 while instakilling everything along the way, you then want to move your guilds to Atlas. For the rest, each time you can level that hero up to 1500 while instakilling everything along the way, you are ready to move your guilds to the next hero"

Provided by jayeeyee you can find some additional info about this topic:


To unlock the mercenary tab you need to reach lvl 139 or ascend for the first time after a transcension or a fresh start. You start with 1 mercenary and you can have a maximum of 5, you can hire them for 40 rubies or send your mercenaries to find new ones. Each mercenary has his own lvl, rarity and sadly they can found death in their quest.

You just need to send them in X hours quest. As a general tip, shorter quest has a better time/reward ratio, but if you are doing auto-active / idle you shouldnt worry about this and just use the longest quest you can grab. They are a nice little extra to receive gold, gems, HS or relics and there is not a wrong way to use your mercenaries, everything they got from their quest is nice.

I would recommend to use the gems or relic quest, you will want gems for auto-clickers or quick ascensions (personally i go for autos) and you will want relics since they can add some valuable stats to your build at some point. I dont use to take HS quest because you get more than enough souls with solomon+ponyboy, gems for autos are a much better reward.

Mercenaries are not lost between transcensions, but you will lose access to the mercenary tab, so you will need to ascend (quick-ascend) one time to regain the ability to send them in quests.


I found a new calculator which i have been testing and i have to say im pretty happy with it, im right now at 3rd ascension after my 1st transcension, i have all my ancients and i can insta-kill everything till lvl 800 with a 2200 masked samurai and 3.020e5 souls waiting for my next ascension.

What can you do with this calculator:
- You can take the most beneficial path when leveling your ancients.
- You can set a personal objetive. As a default this is to reach -7.85 enemies per zone with kumawakawaru, this allows you to see which levels will be optimal for each ancient when your objetive is completed (this is just a curiosity tbh)
- You can select the lvl of your outsiders and they are taken into account for the calculations.

What you cant do anymores (in comparison with the other calculator):
- You cant select your next ancient in the buy list so you can determine if its better to buy it right now or wait until further ascensions.

Here you have the calculator, is a google spreadsheet this time:

This one is very easy to use:

- First and most important: You need to make a copy in your own google drive. For that you need to press file>make a copy. Name it the way you want and thats it, you have your own calculator in your own drive for your personal use.

- You will only modifiying the green colored boxes:
1) Souls on bank: How many unspent hero souls do you have.
2) Ousider lvl: Read the outsider chapter to know how to use your AS and fill accordingly.
3) Hero Souls sacrified: You can see this information in the transcend tab, its used for the estimations, the maximum trans HS reward and other variables.
4) Number or regilds to save : Here is where you set how many gilds do you have in your main hero.
5) Main hero: Where you currently have all your gilds.
6) Input level or benefit: This is for that personal objetiv, you can choose between a precise lvl of an ancient or the benefit you want to perceive from that ancient.
7) Ancients lvl: Your current ancients and your lvl. You can order them the way you want. If you happen to have one ancient repeated multiple times the spreadsheet will only count the one at the top. Set to x any ancient you dont have.

And thats it, when you fill all that boxes the spreadsheet wil automatically update with the optimal value of your ancients so you can proceed and feed them with your hard (not anymore xD) earned HS. There is another tab you can play with (settings) but i havent use this one much (or at all).


You can still use this calculator as a minor reference.

If you want to maximaze your ancients and Hero Souls efficiency use this calculator, this will show you what is the best way to use (or keep) your HS:

Is very easy to use and you can read the instructions in the left, but a quick explanation: there are 2 main windows, the left one is the code, you will need to modify the values of your ancients, your primary dps gild hero, your HS, what ancient do you want to buy (if any) and how much HS cost this new ancient. Then you only need to click "run" and the results will show in the right window, you will even know the percentage of improvement over keep the HS just like that.

This calculator is only valid for the afk build im explaining in this guide.

This is by no means programmed by me, i just found, checked and tested the code and pasted it in a open-web phyton runner. If the creator of the code shows around here i will give the proper credits (i dont know who created this code).


Obviously this will take more time than the other guide around here (time-glitch/infinite-glitch), but i wanted to give some useful resources for those who don't want to glitch out the game.

You can mix the idle/afk with the time glitch if you feel so, but this wont work with the infinite abilities glitch (if it still works when you are reading this), for that other glitch you will want to do an active bui

18 Mar 2017 18:23

For Morgulis, to keep leveling him after you hit 100,000, make sure to push your right stick to the right until it says MAX. At that point, it will allow you to put the rest of your HS into him. Be aware that it will take ALL the rest of your HS; I do him last so I don't put too much in by mistake.

As for who to guild when, this reddit section should give you a pretty good start (assuming you are using an idle build):

Basically, if you can level up Samurai to 2500 while instakilling everything along the way, you then want to move your guilds to Atlas. For the rest, each time you can level that hero up to 1500 while instakilling everything along the way, you are ready to move your guilds to the next hero.

Right now, I have all my guilds on Terra. I can only instakill for the first 1200 or so levels for Terra before I start to slow down. Once I can instakill to 1500, then I will move my guilds to Phthalo.

If you are an active build, I'm sure the advice is different, but I haven't looked into that myself.

Hope that helps!
By Icefiretn on 22 Apr 2017 03:57
Icefiretn I'm almost at the same path as you, all my gilded on Terra now and instakill until 1400 then I use active build to past a bit more zone to grab HS. Still waiting Terra to lv 1500 before move the gilded to Phthalo. For all reference below my current level which make me pass 1400 with instakill.

Argaiv: 1200 (+2400% gilding)
Bhaal : 310 (+4650% critical click)
Chronos: 65 (+325s boss fight)
Fragsworth: 320 (+6400% click dam)
Juggernaut: 100 (+1% DPS)
Libertas: 700 (+11040% gold idle)
Mammon: 500 (+2500% gold drop)
Mimzee: 600 (+30000% gold chest)
Morgulis: 119534 (+1314874% DPS)
Siyalatas: 1300 (+20040% dps idle)
Solomon: 381 (+581% hero souls)

Max level
Atman: 25 (+25% primal boss)
Berserker: 30 (powersurge+60s)
Bubos: 25 (-50% boss life)
Chawedo: 30 (clickstorm+60s)
Dogcog: 25 (-50% hero cost)
Dora: 50 (+1000% chest chance)
Energon: 30 (metal detector+60s)
Fortuna: 40 (+10% 10x gold)
Hecatoncheir: 30 (sup clicks +60s)
Kleptos: 30 (golden clicks +60s)
Kuma: 5 (-5 monster to next zone)
Sniperino: 30 (lucky strikes +60s)
Vaagur: 15 (-75% cooldowns)
Revolc: 15 (+15% double rubies)
By lfcjohn on 24 Apr 2017 01:21
I got to 3600 with 39 AS and 14 ascensions on my last transcension. Had 6 Xyliq, 4 Phan, 1 Chor and 28 Ponyboy. Ancients were Liber 50k, Siya 80k, Morg 13,000M, Argaiv 70k, Solomon 14k, most of the doubling up ancients were 20-23 and 30,000M total souls, this got me to zone 3250-3300 full idle.

