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Accelerate Your Hero

Accelerate Your Hero

You completed Episode 3.


How to unlock the Accelerate Your Hero achievement in Comix Zone - Definitive Guide

This is the third part of a good Videowalkthrough. With this Video the game is very simple to complete because of all the hidden item that are shown in it. Just be sure to save often.
Credit goes to Nerthing.

12 Oct 2010 18:34

thanks, i guess the items are all randoms cause i always get the booms!
By Rey Punisher on 05 Apr 2011 05:57
Videos were extremely helpful, great tip!
By Pedle Zelnip on 22 Apr 2011 18:09
I completed the game but didn't get this achievement...
By Missingno87 on 31 Jan 2019 18:21
You have to wait until after the credits for this one to pop.
By Missingno87 on 31 Jan 2019 18:22
Very helpful thank you
By Riss WARDADDIX on 01 May 2020 12:54
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This is story related and therefore can't be missed, but do note that this trophy unlocks only after the credits finish. Episode 3 is Curse of the Dead Ships. Proceed through the routes of the comic until you make your way towards the final boss, Mortus. Below is the strategy to defeating the Mortus boss:

During this final boss fight to rescue Alissa, you'll notice a switch to the right that will activate the rocket thruster on the bottom floor to your left. You can defeat Mortus very easily by luring him under the rocket thruster and then flipping the switch. In order to lure Mortus underneath the rocket thruster stand under the first platform, then when Mortus jumps down, quickly jump on the platform with the switch and activate the rocket thruster, then jump back down. Rinse and repeat until you've killed Mortus. Once he's dead finish killing the two flying creatures that are left.



Episode 3 is entitled Curse of the Dead Ships. As with the rest of this game, routes and options are farily straight forward. Once you complete this episode you will unlock the achievement. Now it's time for the final boss battle against Mortus.

In this final boss battle, you will see a switch to the right which will activate a rocket thurster to your left. Move towards the rocket and lure Mortus underneath of it, then quickly jump to the switch and activate hit and hit Mortus with the rocket thruster.

TIP: To lure Mortus to the rocket thruster, make sure you stay between the first two ledges and jump up, then back down.

Once you make the hit, there will be several flying creatures to deal with. Once you do away with the flying creatures, rinse and repeat a few more times to obliterate Mortus and finish the game.

TIP: Save your game prior to this boss battle so you can re-load to save yourself another playthrough when trying to obtain the Choice is Good achievement.