Clouds & Sheep 2

Clouds & Sheep 2

25 Achievements

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Sheep Happens!

Sheep Happens!

A sheep died and became a cloud!


How to unlock the Sheep Happens! achievement in Clouds & Sheep 2 - Definitive Guide

you will unlock clouds by completing the quests given by the indicated sheep, however you won't have enough to make a storm cloud until after you progress the quests enough to reach night time. once you have enough clouds for a storm cloud with lightning, click it and press RB to fire the lightning. just zap the same sheep repeatedly without allowing them to recover and they will turn into a gravestone and release clouds into the sky, unlocking this achievement.

08 Feb 2017 00:26

When a sheep dies, it will become a Tombstone. You can revive the sheep by paying Stars (cost depends on how many times the sheep was/were revived). When you revive the sheep, it will become a cloud before transforming into the same sheep is was before dying. Once it is fully revived, the trophy will unlock.

There are a few ways to kill a sheep:

  • Freeze to Death
  • Starve to Death
  • Poisoned by Mushrooms
  • Killed by Lightning

Lightning is by far the quickest way to kill a sheep. If it has wool, keep striking it until it is fully bald. Once all the wool is gone, strike it 1-2 times more to kill it.


Sheep require food, water and other life necessities. Your sheep WILL die eventually. You can bring them back to life, but don't worry about that for this achievement.

We kill sheep with lightning.

28 Aug 2019 02:02