From zone 3250-3300 I swapped to a hybrid build with 2 auto clickers and invested a mere 500-600M souls into leveling Fragsworth to 25k, Bhaal 11k and Juggernaut 1,500 (it would be very easy to push these higher). I used clicks to climb as high as possible whilst swapping to idle to pick up clickables and gold quests to level Bomber/Wepwawet which should get you enough gold to buy at least 25 levels each time. This easily got me to zone 3600 with no end in sight as progress was still fast.

Basically just concentrate on Ponyboy and leveling Solomon, spend excess souls on dps and gold and you'll find yourself gaining multiple times the amount of souls than your previous ascensions whilst climbing a few hundred zones extra each time.
By D4rkTrooper90 on 29 Aug 2018 09:59
Just got this myself, it took around 4-5 months of checking the game once a day before bed. Went completely idle all the way and I obviously could have done this much faster as I had times where my ascensions were over a week long because I kept forgetting to check the game lol. This achievement can easily be done in a few weeks if you check the game enough and if you use the correct calculators. For outsiders I was 0/6/4/1/29, I had 337 guilds on Mog and I had 2 autoclickers. Ancients are as follows:

Argaiv - 11,989
Atman - 30
Bubos - 25
Chronos - 26
Dogcog - 25
Dora - 29
Fortuna - 26
Kuma - 27
Libertas - 69,463
Mammon - 69,463
Mimzee - 69,463
Morgulis - 5,625M
Nogardnit - 7,070
Revolc - 22
Siya - 75,000
Solomon - 17,561
Vaagur - 22

General tips from my experience would be to ignore all other calculators and the spreadsheet and use this:

Set your transcendence power (mine was 1.42) and your what build you're using, then adjust your Siya level. This tells you what level to set your other ancients to. Level everything up and if you still have HS left over, raise your Siya some more. Keep doing this until you're almost out of HS then ascend and repeat once you're not instakilling enemies. If you want to speed things up you can go offline and use the time glitch, however this is pretty pointless early on imo. I started doing the glitch once I knew i had enough AS to hit 3600, and I got from 2640 to 3600 in roughly 2 hours. I went back online before hitting 3600 just incase the achievement didn't register somehow, I reached 3600 whilst online and I got the achievement a few minutes later. Great guide I'm glad I don't have to keep checking this game now!!
By LordSmorc on 01 Jul 2019 13:33
Only problem with calculator is it recommends pretty much putting all souls into morguilis
By Sighris on 22 Mar 2017 23:58
Morgulis should be your last ancient, he gives you 1% extra dps per hero soul, so, for the calculator the most efficient is always stack in him the spare souls, i always keep 8k souls for regilds, even if i lost a 2% efficiency. I will update the guide with this info.
By Ilindur on 23 Mar 2017 00:09
I know he should be last, but calculator keeps telling me to dump,all in him and very little into anything else
By Sighris on 23 Mar 2017 00:57
Ive ascended 30+ times and i get around 20-23k a run, it will continue to rise
By FISK on 23 Mar 2017 11:12
thats becouse the calculator gives you the maximum efficiency, remember each soul gives you +10% dps, so every soul you use means -10% dps in exchange for extra gold, dps or souls.

The question is, how much souls should you invest? in example, if you have 12000 souls, you probably want to only use 5000 souls to upgrade your ancients, and keep 7000 as dps flat bonus (thats what the calculator does).

But! With that 7000 spare souls, instead of just keeping them, if you dump them in morgulis, you have a 1% extra bonus in dps, so, mathematically is better to just use them, althought i suggest you to keep some souls for gilds or a new ancients to test other builds (im thinking about swapping to a semi-afk build i.e.)

You can check it yourself, just set morgulis to 0, run the calculator, save the souls invested to the other ancients in a paper or your memory, set morgulis to 1 and run the calculator again, you will see that morgulis only receive the souls after the maximun efficiency has been set for the rest of the ancients, so he receives only the souls you will keep as flat dps (spare souls).
By Ilindur on 23 Mar 2017 06:37
How can you manage to have so many hero souls? It sounds like a ridiculous amount, how many time do you ascend to have 8000 hero souls?
By ForcefulOliver2 on 23 Mar 2017 09:17
Ascension + atman + solomon, lots of, dont dump every soul in them though, that will comprise your dps, again, use the calculator to maximum profit. Use it while it last, when trascendence rolls out to one the calculator will be outdated
By Ilindur on 23 Mar 2017 18:08
i dont know if the console version will ever get the transcension update. if it will: dont worry about this achievement.

with transcension you will get that level in one or two weeks of playing compared to years you would need without transcension.

it took me a year to reach level 2800 on steam. took me 1 month to reach 28k after transcension update
By Kampfkeiler2 on 24 Mar 2017 00:02
Guide updated, thank you for the comments.
By Ilindur on 24 Mar 2017 11:30
I have only 6 ascend done, i ascend when i reach zone 150, it gets so long that i dont see the point to continue, i have atman/dogcog/libertas/mammon/siyalatas/solomon, only missing dora and mimzee. So i guess its because i keep spending my souls as soon as i get them i cant pass zone 150?
By ForcefulOliver2 on 24 Mar 2017 17:15
Use the calculator with the option "buy" that way you will know when to buy a new ancient.
Zone 150 with 6 ancients dont sounds very efficient for me.
By Ilindur on 24 Mar 2017 19:35
this guide should be on top
By el tuaya arg on 02 Apr 2017 15:40
Will the number of Ancients I use adversely affect me in any way? Or is 10-15 ancients okay so long as I keep plenty of spare hero souls for the DPS bonus.
By Snitty 1 on 02 Apr 2017 19:58
I will update the guide to answer your question the best way possible.
By Ilindur on 02 Apr 2017 20:18
guide updated, let me know if you still need some clarification.
By Ilindur on 02 Apr 2017 21:08
Thanks, should be okay now. I've not seen Fortuna yet, what exactly does it do?
By Snitty 1 on 02 Apr 2017 23:26
He gives you a very tiny chance to get x10 Gold (when it procs with a chest is a massive amount of Gold).
By Ilindur on 02 Apr 2017 23:54
When we talk ascension are we talking ascending using rubies or hard ascending with Amhenetop(sp?)
By iiTs Hawk on 15 Apr 2017 19:33
both are the same in the amount of HS you gain, the rubies one is just quickier because you dont have to "reset" the world (if you have the rubies), i only used that 2 times when i started the game, since i dont actively play anymore i dont collect rubies, so i just use amhenetop one.
By Ilindur on 15 Apr 2017 22:45
This is the guide that definitely makes the most sense. What I would really *stress* (more than you have) is to ignore Morgulis completely in the calculator. What I've done is take my current souls, add them to what I'll get at next ascension, run the calculator and go ahead and pick up everything BUT Morgulis. I picked him up early (oops), but it hasn't hurt much since I've been ignoring him for a while.

