Clouds & Sheep 2
25 Achievements
I Love Ewe!
Match a loving couple!
How to unlock the I Love Ewe! achievement in Clouds & Sheep 2 - Definitive Guide
you will unlock flowers early on by completing the quests you get when clicking on the indicated sheep. one quest will be to match a couple by feeding a male and female each some flowers and then when they both show hearts, place them together earning the achievement.
One of the earliest trophies you will unlock as you will be doing this a lot in the game.
Grow a couple of red flowers then drag the sheep to them. When a male and a female both have hearts floating above their heads drag them together. Trophy unlocked.
Grow a couple of red flowers then drag the sheep to them. When a male and a female both have hearts floating above their heads drag them together. Trophy unlocked.
Story Related. Cannot be missed.
This will unlock during the tutorial stage of the game. In order to match a loving couple, you need to get two sheep (one male and one female) to both eat a flower. When they have little hearts floating above their heads, move them so they are standing right next to each other. They will fall in love and a large red heart will float above them. Combine this heart with any cloud to create a baby sheep. The trophy will unlock when the lamb is created.
See "Sheep Counter"
This guide was translated automatically.
We feed the sheep flowers and they immediately become in love. Then we just pull her towards him. We get a heart and connect it to the cloud.