Corridor Z
12 Achievements
52,500 XP
Google Play
Chief Executive Janitor
Turn off the lights
10,000 XP
How to unlock the Chief Executive Janitor achievement in Corridor Z - Definitive Guide
On the main menu, above the door, there is a light that is dangling from the ceiling. Spam click it until the light goes out.
This can be the first trophy you get, or even the last! It's very easy to do, you just need to know how.
From the main menu where you can see a door, stats, settings, and armory, note the flickering hanging light at the top of the screen. Simply tap on it until the light goes out, and the trophy is yours! This can be obtained before the tutorial, or any time after.
From the main menu where you can see a door, stats, settings, and armory, note the flickering hanging light at the top of the screen. Simply tap on it until the light goes out, and the trophy is yours! This can be obtained before the tutorial, or any time after.
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