I'm still only getting to 1200 right now, but the suggestion to ascend once bosses aren't insta-kill is sound. Take what you have, leave, and dump souls into the top ancients.
By Sashamorning on 18 Apr 2017 02:03
Be careful when you exit the game it saves every 30 secs and I think if you exit at the wrong time you'll get a corrupted save file. My save data went bye bye when I was playing legit. Since then I moved to the time glitch.
By McQueen101 on 20 Apr 2017 21:59
Okay, so I'm a bit further in the game, ascending around lvl. 1400 and I have all the ancients, except for the abilities ones. I've upgraded Morgulis to 104813, but for some reason it won't let me upgrade him any further--it just says InfinK. I've read that it means the numbers are too high to calculate any more, but there are some people with him upgraded into the millions. Any suggestions?

Also could you elaborate a little more on what to do with gilding when you reach mid-game in the 1000-2000 range? Do you keep gilding Masked Samurai, or save souls to gild higher heroes like Atlas, Terra, Pthalo? Are there certain heroes that you should skip when gilding the higher up hereos?
By UnsungGhost on 21 Apr 2017 17:56
Icefiretn covered it almost perfectly, i will update the guide with the morgulis and gild additional info.
By Ilindur on 22 Apr 2017 13:51
I may be missing something but once you are ready to move gilds from samurai to atlas then wouldn't your dps drop as you moved them since atlas takes awhile to get to. Like if I had 200 gilds on samurai and moved them all to atlas then I eouldnt have the bonus on samurai anymore and my early game dps would suffer until I got to the point where I could buy atlas.
By Never Final on 23 Apr 2017 14:21
thats the reason why you should wait until you are able to lvl up the masked until lvl 2500 instakilling everything.
This way when you move your gilds the masked will have enought dps to get the gold for the 1st lvl of atlas.

You can also try a mobile setup for your gilds, have them in the masked for the first ... 800 lvls an then start to move the gilds to atlas, but you will need to reset all the gilds for the next run.
By Ilindur on 23 Apr 2017 17:43
My runs right now rely completely on the gilds I have on samurai. If I take them off and put them on atlas I need enough dps left from my ancients and other things to reach enough gold for atlas? If I start a fresh run and all my gilds are on atlas how do I have enough dps to even reach atlas. I'm just not seeing it
By Never Final on 23 Apr 2017 22:49
@Never Final -- The ancients and HS do the work, if you need an example in my last run a lvl 2100 masked ungilded samurai made me able to buy terra at stage 741 insta-killing all along the way
By Ilindur on 25 Apr 2017 13:31
So if I have him fully gilded and able to hit lvl 2500 instakilling then with just my ancients and hs I should be able to get to Atlas.
By Never Final on 26 Apr 2017 18:35
One suggestion is that you can keep one gild on Samurai to help with damage until you get enough gold to buy your gilded hero. I did that for a while, but found eventually that I did not need it.

Basically, by not switching your gilds to the next hero as suggested, you should generally have enough DPS at that point to easily keep instakilling by just leveling Samurai until you have enough gold to buy your gilded hero. At least, I haven't had any problem yet, but I haven't gotten beyond all my gilds on Terra (haven't played in a few days).
By Icefiretn on 26 Apr 2017 22:16
Let me try to clarify something that might be a question to a lot of people reading this. We have all of our gilds on masked samurai. We get to level 2500 instakilling the whole way. We move (regild) our gilds onto atlas. If he gets to level 1500 with instakilling, we move the gilds to the next fighter, etc. I understand this part.

Here is my question, when we ascend again, do we move the gilds back to masked samurai and start all over again? Or should there be enough DPS at this point to reach atlas without having to regild to masked samurai? I am not to this point yet, but would like to know for when i get there.

We just level samurai to 2500 and that will get enough gold to then buy atlas with all the gilds on him?

Thanks for any clarification concerning this.
By Kedez on 01 May 2017 17:21
You dont need to gild back to the masked samurai, with the ancients giving you more gold and dps youll have enough with the basic samurai until you reach the new gilded hero.
By Ilindur on 01 May 2017 18:37
I unlock hire all heroes and this is my last achievement, with previous discussion here and compare with mobile version with transcendence, I'll put it aside until next patch with trascendence added.

My HZE is around 2300 while ascending around 150 times.
By lfcjohn on 15 May 2017 02:12
Yeah, trasc will make it faster but will also made the calculator useless, it will only be used as a minor reference.
By Ilindur on 15 May 2017 08:57
Yes, i'm playing iOS and after 3-4 transcendence my HZE is 4500 now, hopefully it will make life better when transcendence available at console version.
By lfcjohn on 16 May 2017 01:24
I am requesting some clarification regarding when it is the correct time to transfer gilds between heroes. When you get a hero to level 1500, are you supposed to transfer all gilds to the next hero immediately, or do you wait until you have enough gold to level the next hero to 1500 before transferring the gilds? For example, if Atlas is at level 1500, but Terra can only be leveled to 375, is it still correct to transfer all gilds to Terra?
By I Ebon Hawk I on 23 May 2017 03:21
I don't understand the gilds thing - how can you move them from one hero to another?
By Iron Man TStark on 05 Jun 2017 22:37
Degild - 2 HS
Move - 80 HS

Per new update, it should be "Y" to move all gild to specific heroes.
By lfcjohn on 06 Jun 2017 09:51
wow, I am completely lost after this update lol

Also - Where can i find the gild menu?
By Iron Man TStark on 06 Jun 2017 18:26
Well the transcendent update just happened... so there's that...
By MstrDragonic on 06 Jun 2017 22:03
Ok new update has me totally confused. Thought I knew what I was doing until now... Updated guide would be much loved :)
By bigfatwallet on 06 Jun 2017 22:13
Im working on the update, give me a few hours, im also triying to find an updated calculator.
By Ilindur on 06 Jun 2017 22:20
Thanks for all your hard work on this, I've referenced this guide and the calculator extensively.
By Chucklestyle on 08 Jun 2017 03:06
ty for the support and positive feedback, that keeps me motivated to keep this guide as fresh and useful as it can be.
By Ilindur on 08 Jun 2017 11:36 I found this. It's maybe helpful.
By Goku Black#2698 on 08 Jun 2017 11:49
Thanks for sharing this tool.

This calculator is very simple to use which is good but it doenst take into account the outsiders effect when leveling the ancients, whats more, this one suggest an optimal level for the rest of the ancients based on your siyalatas level, no matter how many HS you have, making this one more like a "wish list" than a "use your current HS here or there".

The outsider calculator on the other hand is the same spreadsheet but more user-friendly.
By Ilindur on 08 Jun 2017 13:14
Wow this is a fantastic guide !!!
By on 10 Jun 2017 09:00
What a comprehensive guide, really useful. Thanks Ilindur!!
By CasperTC on 13 Jun 2017 00:42
Would you mind explaining the"6) Input level or benefit:" a little more? I still don't get what I should be putting here.
By MstrDragonic on 13 Jun 2017 23:42
You can only select between "level" and "benefit", you can let this empty tbh.

