34 Achievements

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The War to End All Wars

The War to End All Wars

Achieve ending 4 (secret ending).


How to unlock the The War to End All Wars achievement in CONSCRIPT - Definitive Guide

To get Ending 4 (Conscripted) you need to:

- Fight every single trench battle
- Grab the dove in Fort Vaux and set it free
- Collect the grandfather's watch in the weapon locker in Fort Vaux

To get the dove, you will need three Pronged Keys. The first one is in Trench Communication, and you get it by shooting a cannon in Trench Support and clearing the rubble. The second and the thirs are in Fort Vaux (Infirmary and Emergency Surgery). The cage to get the bird is in the far east room (beside a lion key door).

To get the clock, you will need to enter Pierre's secret room in the cellar in every flashback. Write down the drawing hints and the final code (I don't think there's a way to look at those documents from the menu). When in Fort Vaux, input the symbol code first and the numeric one afterwards.

04 Dec 2024 09:40