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Street Racer Elite

Street Racer Elite

Win every Street Race using all available vehicles


How to unlock the Street Racer Elite achievement in Crackdown - Definitive Guide

This achievement is made easy with a pretty nifty trick. I did 30 of the races with the Agency Supercar.

At the start of the race, turn around and go to the Agency building. You will still be allowed to get a vehicle from the garage! Grab a Supercar and head back to the race.

There are two things you can do now:
- Get out of the car after the first checkpoint, press Back and restart the same race
- Attempt to complete the race

I would do the first as it would be good to get a good lead and you'll feel more confident with it. If you want to use the Supercar in the next race, get out of the car IMMEDIATELY after you finish the race or the car will not be there when you start again!

24 Sep 2008 22:21

Wow - that is a really nice trick. But some of the races might still prove challenging for other people like me, who can shoot, but can't drive worth $%^& .. :)
By d3vilsNight on 25 Sep 2008 20:28
Yeah, takes a few tries sometimes. It's annoying how some of the slow cars can somehow match the speed of your Supercar though.
By GeneralClaudius on 11 Oct 2008 11:00
The way you described is the way I did it. It's much easier with the agency supercar. Also, you can actually kill all of the other drivers, leaving you to win the race :)
By T IR E L O N on 02 Nov 2008 21:29
Wow, that is a pretty nifty trick indeed. I am going to try this for sure, the amount of racing achievements in this game is ridiculous since it's strength is really not in vehicles.
By Tarvu on 14 Jul 2009 14:02
Something else that's convenient if you have at least 4 star driving is your car-mounted guns and your ability to 'drive underneath' other vehicles :)
By SoaringEagl3 on 06 Nov 2009 07:50
With a 4 star driving, this method is simply excellent ! It's so easy ! just a little bit long !
By Tanelorn82 on 26 Jan 2010 13:44
Some things that could help beef up an excellent solution:

1. When you win the race, if you jump out of the car as soon as you cross the finish line, provided you load the same race but different car, the supercar will be where you left it when you won the last race.

2. For some of the harder ones, I'd sit back, let all the cars lap me and when they just begin to lap me, I'd follow them and shoot them all until I was the only functioning car left. This allowed a much easier time for finishing some of those last pesky races.
By dropK1CK ninJA on 14 Apr 2010 03:47
Amazin trick buddy
By rocky1bomb on 21 Apr 2010 18:43
I had trouble using this method for the Racecar race on the La Mugre track. But this video helped out a lot:
By Kung Fu Riki on 30 Jun 2010 15:03
this trick does not work....
By MattyOHC TTV on 03 Oct 2010 00:50
The La Mugre track with the Racecar was making me rage, that youtube link was perfect! Thanks Kung Fu RIki, I would have been pulling my hair out for days trying to beat it legit or with the just wasn't working.
By PlayerTwo811 on 08 Feb 2011 06:18
Because they're pubescent jack wagons.
By HAMbidextrous1 on 15 Jun 2011 11:00
This solution worked out well for me. The only time that the super car trick would not produce a victory is on La Mugre - Agency Race Car. For this I just used the race car and eventually won. Nonetheless this trick makes every other race a piece of cake! Thumbs up!
By SinReturns03 on 28 May 2012 16:21
Great solution! And Kung Fu Riki is a lifesaver with that link!
By anarchyandyandi on 19 Oct 2012 09:39
You should also note the that this achievement will unlock if you do the same with the Agency Race Car you get with the DLC pack. I won every race apart from the last one for race 4 with the agency supercar. I couldn't win that one with the supercar so I just decided to play dirty and won it with the race car instead.
By darkavenger786 on 24 Jan 2013 18:36
Hey mate, whilst the super car trick is great and all, it doesn't work so well for myself and others on the La Mugre map vs Race cars, due to track conditions.

I was able to find this - - which is a major help, shout out to the video author sircuddlesGHII!
By DJH4311 on 23 Mar 2013 01:53
Up vote for you, my good sir! Great tip! The only thing I would add is the blockade strategy for the Peacekeeper race car on La Mugre. Even with the Agency supercar, the race is impossible to win.
By Silicon Iceman on 22 Aug 2013 04:28
You can shave a few seconds off the time it takes to chase the competitors by getting out of the car before you end the race about where you will spawn the next round and then just run through the finish line. You don't need to cross the finish line in a car!
By PrimeBigTime on 24 Aug 2013 05:14
Wow, i cant believe how much easier it is with that Super Car . Well done mate thumbs up to you! , Awesome solution! toast
By F3AR Avenger on 30 Sep 2013 11:52
Yeah, works great, you can just shoot to take the others drivers out, then when you're about to win the race, get out of the car right before the finish line.

So you can use it again.
By EarthboundX on 05 Oct 2013 06:16
After passing what I thought was the first checkpoint, getting out and restarting the race I found the Supercar would no longer be there for me. I thought life was over and it got patched or something.

