Conan Exiles
36 Achievements
The Gilt, The Craft and the Lie
Place a thrall crafter in a crafting station
How to unlock the The Gilt, The Craft and the Lie achievement in Conan Exiles - Definitive Guide
In the xbox achievement area it now reads "Place a thrall crafter in a crafting station".
All I did was use the Admin Console and spawn Black_Hand_Blacksmith_4_Cimmerian (checkbox Spawn as converted thrall item)
I then placed her in the machine called Campaign Blacksmith's Bench in the Thrall spot.
The achievement popped after a few seconds.
Then put him on a blacksmith bench so you can craft Flawless weapons
I go over this in depth in my walkthrough @ 12:50
This video will show you how to do it, step by step compared to the one above.
The recipes are in the 'The Dregs' dungeon.
For this achievement, we need to go through a lot of steps; spawn the necessary items, gain the knowledge to craft the weapon then actually craft it. It can get a little confusing, but it is actually very simple to do.
We first need to generate a few items in the Admin Panel to set this up.
- Press to bring up the menu. Select ‘Admin Panel’ and move over to the panel on the right called ‘Spawn Item.’ Select ‘Building’ and search for ‘BENCH.’ When the list comes up, select ‘Blacksmith’s Bench’ and press on it once. Close the Admin Panel, open your weapon wheel and place it on the ground.
- Press to bring up the menu again. Select ‘Admin Panel’ and move over to the middle section with three buttons and select ‘Spawn Humanoids’. Before we generate anything, navigate past the list and down to ‘Spawn as converted thrall item’ and check the box.
- Move back up and search for ‘4’. When the list comes up, select ‘Black_Hand_Blacksmith_4_Cimmerian’ to generate one in your inventory. Close the Admin Panel.
- Next, walk up to the Bench and press when the prompt appears so the Crafting screen comes up. On the left side, there will be an anvil/hammer icon. Press on it then move over to the box named ‘Thrall’ in the middle section. Press and the blacksmith will spawn at the bench. The reason you want a level 4 blacksmith is because only they can craft flawless or exceptional items.
Now that we have the items in place, depending on which weapon we choose to craft will determine what knowledge is required to craft it. On the right side of the Crafting screen, you will see a series of boxes of weapons that can be crafted. They are blacked out because you don’t yet have the knowledge to craft them.
The weapon Maka selects in the video below is the ‘Star Metal Mace’ (he first selects ‘Flawless Hardened Steel Mace’ but then changes it midway), so for the purposes of this achievement, it would be simplest if we mimic what he does. This weapon requires 1 ‘Short Handle’ and 12 ‘Star Metal Bars.’ We first need to ‘buy’ the knowledge to craft this weapon in the ‘Feats’ menu.
A couple of notes about ‘Feats’:
- The icons in this menu are one of three colors; ‘Green,' ‘Yellow,’ or ‘Red.’ ‘Green’ means that you have its knowledge, ‘Yellow’ means that it can be purchased, and ‘Red’ means that a Yellow icon must be purchased before you can purchase it.
- The higher level you are gives you more units to spend, so if you are a Level 60, you will have approximately 500 units. Everything required for this achievement costs approximately 140 units, so if you have not done so yet, use the Admin Panel to reach Level 60 (refer to “...A Champion…”).
To gain the knowledge to craft the ‘Star Metal Mace’, press and navigate over to ‘Feats.’ This is where you spend units so you can learn how to craft an item. Press until you are on the icon with two crossed swords (the fifth icon from the left). In the ‘Hiltmaker’ section is the weapon we want to craft (‘Star Metal Mace,’ third icon from the left). Move over to it and on the top right of the screen it will show us the icon we need to craft it. For this item, we are verifying that we need ‘Hiltmaker.’
Navigate to the ‘Hiltmaker’ icon just above the weapon icon and on the top right it will show us the three items we need to purchase. You will notice that these three icons are yellow or red, meaning they haven’t been purchased yet. For the ‘Hiltmaker’ recipe, we need the ‘Warrior’ icon, the ‘Furnace’ icon and the ‘Axe’ icon.
- On the same tab as the ‘Hiltmaker’ icon, move up to the yellow ‘Warrior’ icon and press to purchase it. You do not need to purchase anything else in this subset.
- Press to move back one icon (to the fire/wood icon) and navigate down to the ‘Stone Tools’ section. The first icon in that section is the yellow ‘Furnace’ icon, so purchase that.
- Next, in the same ‘Stone Tools’ section, in the second row, five icons from the left is the ‘Axe’ icon we require. You will notice that this icon is red, so we need to purchase other items first. Since we have more than enough units, proceed to purchase every icon in the ‘Stone Tools’ section.
- This will give us the three required icons needed to purchase ‘Hiltmaker.’
Press to go back to the two crossed swords tab. Navigate to the ‘Hiltmaker’ icon and you will see that on the top right of the screen all three icons are now highlighted green. Press to purchase the ‘Hiltmaker.’
Next, move down to the ‘Star Metal Mace’ icon and you will see that on the top right of the screen the icon is also highlighted green. Press to purchase the ‘Star Metal Mace’. You now have the knowledge to craft this item.
Below the weapon boxes it shows the item or items required to craft that weapon. To craft the ‘Star Metal Mace,’ this weapon requires 1 ‘Short Handle’ and 12 ‘Star Metal Bars.’
- Press to bring up the menu. Select ‘Admin Panel’ and move over to the panel on the right called ‘Spawn Item’. Select ‘Resources’ and search for ‘SHORT.’ When the list comes up, select ‘Short Handle’ and press on it once.
- Still in the ‘Admin Panel’ in the ‘Spawn Item’ section, select ‘Other’ and search for ‘STAR.’ When the list comes up, select ‘Star Metal Bar,’ and press on it 12 times. Close the Admin Panel.
Once you have spawned the items, press on the bench to open up the Crafting screen. On the left side, it will show your inventory, including what you just spawned. Highlight one of the required items and press . Then navigate to the middle section and place the item in a box below ‘Thrall’. Repeat this step for any additional items spawned for your weapon.
Once you have done that, find the weapon on the right side of the screen and you will see that there is now an image of the weapon. Navigate down and you will see that the ‘Craft’ button near the bottom is now selectable with . Press and it will craft the weapon. When it has finished, the achievement will unlock.
Maka guides you through this achievement in his 100% video walkthrough, starting at [16:12].
Again, go to the admin panel and add an NPC ( you definitely need to check the bottom “Add as a slave” ) - write Blacksmith and select Black_Hand_Blacksmith_4_Cimmerian. Open our workbench and select our slave from the inventory, drag him to the top single cell
We check that we are lvl 60 and have available skills (if not, create a character again) - go to the Talents tab, click to the maximum (magnifying glass) and study all available yellow weapons (I spent about 231 points and still have 266 left)... or just anything
Open the workbench again through the square, go to the right menu and look for Flawless Weapons, look at what resources and in what quantity we need - add everything through the admin panel. For example, Iron bar 12 pieces. Open the workbench again, drag the resources under the blacksmith icon and select a weapon on the right...for example, a Flawless Iron Mace with Spikes - create it, take it, and the trophy is yours!