Corridor Z

Corridor Z

12 Achievements

52,500 XP

Google Play
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Get 5000 headshots

7,500 XP


How to unlock the Deadeye achievement in Corridor Z - Definitive Guide

Headshots are instant kills on normal zombies, and are achieved by allowing them to get close to you before shooting them with a weapon. You can start a run with a weapon by using the Armed Start perk, and you can pick up weapons off the ground when they appear (look for a red glow).

This is cumulative across all playthroughs, and should come naturally as you complete missions for collectibles, as many missions require killing zombies. Focus on headshots to both preserve ammo, and work toward this trophy.
The closer the zombie is to you, the higher the chance of giving him a headshot. So let them come to you and press the touch screen. A thousand headshots - and you have a trophy

06 May 2016 00:02

There is a typo in the description - The trophy drops for 100 headshots.

04 Sep 2016 09:59