Then I tried leaving the car to the side just after passing the starting line and works like a charm! I guess what I thought was the first checkpoint was actually a little too far ahead.
By Azzrik on 27 Apr 2014 19:34
oh wait up it does
By DevilsNightt on 11 Dec 2014 06:55
much easier to pile debris in the road and then shoot the cars when they run into it.
By Khan Garth on 01 Sep 2015 17:38
Excellent guide! :)
I followed this method and did for most tracks with no problem!
By Aura Battler on 04 Oct 2015 12:48
Thanks! I couldn't done it without this ! toast
By ParadoxReal8 on 09 Nov 2017 22:11
I suggest to get out of the car before the finish line though just to be sure.
By ParadoxReal8 on 09 Nov 2017 22:12
You're right! La mugre is really tough even with all those tips. The best way, like someone mentioned (can't believe I didn't think about it) was just to wait at a good spot till they passed again and you shoot them all!
By ParadoxReal8 on 10 Nov 2017 14:38
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An easy, albeit a time consuming way, is at the beginning of the race, go to the location that the globe for the Global Impact achievement is. There should be who cargo crates there. You can take these and place them on a track along with any other debris you can find (including the arrow blocks), to create a roadblock to stop the opponents in their tracks.

This works much like d3vilsNight's explanation for using the arrow blocks, but these crates do not respawn between races, and are much better at stopping the cars. Placing them just before the starting line works best, that way you get the most amount of time to prepare.

Once the cars are stopped, then you can shoot the tanks and destroy the cars until you're the only racer left. Watch out though, sometimes destroying a car can shake the roadblock loose, allowing the other racers to break through. After all the cars are destroyed, all you need to do is finish the race.

Note: Using this method takes time, and offers no challenge. If all you want is the achievement and have plenty of time on your hands, then this works perfectly.

Hope this helps!

28 Mar 2009 05:24

Thanks for posting this as it helped me get past that last race with the racecars in La Mugre. I had been stuck on it for a few months and then when I tried this I got it on my first attempt :)
By LitaOsiris on 06 Aug 2009 09:50
How many races are there? And how many cars?
By Reabo on 29 Jul 2012 10:49
Six races, six cars per race.
By MastaGus on 17 Jan 2013 14:02
This worked great for me, I like putting the crates between the start posts you can take out most of the cars at the begining of the race.
By Sargoth 01 on 23 Mar 2013 18:19
Great idea! It does take a bit to set it up, but once you get the crates on the course you're trying to complete, you can do all the cars for that track in one go, and the crates will always be there. I blocked the track, destroyed all the opponents, moved one container, raced to lap 3 and put the container back after I passed it, and when repeated the process for the next car on the track, and the containers were still there.
By GodLike499 on 20 Jan 2019 06:17
The race ‘la mugre’ was the worst one, only getting the containers from the global impact area did it for me, I couldnt kill them otherwise and no way could I win legitimately, the cars would always crash me. But was a ball ache getting the containers to the race site. Nice one tho.
By Monkeyman1188 on 24 Mar 2024 20:38
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This Achievement is not hard - but it does take time and effort.

Repeat the following for each race. This worked for every race except one for me. I had to actually win one of them legitimately.

As soon as the race starts, get out of your car. Aim your gun on the gas tank of the nearest enemy car and attempt to blow it up. Sometimes you will get a free one here, sometimes they will drive away too fast. Either way, get back in your car, turn around and drive BACKWARDS on the track a SHORT while. The reason for this is, so that you get 3 chances to shoot all the enemy cars before they make their 3 laps, since you are waiting for them BEFORE the finish line.

Now, I usually try to find an area with a sharp curve in the road, and with many of the "arrow blocks" nearby. Now I will pick up all the arrow blocks and pile them up in the middle of the road, right on a curve if possible.

Now get a good position where you can see cars coming down the track (so you can lock onto them as soon as possible) and wait.

When the cars start coming around, HOPEfully the blocks will stop their movement, or AT LEAST slow them down long enough to destroy them all. And don't worry if you miss a few after the first lap. Just pile up the blocks again, and some destroyed cars, wait for the next lap and try again.

Usually I would have all the opponents destroyed on the 1st or 2nd lap. Then you will see that you are position 1 of 1. Now simply complete the race at your own pace, and you will get 1st place.

Repeat for each car on each track and you will get it.

* The only track I was unable to use this method on was one of the Dirt race tracks (don't remember the name, but it had some dirt and some pavement) using the supercars. They would always speed by too fast to shoot and there was almost nothing to use as roadblocks. That one I actually had to try about 10 times to win legitimately. But this process worked on EVERY other race for me - EASILY!!!

Good luck!

15 Sep 2008 23:36

Thanks to Uncaged Stalker for the absolutely best, easiest strategy to complete this. I am now going to improve and expand upon his method.

There are five races, each with six cars that must be used. Each race, those cars will vary.

Easiest method, if you have 4-Star driving skill, is to completely ignore these cars (skip to the end for the non-4-star method).