If you fill with "level" the yellow block at the top of the table is your desired level to reach with a specific ancient (kuma as default).

If you fill "benefit" the yellow block is the desired benefit, -7,5 enemies per zone with kuma as default.

The only purpose of this is to know how many souls away are you from your objetive.
By Ilindur on 14 Jun 2017 18:33
The new calculator doesn't seem to populate the Calculated Optimal column for me, unless I key in a very large number of HS. I've currently got 439K HS to allocate after my most recent ascension, so I should be able to plough some serious levels into all my ancients.

Not sure what the problem is, and if it's me doing something wrong, or the spreadsheet!
By Pixie Ninja on 15 Jun 2017 19:05
The calculator works fine for me, im in my 2nd transcension now (after reach lvl 2100 with my first one) anybody else is having problema with the calculator? Are you sure u are filling the right way every block?
By Ilindur on 15 Jun 2017 23:03
Try setting number of regilds to save to 0
By Ilindur on 15 Jun 2017 23:04
It's weird because even after the transcendence update, I'm still getting to roughly the same zone. I think it's easy to blame the fact that I no longer have maxed dogcog, Dora, and the 10x gold one (can't remember off the top of my head) I only have Dora and Dogcog at level 10, Argaiv at 1000, and sits, libertas, mimzee, and mammon at 800, Solomon at 200, and my outsiders at 7,7,2,6,7 and I'm still only getting roughly to 15-1600. Kinda lame.
By DEVIL HORNS 22 on 16 Jun 2017 02:28
just a glance your solomon is too low and also the distribution of outsiders should be optimized (ponyboy should be far more value than as now)
By lfcjohn on 16 Jun 2017 06:59
7-7-2-6-7 sounds pretty bad to me. With 29 AS you should have 6-0-0-0-23.

Check the spreadsheet when leveling your ancients, otherwise you are losing a lot, thats the reason i created this guide, if you lvl your ancients and outsiders far away from the optimals in this guide you cant expect to obtain optimal results.

I reached level 2200+ in my first transcension (29AS like you) with only ... 20 or so ascensions, thats what you can expect if you follow the optimal path.

Now im my 2nd transcension and i expect to reach lvl 3000.
By Ilindur on 16 Jun 2017 07:15
Nice to see that you updated so quickly. One thing worth mentioning is the real price of auto clickers. The 1st was 100 rubies, 2nd 150, 3rd 200 and 4th 250. I haven't bought the 4th yet but presumably they keep getting 50 rubies more expensive than the previous.
By Snitty 1 on 19 Jun 2017 01:48
Yes, i totally forgot about that, ty. Im also near of 3600 now with my 3rd trans, when that finally happens i will add a realistic measurement of how much time, trans and asc should take to get the achievement. That will complete the guide.
By Ilindur on 19 Jun 2017 07:36
By ", if you are new to the game you will need to repeat this stage for 5-10 times in order to collect a minimun amount of HS." does it mean you have to start a full new game with all your heroes back to level 1 for 5-10 times?
By DnB Gnasher on 22 Nov 2017 23:29
Did they add a function for Forge Cores in the update? I still have no idea what they are used for.
By Snitty 1 on 20 Jun 2017 05:17
@Goku .. Glad you made it. im really close to 3600 now with 50 AS, maybe this night i reach it, when that finally happens i will complete the guide with both values.

@Snitty .. They're used to upgrade the relics, it's "ok" but not the big thing. You need to press "A" 2 times in the relic you want to upgrade.
By Ilindur on 20 Jun 2017 07:47
Thanks, not sure I would have ever noticed that myself.
By Snitty 1 on 21 Jun 2017 04:44
@Ilindur, any chances for you doing an explaining video? And thanks for this awesome guide.
By MJay76 on 01 Jul 2017 18:53
nitpicking here, but there is no need to put an auto clicker on clickstorm since CS is essentially an auto clicker... for 30s... every 10 min
By Milltia Grunl on 03 Jul 2017 10:08
@Milltia Totally true sir, I'm not going to drill into auto-active here (this guide is idle-detailed) but your statement makes total sense.

@MJay76 I currently have problems with my laptop (i need to send it to SAT soon) so dont expect a video guide anytime soon, but i will consider it in a future when my laptop returns.
By Ilindur on 03 Jul 2017 12:02
I don't get how people were beating this before the update with transcend. I have about 700 guilded heroes and 600 are on atlas my build seems awesome and I have 10 mill souls saved. I just come to a crawl at level 2300/2400. Been this way forever and I spent a lot of money on xtras. I even have 4 auto clickers. I wanted to beat it without transcending but I am getting no where. I have all the ancients and most are maxed or jacked up big time. I would think I should be making progress but not at all after a long ass time.
By troyoy on 28 Jul 2017 18:42
From what I've read on the guide and on the wiki - the amount of AS you get by transcending is based on the amount of hero souls you have (banked or pending) - I currently have approx 30K HS banked and 120K pending for ascension - but the ui in game says that if I transcend I will only get 10 AS? Looking at the wiki link in the guide, 100K HS should yield 25HS?

Have I got this wrong or is the ui bugged or... is something else going on? (I think it's more likely I have got it wrong)
By BadMotor on 02 Aug 2017 01:41
I dont know the maths behind the amount of AS per ascension, thats a job for the wiki not for this guide where a bare idea is enough.

But! If you want to know how many AS you should have the calculator will tell you, so just use the calculator and you can check if your game is bugged (more likely not)
By Ilindur on 02 Aug 2017 06:47
I'm sorry I'm confused on how the calculator works. The optimal benefit for Kuma.. I do not have Kuma yet. I'm only at zone 350ish, no transcensions yet. It's giving me these massive exponential numbers of hero souls under optimal benefit for Kuma. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
By Oxymorfiend on 09 Aug 2017 21:47
It is also not calculating how many HS I have left after I spend what is necessary to upgrade my ancients. From what I've read in the comments is it just assuming I put everything into Morg? (Currently don't have him either yet)
By Oxymorfiend on 09 Aug 2017 21:49
Are you talking about the "souls required" to the right of "kuma"? You can ignore that, its explained in the guide but making it short that bit of info is just for your own curiosity.

The calculator dont give you how many HS left when you use them, if you have spare HS is because its optimal to just keep them instead of invest them in any ancient.

Morgulis is extensively explained in the guide and comments, its just a HS dumper ancient, should be your last ancient.
By Ilindur on 10 Aug 2017 21:44
Awesome. Thank you
By Oxymorfiend on 10 Aug 2017 23:27
Thing I have just discovered: once my autoclickers are set on my main dpser I can switch to youtube or twitch or mixer and watch things while the game still runs laugh My tv will love me for this by saving us both from burn-in. As long as I don't close the app or load another game, it seems to keep my autoclickers doing their thing.
By Chucklestyle on 21 Aug 2017 00:16
Finally jumped from 3400 to 3600 in a day by spending an entire two ascensions on active ancients, placed 3 autoclickers on the enemy, and to my surprise it climbed extremely fast up until the last 50 levels where I had to use skills and wait for the cooldowns.

