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Bright Spark

Bright Spark

Collected all 610 Sparks


How to unlock the Bright Spark achievement in Create - Definitive Guide

adding to pezbys guide:

on youtube type the following for each level:

Theme Park = Isla 1
Transportopia = Isla 2
Family Home = Isla 3 = Family Home
Outer Space = Isla 4
Great Outdoors = Isla 5
Ancient History = Isla 6
Future World = Isla 7
Urban Sports = Isla 8
Pirates = Isla 9
Dark World = Isla 10
Theme Park 2 = Isla 11
Family Home 2 = Isla 12
Outer Space 2 = Isla 13
Future World 2 = Isla 14

And for the challenge type:
Nivel "x"

So for example you need to see a video of challenge 4 on Pirate world you should type:
Nivel 4 Isla 9.

The majority of the videos are there but should you find they arent you can always refer to Tyger7s very good written guide on x360a

26 Feb 2011 23:57

I have recorded my own solutions for all Challenges from all 14 Worlds in the game. These were recorded after I completed the game. They do not include the Sparks earned from Create Chains.

Prior to the servers closing, you could use an in-game gallery to view other people's solutions. However, since these servers are now closed the only way to view other people's solutions is via YouTube videos. If my video solutions do not work for you, then I'm sure other people's will.

Please either comment below or send me a Personal Message if you have any comments or improvements.

12 Mar 2012 21:44

very snazzy smile
By o SeduLOUs o on 16 Mar 2012 08:56
great videos but not the easiest way to do every map, if people cant replicate it, then whats the point?
By Gamer In Denial on 28 Mar 2012 03:06
I just uploaded what worked for me. For the most part, I didn't use other people's solutions. As the online resources will be gone soon, the more videos on YouTube the better, right?
By drabik on 28 Mar 2012 07:00
Thanks for you videos, +1 from me!

It'd be awesome if you'd add timestamps in the description for every challenge. Makes navigation easier. I'm done with the sparks but it may make things easier for others.
By Throni360 on 12 Apr 2014 13:07
Good idea. Might take a while to go through them. I'll try to remember when I have time to spare.
By drabik on 12 Apr 2014 21:09
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If you're stuck on a challenge, I recommend visiting the channel of youtube user 'jarjotaringa' - he has solutions for a very large number of the challenges. The only catch is the video titles are written in Spanish, but it's easy to figure out - the 1st number in the title is the number of the challenge, the 2nd number in the title is the number of the island (this is the number you clicked on the Home Stage, eg. Theme Park is island 1, Transportopia is 2, etc.) The easiest way to find what you're looking for is to use the search box on the right above the video list, just type in the number of the island and then scan down until you find the right video. This helped me with a few very frustrating challenges!

05 Jan 2011 20:55

Also, all of the solutions can be found through the game itself. Search in the online gallery, under Top Rated > Solutions, to find multiple solutions for each puzzle.
By Thickly Settled on 30 Jan 2011 22:18
anyone know of any other guides, that youtube link only goes up to level 8 and my troubles didn't start til levels 10/11.
By GammyGreenGiant on 25 Feb 2011 10:18
He has solutions for almost every puzzle at every level. Maybe you need to click on the 'Load More' button to see more of his uploads? Or better, use the search box as described in my solution so you'll see everything matching the number.
By P E Z B Y 7 2 7 on 25 Feb 2011 10:21
yea still not finding the levels i want, not so good with the foreign languages, mr arrows way is much better, still struggling to find a level though
By GammyGreenGiant on 25 Feb 2011 12:35
Please let me know the level and challenge #, maybe I can find it.
By P E Z B Y 7 2 7 on 25 Feb 2011 12:37
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To collect all of the sparks, you need to complete every challenge on every level, including the "design chains." If you are having trouble figuring out a particular challenge, look at how someone else did it and copy their solution. Youtube is all well and good, but if you are connected to Xbox Live, you can use the in-game menu to see solutions to challenges that others have submitted. Simply bring up the menu with the Y button, tap RB and go to "My Gallery." Once you're in the gallery, use the RB or arrow over to "EA Picks" or "EA Favorites". Press Y to set your search terms, select the world and level you need help with, and there you go.