Rather, start the race with the first car in each map, then immediately drive back into the Agency Tower. Go to the garage and switch out to the Agency Super Car. Drive back and find the beginning of the race again. Park the Supercar a little ahead of the starting line, then hit select and restart the race. Now your Supercar will be right there, ready for you to swap out into!

This car is faster than all of the others in the game, so you'll have an easy time racing with it. When the race begins, switch into the Supercar, then wait for the other racers to finish their first lap (or you can backtrack to a good point and wait).

When the lead racer is about to pass you, start driving. Let them pass you one-by-one, and one-by-one, blast 'em to death and take 'em out. It's MUCH easier to defeat them this way than it is to try racing them.

Once you've eliminated all your rivals, complete the lap you're on and switch back to the original car you were driving. This way, you can save your Supercar for the other five races and hopefully save yourself the trouble of having to replace it - if it takes too much damage, it will begin to slow down and you'll have to get a new one.

The Agency Racecar is a tough one, though, when you have to go against it. I didn't eliminate/overtake the final driver until near the end of the last lap on the Pacific Tour race. Those Racecars have lower top speeds, but much higher rates of acceleration, so they're tricky. If you have too much trouble eliminating them during the race, you can (1) race legitimately, or (2) try the non-4-star method, which I will now outline.


This is the most common method of completing this achievement. Start the race, then backtrack and build a large barrier to block all of the competitors from being able to make it through. You can do this really well with the barriers from the track corners.

When the cars get caught in your blockade, destroy their cars - either by beating the crap out of them with your fists, or shooting them in the gas tank (I haven't tried it but I'm told if you lock on, then press the analog toward the back of the car, it'll lock onto the tank). If you're doing this method because you had trouble eliminating the others mid-race, using the Supercar's machine gun to destroy them at the blockade is a marvelous and easy technique.

Additionally, don't worry about destroying all of them on their first pass. There are three laps - you have three attempts to destroy each car. If a couple slip through, just build a better blockade and try again.

Lastly, once you've destroyed all of the rival cars, unblock the track, return to your car, and complete the race with ease. Good job, Agent.

15 Jan 2010 20:11

this method is working great for me although for some races you can just catch up to the cars at the beginning of the race after getting into the supercar so there's no need to wait for them to complete lap one.
By Oki Gator on 23 Jun 2011 05:36
I have no clue why people bother trying to shoot gas tanks, the supercar is just fucking beast for this. This really should be the top solution. Upvote good sir.
By LV 1 Blue Slime on 24 Feb 2012 06:23
Just adding to Oki Gator as it is my playstyle too (helps to be reasonable at kart racers). Some may not be aware that when catching up to the racers, any laps completed by the supercar are counted as if you raced with the provided race car. So, e.g. if you have caught up and destroyed all cars by the time you reach Lap 3 then you only have to get in the assigned car and complete the last lap. Hope that makes sense!
By dazza61 on 14 Aug 2022 01:28
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If UNCAGED STALKER's isn't quite cutting it try this. Once you have the supercar and have restarted the race, move your original car sideways in the middle of the track and get in the supercar. Then go backwards to the last curve and wait. When the other cars lap you they are easy pickings. Just follow along and shoot them till they drop out. Your original car will slow some of them down. I had to do this for Hope Springs as it has almost no straight aways for me to catch up and I corner like a sick Elk. Also if every one else is gone you can park your car before the finish line and walk across. That way it is quicker to get to and won't get hit and damaged in the beggining of the next race.

13 Dec 2010 07:11

There is no short way of doing this achievement, although there is a way to make it significantly easy.

Just get a friend and do it co-operatively together, when the race begins drive along normally and find a good spot from where you could ambush the other drivers. Depending on the track there should be rocks and roadblocks available to stop the other drivers. Once you have found a good place, PARK BOTH YOUR CARS SOMEWHERE SAFE, YOU WILL NEED THEM LATER TO FINISH THE RACE, (Park both cars incase by chance one of them gets blown up in the chaos that follows). When the other drivers come round for the second time now, your roadblock should give you enough time to pop their tyres and then shoot their fuel tanks. This means you will have an easy drive round the track until you win.

Note: you cannot pop the tyres of the agency super car. Although they are very easily stopped by rocks or roadblocks.

You must complete all six races with each car available, which means you'll be playing each race about 6 times each. You can attempt to do this legit, or you can try the following method:

  1. As soon as the race starts, get out of your car.
  2. Go around and find whatever you can to make a blockade.
  3. Stand about 100 yards ahead of the blockade, on the left side of the race. The cars should pass you on their left before they get to the blockade.
  4. When the first car passes you, pull to lock onto the car and hit left to lock onto the gas tank. A single shot will send the car into flames.
  5. You may be able to get the second or third ones before they crash into the blockade. At any rate, you should get about 5-6 cars the first pass.
  6. Don't chase after any cars that slip through, just let them go.
  7. Rebuild the blockade
  8. Repeat steps 3-5 until you're the only car left in the race. Then, just get into your car and complete the race at your leisure.