Before that, my whole strategy was to maximize the quick ascension value (deep runs + solomon + atman) and then doing every mercenary soul quest I could. Had I invested in active skills sooner, I might have gotten there faster (higher HZE = higher QA rewards.)

I also took my Kindle's charging cable, and hooked my controller up to my Xbox so it wouldn't die.
By Killipo on 21 Aug 2017 12:00
Okay thank you! Also where did you spend your free rubies on?
By DnB Gnasher on 25 Nov 2017 20:35
As far as i remember i picked 1 or 2 autos, maybe more and the rest x2 dmg and fast ascensions
By Ilindur on 26 Nov 2017 01:46
A useful tip i noticed is that you can have both the juggernaut AND the idle bonus active at the same time. I checked and as long as i don´t close my game i keep my combo even when idle for hours.
By darkling1542 on 15 Apr 2018 11:44
is there a site that gives a bit more detail on how to use the calculator, its a bit to confusing for me
By Bi0nicle117 on 10 May 2018 14:53
Dude, the new update is awesome! I started this game on my Phone 6 days ago and my highest zone is 3058. It goes way faster than before. I don't know why you are saying it takes much longer than before.
By Goku Black#2698 on 05 Jun 2018 19:46
Solomon removal should be critical, but if someone else confirm the new update simplifies the process i will update the comment.
By Ilindur on 06 Jun 2018 13:37
I can confirm Solomon is still in the game as of today
By I8ITackyticsI8I on 06 Jul 2018 03:35
I played this day one and haven't opened it since a few days in. Does it get u exp as long as its installed? Hope so will have a loooong time of grinding lol
By MrFattacular on 08 Feb 2019 03:38
Yes, u get XP, but a neligible ammount, if you want 3600 offline grinding is not the way.
By Ilindur on 08 Feb 2019 09:12
@JORAX - from all the sources I've read about getting to z3600, the range has been from as low as 35 to as high as 55+. It's just a matter of how much time you want to grind with the lower AS count and avoid that extra ascension/transcendence because eventually, the Juggernaut combo will be high enough for you to kill your way to z3600 I'd suspect.

@FattyMcFattz - I'd imagine it would take many years if not decades of idle grinding to get enough gold to reach 3600 if it's even possible, haha.

@Ilindur - just wanted to comment that this guide is as solid as they come. I'm getting pretty close to finishing and wanted to drop a personal thanks here. At first, this game feels daunting cause leveling takes forever and all these strategies sound sensible but almost impossible to grasp. I'm looking at all these guides/reviews and think I can manage it and then after playing the game, it's not as simple as it seems. After the first dozen+ ascensions, it started feeling a bit more realistic and I began getting the hang of the real strategy (such as Samurai 2426 to Atlas 1510, etc.). It wasn't even until the first transcendence (and then the first ascension) that you realize how silly everything up to that point has been!

Embedded in this spoiler is my rant/comments about the game, the guide, and what worked best for me.

TL;DR - sorry for hijacking your solution. Awesome guide, fun (but super long) game, calculators and more guides!

Thanks again.

Edit: For your entertainment, I have uploaded a video (albeit poor quality, my first video ever XD) showing my final push from z3580 to z3600. I also scroll through all the stats and numbers so you can get an idea of what you will need for that final push. Not included in the video is where I probably stopped idling ~z3450 and started actively building my combo. I originally had around 174 rubies prior to this push and as you can see in the video, I'm left with only 24 rubies after all is said and done.
By qManballin on 08 Apr 2019 20:22
In case others aren’t aware, you can move all gilds to a hero at once with the Y button. I had been doing them one at a time because that’s the only method I saw mentioned on the Gild page, and it was frustrating trying to move hundreds as I progressed.

Also for the record Solomon is still available. I suspect his behavior might have changed over time, I see conflicting information in different places, especially for after transcending. But he’s there right now (even after transcension) and still extremely useful.
By Kol Magius on 01 Jan 2020 07:28
Just got my Z3600 today. Here's my road :

Transcensions : (Duration | HZE | HS Gained | Asc.)
#0 - 22717:51:12 || 304 || 412 || 19
#1 - 133:26:23 || 854 || 3.159e5 || 14
#2 - 51:58:54 || 1754 || 1.063e7 || 12
#3 - 121:17:32 || 2614 || 4.621e8 || 15
#4 - 270:30:50 || 3604 || 2.828e10 || 18

Here's some explanations :
My progress pre-transcension is kinda lame, as I played the game for like a month, just by logging in ~each day for 30-60 minutes just to progress, and then I never played the game for 3 YEARS. This is why I have such a high time. When I logged back on the game last month, I had enough money to buy Dread Knight and that's all (maybe level him up to level 25 I guess, don't remember now). I was able to force my way to reach lvl 300 and then I transcended immediately.
Then the real grind started.
To be fair, I'm working from home due to the Covid-19, so as I was working on my computer, I had the Xbox on in front of me to "amuse" me while working. This way my game was playing in idle mode and I was able to press the required buttons in desired time.
I pretty much followed what was said here :
- Grind the 1-3 first ascensions post transcension
- Focus on Siyalatas and Libertas as soon as possible, mostly for the transcensions I was able to use rubies for quick ascensions, it made it far more easily
- I was able to buy 2 auto-clickers
- When I had around 7 AS, I transcended because I felt like I didn't do much progress on transcensions past this point. My ascensions were done in 2-4 hours.
- Focused on Samurai whenever I could to grind my way to the top.
- Used this ( to know when to regild to further heroes, and regild to who.
- My last 4 days I made barely anything because I was at z3400 and hoped to get to 3600 without ascending anymore, and I knew I had to transcend to be faster, yet I was entitled to reach z3600 without transcending one last time. Now that it's done, you'll have to transcend if you're slow around z3000
- Used the calculator for the hero souls, and the github app to know how to invest my AS. Every ascension was like Ctrl+C;Ctrl+Shift+V to copy/paste the levels from the calculator to recalculate them.
- I relied on my 2 lvl 10+ mercenaries to bring me money after z3400 to progress because it would've taken forever to get to z3600 without that, so think with this only if you're close enough to do so. I paid too much in rubies to revive one of them, the other one was never revived (Press F)

Here are my current levels to give an idea for players that need more informations on what you're expected to have while reaching z3600 :
- Cid/Treebeast are level 9000+
- My (363) gilds are on Wepwawet (bought 12 early in the game for no reason. Not a big difference at this point
- Wepwawet does 99.99% of damage at level 1250, which is 3.717e246
- idle DPS right now are 2.401e251 (this is the amount required to kill the boss at z3600, though you don't need to kill him to get the achievement)
- Every perk up to wepwawet unlocked
- Currently spent 43 AS, can transcend for ~+8
- Current transcendent power : 1.36%
- Current max primal reward : 2.365e7

Outsiders :
- Borb : 0
- Xyliqil : 6
- Phandoryss : 3
- Chor'gorloth : 4
- Ponyboy : 27

