

12 Achievements



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Complete the game in Xbox Live Co-op mode.


How to unlock the Partnership achievement in Contra - Definitive Guide

Not too difficult, just get a buddy who is familiar with the game and beat it on co-op over XBL. If you get somebody good enough, you can also get team work (will pop in-game once you reach 100k) and full assault (once you beat the game, if under 12 minutes and you are alive) fairly easily. Also, you MUST be alive at the end of the game to get the achievement. If you run out of lives and die and your partner beats the game, you won't get the achievement but your partner will.

EDIT: Ok, so it has been confirmed that you can be dead at the end of the game, as long as the other player survives, and the achievement will unlock, but only once the other player (who survived) has quit out of the session. The player who died must also have made it to the final level in order to unlock the achievement.

26 Jul 2010 07:03

That is not true. I got it to pop after the end credits when my partner beat the final boss.
By GameTagwastaken on 18 Aug 2010 14:20
Strange... When I did it I had died and we watched the credits and everything, and then I didn't get it so we had to play through again for me to get it... maybe it glitched on me the first time, but who knows. Can anyone else confirm that this is true?
By ErichRunner on 19 Aug 2010 01:39
It didn't unlock for my friend who died at the credits until I quit the session (And it unlocked instantly after).
By Jaggexedge on 11 Sep 2010 17:54
didnt unlock for me at the end of session. i had died and my friend had finished. i find this game to be extremely glitchy during multiplayer though. often times we have not been able to make it through the second level without one of us being dropped from the session.
By Outkast 0076 on 01 Aug 2011 01:25
I just beat it last nite with a fellow TA member. I ran out of lives and was Game Over when he defeated the final boss. We watched the credits and he quit out after all was said and done. He got the cheevo, I DID NOT. We played another game and I was alive at the end and got the cheevo then.

I believe whoever is getting the cheevo has to be alive when the final boss is defeated.
By NITEMARECREATOR on 04 Feb 2012 21:41
A friend and I tried this twice. He died and I beat the game both times. The first time, we watched the credits all the way through, and he didn't get it. The next time, I chose "end game" before the credits were done, and he got the achievement right then. I hosted the game both times. Good luck :)
By oneshotprez on 18 Mar 2012 15:19
Thanks. I'll add that part.
By ErichRunner on 25 Apr 2017 18:07
im looking to get this done for the CRAB event thing, so if there is anyone willing to help i'd greatly appreciate it
By Decaying Dead on 16 Apr 2020 21:58
Guys, I need help with This achievement... Anyone UP?
By GabrielODST on 09 May 2022 13:25
I'm down to get this. GT is same as user name
By on 13 Apr 2023 21:03
Need help with this. Message me. GT: v S CXVII v
By v S CXVII v on 01 Dec 2023 23:18
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Not that difficult, but if you are used to running and gunning like you probably are if you've been doing the 'Bulletproof' achievement in Arcade mode then you might find this to be a bit of a change of pace. I can tear through the offline with no problem but had a few problems when trying to do this due to the different speads that me and my Co-Op partner were approaching the game at.

I would definatly recommend that you take a few minutes to get your speeds aligned before attempting the achievement. I know that when I was doing the 'Bulletproof' achievement I was running through the game as fast as I could because when you run at a constant speed you know when and where the enemy troops are going to show up. When doing it in Co-Op you will likely be all over the place as you both try and get your weapons upgraded and use different routes through the game.

Just try and agree on a route and get your weapon upgrades quickly so you can synchronise faster.

24 May 2012 15:03

1 Comment
That is very true! Because of the online ping the "waterfall" stage can be a problem. Often when I played this stage my co-op partner kept jumping up from platform to platform and missing and I see them constantly fall to their death. I was thinking, "why are they dying here all the time". But after, when I messaged them, they said they didn't die there at all, and, conversely they could see me doing the same thing! This stage can very a bit glitchy in co-op.
By Ratpoizen on 25 Apr 2017 17:39

You cannot be in a private match. This can be tough but with a lot of practice and memorization you can get it. If 1 player so happens to make it while the other one got a Game Over earlier, only the person to finish will get the achievement.