Conflict: Denied Ops

Conflict: Denied Ops

44 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Police Protection

Police Protection

Saved RPF troops in the town square in Township.


How to unlock the Police Protection achievement in Conflict: Denied Ops - Definitive Guide

As you play through the mission like normal about half way through after entering a few buildings you'll soon come to open area with a few RPF troops in the middle with enemies located all around the surrounding area, just take out out all the enemies that are in the open and the one's that are in the buildings and this achievement will pretty much unlock straight away. 
As you play through the mission like normal about half way through after entering a few buildings you'll soon come to open area with a few RPF troops in the middle with enemies located all around the surrounding area, just take out out all the enemies that are in the open and the one's that are in the buildings and this achievement will pretty much unlock straight away.