Ancients :
- Argaiv : 61,438
- Atman : 28
- Bubos : 24 (29 with relics)
- Chronos : 24
- Dogcog : 24 (27 with relics)
- Dora : 26
- Fortuna : 24
- Kuma : 27 (40 with relics)
- Libertas : 56,891
- Mammon : 56,891 (56,930 with relics)
- Mimzee : 56,891 (56,908 with relics)
- Morgulis : 3.775e9
- Nogardnit : 6368 (with 2 auto-clickers inactive)
- Revolc : 19
- Siyalatas : 61,439 (61,482 with relics)
- Solomon : 15,931

Extra :
Dark rituals used in this world : 1
Current gold : 5.312e272
Gold gained : 1.114e273 (needed to level Wepwawet to lv 1250)
Gold gained in last 60 seconds : 1.878e265 (this is why I needed my mercs)
Hero souls from ascensions : 2.249e10
Monster kills : 18,546,117 (was afk for 3 years, so it might seem high)
Boss kills : 16,921
Treasure chests : 22,281
World ascensions : 78
World transcensions : 4
Rarest merc : Epic
Highest merc lvl : 13
Mercs revived : 5
Mercs buried : 10
Quests completed (total) : 722
Pre-transcendent HZE : 304
Lifetime dark rituals : 52
Total relics found : 146 (thanks to the mercs)
Upgrades purchased : 9797
Time played since the first click : 1159 days

I swear I'm writing this like it's my end game credits, sorry for this flood, I wanted to share what I couldn't find to compare earlier.

Thanks to OP and the community for sharing everything that helped there, and good luck to the ones attempting this right now !
By DF I Phoenix on 17 May 2020 22:11
Beat zone 3600 today with 2 trancends 6 acends. Used double zone glitch to farm hero souls. Put siya and liba to 100k souls each and hit 3600 no issue. Moved all my gilds to wapa near zone 3200. 70 hours total playtime + offline farming.
By DaithixPxD on 20 Feb 2021 22:00
Definitely gonna need some major help now. Just opened it up and *all* my progress is gone. Any way to recover or am I royally boned?
By Brodysseus93 on 03 Sep 2021 16:36
Something I tested that adds a ton to completion time - the series X makes the game work about 5 times faster than the one X. For AFK farming, super big change in how quick insta-kills lead to the next enemy. So if you have a one x as your alt console for leaving on for long periods or etc, it's worth putting your series X to work for this game.
By Blue Radium on 07 Oct 2022 02:01
It is easy in the later runs. I'm getting 150K per run now. And I'm getting to Zone 1800 to 1900 every time.
By Goku Black#2698 on 23 Mar 2017 14:00
There is one thing that doesn't get mentioned here that I feel should be. After you reach zone 800 or so it becomes worthwhile to get Kumawakamaru to max level to help speed up reaching the higher zones. It doesn't seem like much but 5 fewer monsters per zone can save minutes per run.

I also would recommend getting Bubos and Chronos when their costs become negligible. Also not sure if they are in the game but Iris and Khrysos are good too if they are.
By Ace Phoenyx on 23 Mar 2017 21:35
Goodness, can't believe I missed that with Morgulis. Could have sworn I tried that.

I know most people seem to hate Morgulis but I always think of him as a bank for Hero Souls. You get to keep a huge amount of HS in there permanently and you even get 1% "interest". Also, you don't have to worry about accidentally spending hero souls that you meant to save for their 10% dps bonus.

Also thanks a lot for the gilding information. It seems the problem that I had was that I was gilding Phthalo as soon as I got him because I figured the base dps would make it worth it even though he was a lower level. The most important thing is that they are actually above lvl. 1000 for the first x10 (though you're right, lvl. 1500 seems a little more efficient). But because he could never get above lvl. 900 even with a night of idle grinding I got myself stuck around enemy level 1400.

I went back to gilding Terra instead, as she was actually above lvl. 1000 and noticed a much more efficient build for the amount of gold required.
By UnsungGhost on 22 Apr 2017 19:51
I had 3 transcensions now and I have 45 Ancient Souls and got to Zone 3600.

Argaiv, Bhaal, Fragsworth, Liberates, Mammon, Mimzee and Siyalatas Level 1.000e5
Solomon Lvl25.000
Revolc Lvl 23
Nogardnit Lvl 10000 (2 Auto Clickers)
7.872e9 Lvl Morgulis
29 Lvl Kuma
11.000 Lvl Jugger
Lvl 26 Fortuna
Lvl 27 Dora
Lvl 25 Dogcog
Lvl 26 Chronos
Lvl 25 Bubos
Lvl 28 Atman

Borb 0
Xyliqil Lvl 6
Phandoryss Lvl 4
Chor Level 5
Ponyboy Level 24

All gilds on Bomber Max. So now you have an idea on how far you have to get. :D
By Goku Black#2698 on 19 Jun 2017 07:51
Yes, as long as your reach 1500 with instakill then it's time to move all gilds to next hero. (if you can't instakill before your new gilds hero, then put 1 gild hero to your previous, in this case Atlas)
By lfcjohn on 23 May 2017 04:39
in the gild menu you have 2 options:
- Press in your current gild hero, that will move 1 gild to another random hero. This cost ... ¿2? HS
- Press in your desired hero to gild, that will move 1 gild from another random hero. This cost ... ¿75? HS.

I dont rememeber the cost, but moving gilds to a hero of your selection is a lot more expensive than move it to a random one.
By Ilindur on 06 Jun 2017 09:49
This is definitely a time sink achievement. To give you all reading an idea of how long it took me vs Ilundir it was 60 days exactly in-game from my first click.

Fresh start: 599:07:21 379HZE 974HS 15Ascensions
Trans 1: 214:58:18 1171HZE 7.198e5HS 13Ascensions
Trans 2: 193:30:58 1913HZE 4.328e7HS 17Ascensions
Trans 3: 261:48:58 2981HZE 3.938e8HS 25Ascensions
Trans 4: 161:53:05 3601HZE 4.190e10HS 17Ascensions

Even with all this I limped past 3600. I used a primarily idle build but had all anscients and put a lot of HS into Bhaal, Frags, and Juggernaut as well. Idled until around 3480 and then activated my 2 autoclickers.

