Corridor Z

Corridor Z

12 Achievements

52,500 XP

Google Play
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Start with all perks equiped

5,000 XP


How to unlock the Overdosed achievement in Corridor Z - Definitive Guide

There are a total of 5 perks in the game, and you start with only one (Armed Start).

In order to unlock all of the perks you will need to survive for 11 days. Refer to Until Dawn for more info on surviving days, but the general gist of it is that you need to complete missions in order to advance through each day.

Once you've survived for 11 days and unlocked all of the perks, equip them all before you start your run (this will only cost a few hundred rations), and the trophy will unlock immediately upon starting.         
As you progress, you will be given “improvements”: an increased clip, stretch, etc. Once you have unlocked all the upgrades, select them before starting the race and the trophy will appear.

29 Oct 2016 08:15