Commander's Challenge

Commander's Challenge

12 Achievements



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Going Commando

Going Commando

You killed 20 enemy commandoes!


How to unlock the Going Commando achievement in Commander's Challenge - Definitive Guide

By no means easy, but if you have the right tactics, this will come.

The first thing to note, is that this is NOT accumulative over challenges, and can only be done on the mission:
"The Omega Program"

First, choose to play as "The Rising Sun" and make sure you have unlocked most of their units and defences.
Now, build up your base defences.Two defences to each access point should be enough. Next build several Chopper VX's. (6 or 7 should be enough) Now take these Chopper VX's and take down the enemies Construction Yard's and Dojo's doing this cripples their ability to produce more buildings and more "Yuriko clones", making it much easier for you to accomplish this achievement.

By the time you have accomplished this, there should be roughly 20-30 "Yuriko Clones" on the map. Now you simply need to just hunt them down and eliminate them, but remember to be on your guard as the A.I may simply send all the Yuriko Clones against you in one swift and most likely fatal attack.

Another option you can take is follow the same set up, except you wipe out two of the three enemy bases.
And just put all your units outside the enemies final Dojo and simply wait for Yuriko clones to be trained, and simply killing them when they spawn from the Dojo.

Hope this helps.

21 Oct 2010 09:59

1 Comment
Just out of curiosity, why can this only be done on the Omega Program? Surely it can be done on any level if the AI spam commandos.
By Ditto51 on 07 Feb 2015 16:20
Basically what you want to do is play as the Soviets on "The Omega Program" level, set up lots of base defenses before building an army of Sickles. By the time you feel like your base is fully protected and you have enough Sickles, there should be about 30 Yuriko Omega Clones (aka the Commandos you have to kill) so just take the sickles and have fun hunting.

You do not need to complete the level to get the achivement

14 Mar 2015 12:58

So why did you decide to do this on The Omega Program level and not another place?
By Shadow 00 Fox on 27 Dec 2016 08:24
In case anyone is wondering why I picked this mission over others, its because these kill x number of a certain unit appear to be designed to a specific mission. In this case, The Omega Program is about the Japanese commandos and as such there are plenty of them on this map, making them easy to hunt down using sickles
By Ditto51 on 30 May 2020 17:36
I can't remember why I asked that question... lol.
By Shadow 00 Fox on 30 May 2020 20:14
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