You can do it just takes patience. This is definitely one of my most proud achievements though. A lot of early mornings and late late nights playing this game. Kids are glad they don't have to watch it anymore too!
By on 06 Sep 2017 00:13
Ascension is not a full new game, you get HS which you need for multiple stuff. If you are totally new to the game you need to create a decent amount of HS being active (phase 1) before moving to complete idle (phase 3)
By Ilindur on 23 Nov 2017 17:10
What is the estimated AS needed to get to 3600? For reference I'm at 37, only currently getting to zone 2600 or so and am contemplating if I need to transcend again or can eventually push farther with the 100+ million of HS I'm getting per run now.
By JORAX on 21 Aug 2018 20:56
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I am not vying for top solution but I think I genuinely have some tips for those LATE GAME / END GAME players who need that extra push

• you should already have the double damage bonus purchased with rubies-it is a must have and your first purchase with rubies

• assuming you have ^ the above then you should be spending ALL rubies on auto clickers (I stopped buying auto clickers at 6 auto clickers (I also had 3 transcensions))

•Once you have 6 auto clickers, spend your rubies on a free ascension

• once you can climb to 3000 without abusing abilities or trying all that hard you should shift from spending rubies on ascensions and instead buy timelapse -BUT RIGHT BEFORE YOU TIMELAPSE BE AWARE MERCENARIES WILL GET A 6(?) HOUR PUSH AS WELL SO BE SURE AND QUICKLY SET THOSE TO THINGS THAT ARE 6 HOURS OR LESS FOR FREE STUFF! ♥

(I played an active play style and did not click myself) I hope this helps ♥

Mind you most people playing are not mathematicians and last checked there isn't a decent calculator available for the console version -and even if their were the game gets updated so often that it wont be valid for long anyway.

above all... do not waste your damn time spending 30+ minutes climbing 10 stages when you don't have to. Just ascend -_- it's not an effective use of time spending 30+ minutes to climb 10 stages.

20 Aug 2017 00:54

3 Transcensions and 101 total ascensions later.. I'm sitting around level 3350 with 120 gilds on Gog. Wepwawet is not worth leveling up, as he is a very late/ end game hero. Wepwawet's 3rd upgrade is like x5m% specifically for Betty Clicker.. Ok then. I only have one auto clicker and I only used it combined with Juggernaut for an initial boost in dps once idle or to push near the end of a run to increase a quick ascension hero soul count. By your 3rd Transcension or if you're nearing level 3000, make sure you have 8+ AS invested in Borb = roughly 120M max hero soul bonus on bosses. For this final push, I plan on using my 250+ rubies for QA's and Timelapses, and adding more gilds to Gog. This is by far the longest time I've ever spent for one achievement..
By LifeOfDaPartay3 on 05 Jan 2018 17:08
@Im the Lorax - I'm going to answer this since no one ever answered it and you probably already figured it out by now (a year later, haha). The TL;DR answer is YES, move ALL gilds to Atlas is the goal once you are instakilling mobs on the way to samurai max which is calculated around 2500 (2426 was the precise number I found somewhere online). You can't really tell on the current run if you're barely getting to ~2500 samurai and you are starting to level Atlas. You'll see it over your next few ascensions if you actually can manage to instakill to that number. If not, I recommend moving a gild from Atlas back to samurai (80 hero souls).

Newcomers will not really appreciate this until after going through their first dozen+ ascensions and transcend. Again, the goal is to first get samurai to 2500 (2426). However, the key is to make sure you are instakilling mobs meaning their health bar doesn't even move and that they die the moment they pop on the screen. This ensures the most efficient method possible at tackling this game. Again, this is for those nearing the mid to late game with probably a transcendence under their belt. If you need to regild samurai once or twice (granted you're leveling the ancient Argaiv enough, if not, you may need more gilds for benefit), then that is fine to do on 1 ascending run. If you need to do it more than once, rethink ascending sooner or check the calculators on ancient levels. It should not be requiring regilds after regilds. Once the gilds are moved to Atlas, they will stay there (unless you backtrack and regild samurai that one time) until you're ready to move on to Terra and so on and so forth.
By qManballin on 06 Apr 2019 05:05
So when you go from maxing out samurai guild and move to atlas, do you move ALL your guilds to at last and Keep samurai or move him as well.. this game is so confusing i freakin hate it.
By Nurse Lorax on 06 Apr 2018 20:40
@@Im the Lorax as far as the game being mildly annoying at times I would agree with you.
I would trust @qManballin's response.

personally, I did not *sweat the small stuff* persistence is key and math helps obviously but does not need to be perfect to succeed. The reason no one gives a perfect thought out approach is the RNG /randomness of the buffs and items.

This game took me months to finally complete whilst maintaining to login for aprox a minimum of 15 mins a day and the longer days probably honestly 2-3 hours of mostly AFK play.
By Netechma on 06 Apr 2019 21:05
Since you mentioned it, you can find a list of calculators as well as which version they work for here:

Currently, you'll want the 1.0e9 calculator for the console version of the game.
By Electifried on 06 Dec 2017 03:35
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This solution explains two glitches, one which allows you to go forward in time, the other will give you a massive head start every ascension/transcension and help you get loads of hero souls fast.

I managed to get to level 3600 with a max-gilded Wepwawet and by using this calculator:

Read this post first:

Time glitch works differently on Xbox. You have to set your console to offline in network settings and restart it to be able to change the time. It's simple - fully quit the game, change the time, go back. On PlayStation, as I understand, there is a faster method, but this is quick enough, too. Every time I changed the time, I went forward one year. You can use the years from 1970 to 2037. If you need to go back in time, you can do that, just launch the game once more after you go back and have no time-specific abilities activated.

The double zone glitch is very useful. It can be used to farm treasure chests for the achievement, gold, hero souls and get head starts on ascensions and transcensions. Make sure that in the game's graphics options everything is turned off and only "Tiny monsters" is on to get the most kills per second due to reduced lag. The easiest way to do this glitch is to be at a level right before a new boss that is primal. Turn on farm mode and do the glitch. When you switch to progression mode you will start getting loads of gold and hero souls. While in this glitched mode, you can ascend and because of lag get some of those kills' gold. After you ascend, press right trigger a few times to unglitch and go back to level 1. Now, make sure to buy some heroes, because if you don't, you can lose this gold you currently have after restarting the game. You can stay at the level you were before the ascension, but it really doesn't matter. I tried transcending twice when in this glitched mode - once without respeccing and once with. I only kept the gold when I chose to respec while transcending. This helped me get back on track way faster.

02 Mar 2020 14:08

i had started the game when it came out and never got around to finishing it, until i saw this glitch. works like a charm! personally i dont find the time-skip for gold one to be super effective imo because you can easily do the double level glitch and rack in money a lot faster, if you're going that slowly anyway then you might as well ascend and get those extra hero souls.
Speaking of which, 2 things i would include in this guide to make it a bit better:
1. To perform the glitch, get to a level ending in a 4 or a 9 (aka right before a boss level). once you get to 6/10, pull the left trigger back to start zooming to levels you previously finished. When you get to 9/10, pull right trigger and hold both of these down with rubber bands. you should see your money start increasing, and you should also start getting hero souls just as rapidly as the money. If you don't stop the glitch and do it the next set of 5, repeat until you start getting hero souls.
2. i recommend going as far into the levels as you possibly can before doing the glitch for the hero souls, as the difference in the amount you get later on is staggering. when i was practicing it i pulled it off at ~215, and in the span of an hour i got around 300M souls, thinking that didn't seem super effective, so i decided to go to a much later level. At ~2150, i did the glitch and got 300M souls in about 10 minutes. so yeah i'd say go as far as you can before doing it. Also its totally ok for the enemies not to die instantly, just use the gold you get to level up the good heroes until it becomes an insta kill, you'll see the souls fly in.
i had abandoned the game at ~2300 and came back once i saw this glitch. Within 3 ascensions, i got to level 3600. it seriously works that well, i really recommend doing it.
Seeing as how i started doing this so late into my gameplay, i can't really say much about the money glitch because i really didn't need it. but i'm sure its helpful to people who are starting out. Goodluck!
By ScoobyDoobyD0nt on 21 Mar 2020 16:45
I didn't include a lot of stuff in my solution because the rest is in the post I've linked.
By iVilux on 21 Mar 2020 16:47
Word of warning, do not ascend while doing the double zone glitch. It makes all the bosses think they've already been beaten, and you get no hero souls from them.
By Aki2403 on 27 Mar 2020 14:29
Does it? Maybe I never noticed.
By iVilux on 27 Mar 2020 14:30
Oh, I think I know what you're talking about now. Yeah, I used to go for a long time without primal bosses sometimes, this might be the issue.
By iVilux on 27 Mar 2020 14:45
No, I mean I got the 200 or so souls from levelling my heroes, and it didn't change, was still the same number as it sailed past zone 500.
By Aki2403 on 27 Mar 2020 15:59
Oh boy @iVilux you really gotta add in that if you scroll down and click gilded heroes you dont even have to rubber band and its 100% afk writing this when i get millions of souls found this randomly lol
By on 07 Jun 2020 12:41
Heads up, glitch does end if you close the game, so you would have to keep the game up overnight/while at work/etc if you want to do this glitch while afk
By BlazeFlareon on 13 Jul 2020 08:37
Thumbs up. Perfect cheese!
By planchetflaw on 13 Oct 2022 02:14
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If you wish to spare yourself from learning specific statistics and calcuating different builds, here is my idle build. For me it took around ~1200 hours to reach zone 3600 and complete the game, but please note that abusing the game it can be reached much faster. (Read more about it below)


During my runs I have trancended 2 times. I suggest to do a Transcend whenever you have at least 10 Ancient souls (or more if you think you can earn more Hero Souls = Ancient souls during your current run). I spent my sould for the following Outsiders:

Xyliqil - Lvl 25
Ponyboy - Lvl 25

In case of Ancients, I bought and levelled the following ones (please note that these are my end game levels, but I highly recommend to buy the exact same ancients after every Transcension:

Argaiv - Level 805K
Atman - Level 28
Bubos- Level 28
Chronos- Level 28
Dogcog- Level 33
Dora - Level 28
Fortuna - Level 32
Libertas - Level 81,000
Mammon - Level 115K
Mimzee - Level 40,001
Morgulis - Level 70,000M
Nogardnit - Level 33,000
Siyalatas - Level 5280K
Solomon - Level 22,000

For Mercenaries, I usually chose those missions which give you Hero Souls and Rubies, but never choose a mission which takes more than 8 hours, as they usually end up with your mercenary getting killed. If you don't get a fancy misison, just chose the one which takes the least time, so you can come back as soon as possible to choose a better one.

Using the *infinite Hero Souls glitch:

Nothing much to say here. I used this glitch at the very end of my run, but I suggest using it early on as well if you don't want to spend more than 1000 hours completing the game. Since it hasn't been updated for years I doubt it will be patched out in the near future or at all:


16 Dec 2022 19:24

Here we are talking about zones, not about the level of the Persians. Even the achievement picture hints at this.

10 Mar 2017 06:07

They gave me the trophy even with rewinding time only on the 2nd attempt, but I guess it’s up to you to get lucky
By ExeQtor_PS on 14 Apr 2018 18:24
Glitch for endless souls of heroes:
1) get to the boss that drops souls, but don’t kill him.
2) return to the very beginning on Forest level 1.
3) pinch and without releasing, click once this will switch the game to Level+ mode.
4) still not letting go press to enter the store.
5) we are already releasing in the store and leave the store .
6) if everything is done correctly, the “Ascend for +....souls” counter will begin to grow.
By Cr0w991 on 17 Mar 2023 19:37
Regarding the glitch with time (rewinding time on the console and as a result we get a reload of all skills, the mercenary has completed their tasks and a slight acceleration in obtaining gold and completing levels), this may affect the receipt of some trophies, I personally did not receive a trophy for 3600 levels. There is nothing serious here like completely disabling trophies, I just had to go after ascension from lvl 1 to lvl 3600 without using the glitch, I think if you didn’t get any other trophy and you used the glitch, just in the next ascension you will get the trophy without it.

A little about the game, for the first time you play up to level 100+ as best you can, accumulate a couple of souls and make an ascension, buy patriarchs and move on again, I personally did that in each subsequent ascension I accumulated souls 2 times more than I had in the past .

Patriarchs, as for me, are all so good except two that they increase the chance of 10x gold or 2x rubies. As for Libertas and Siyalatas, they are very good only at the beginning of the game; after overcoming them, it is not necessary to upgrade them.

Overcoming, if you go for trophies, you will only need 1. Play until you have accumulated 30+ ancient souls and when there is no progress at all, do overcoming, I advise you to download only 3-4 “ancient patriarchs” or whatever they are called. We download Chorkhgorlot so that it gives a 40% reduction in the cost of patriarchs, it is no longer required. I recommend Fandoriss lvl 1-2 maximum. Borb and Ponyasha we put the remaining souls into them approximately evenly.

And autoclicks, bought for rubies, the first one seemed to cost 100 or 150 and each next one was 50 more, I had 8. With the glitch for a while, rubies and souls are very easy to farm, we give a task to mercenaries for 1 day or less, rewind time, and so on , it’s better to put 1 day on tasks because mercenaries quickly gain a level and even if someone dies, we bury him, order a new one and he will quickly level up to level 10+.
By homo_huivi on 12 Jul 2017 13:33
The month long run is over!
What do you need to take this achievement...
Must have:
1. 400+ gilding and make degild at the stage up to level 1800-2000 in the samurai, then gradual degild in the horror knight and at the last stage 3000-3600 in cadmium, alabaster and astrea
2. Encents must be pumped up
- Argaiv 1200+
- Baal 1000+
- Juggernaut 350+
- Mimzy, mammon 1000+
- Solomon 450+
- Morgulis 99999
- Fragsworth 600+
- Chronos 10
- Dosvidos, libertas are not needed
- The rest are maximum
3. Perform the ritual abuse at least 320 times according to the scheme: 8-6-9, break 15 minutes, 8-9, break 15 minutes
4. Be able to click at least 5-6 times per second.

P.S. The abuse of the ritual can be speeded up by using a time glitch... It’s a weird thing and it doesn’t work correctly, but if you decide, carefully watch the videos on YouTube, everything is chewed up, the only recommendation is to move the clock forward by 1 hour 1 minute and do it offline. Otherwise, the internal game timers will go off and you will have to ascend.

P.p.s. Achiva dropped at stage 3702, so don’t be nervous and continue playing
By cbnh-2 on 09 Apr 2017 13:50
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