31 May 2011 07:10

The description speaks for its self; Collect all 610 Sparks.


Arguably the most difficult achievement in the game, but not impossible to accomplish. To collect every Spark you MUST complete every challenge in every world at or above the top tier score and you also MUST complete all 5 chains on each overworld. There are various types of challenges, below are some tips for each of them:

Object Challenge - These challenges require you to do something with a "key item" (denoted with a crown and a neon box). You either have to move it somewhere, protect it, or otherwise interact with it in some form. For the first few worlds the game will use these challenges as tutorials for how to use certain tools and objects. In later levels you will have to use what you've learned to accomplish each task with a given inventory. Because each of these challenges are unique there is not any universal advice, instead try to familiarize yourself with the "common" objects in the game (ramps, balloons, bouncers, teleporters, etc) because you will frequently receive these in your inventory.

Pickup Party - These challenges are a harder form of the Object Challenge, though sometimes you are given free rein to your entire inventory of unlocked goods. To earn Sparks in these challenges you will have to touch them with the target object. The Sparks are usually in plain sight and on most occasions they can be reached with a well-placed spring-loaded ramp or a bouncer. If you're allowed to use teleporters don't pass on them, use them to "cheat" and easily nab out of the way Sparks.

Contraptions - These challenges require you to build either a mobile or immobile device to move, protect, or guide a given object. To make a moving device you can only connect the girder and wheels, you cannot use the blue pieces as they will pass through the girders, they do not interlock (you need to use the hinge piece to make a free-swinging attachment. To make immobile devices like bridges or shields you can use the blue blocks, but no wheels or girders (again, they do not interlock with each other you need to use a hinge). Usually you can get away with making relatively simple devices that only take a few parts and some trial and error to complete, especially on challenges where you have to carry something to a goal. If you have to make a bridge, remember to build braces for it so it can "hug" the walls and floor and stay put!

Scoretastic - By far the hardest type of challenge in the game, if not the most frustrating. Scoretastic challenges give you a key object that you must move along a gauntlet of hazards to reach a goal. You score points by touching "new objects" (objects the key object has not touched during this challenge), getting the key to do flips or air time, grabbing gems, and for interacting with certain objects (glue, bouncers, balloons, etc). For their difficulty, though, it is very easy to cheat at them. Once you unlock the Bouncer object (the orange circle that looks like a pinball bumper) you can place lots of these in your challenge to rack up a strong multiplier and earn crazy points for flips and each bounce. You can also abuse the Teleporter item (the two purple orbs connected by a tether) to effortlessly toss your key item across the level by stringing multiple teleports end to end. Generally by trapping your key item in small groups of Bouncers for short periods of time you can quickly reach the target score, then follow it up by either setting up a traditional arrangement to carry the item or just using the teleporter trick.

Chains - There are 5 Sparks on each overworld unlocked by completing "chains". These are unofficial challenges that show up at random while you are working in a given overworld or completing challenges. You may notice periodically that a column of light shows up somewhere in the overworld. This is a chain. To start it, look at the top left of your screen and you'll see an icon for a specific customization tool. Select this tool (props, texture paint, stickers, flower paint, or background stickers) and place the objects close to where the column of light is. When you place enough items the light will move. Follow it around and continue to complete its requests and eventually it will give you a Spark. It's best to do these side-missions in between challenges. Don't save them until the end because you'll end up having to sit around and wait for them to show up.

It would be outrageous to give advice for each and every challenge. Most of them are pretty self-explanatory, though if you ever find yourself stuck you can easily view actual solutions to ANY level by using the "Search" function while browsing user submissions. Simply set the search parameters to match your current overworld and challenge number to view some solutions if you ever get stuck. Many challenges have more than one solution, so find one that works for you and keep tweaking it until you get it right as sometimes you need near pixel-perfect placement in some challenges.

Additionally I have been hard at work saving solutions and tricks to unlock achievements under my own EA Create profile. If you search by Gamertag do a search for "Dracophile" and you can check out solutions to lots of tricky levels.

Each of the 14 themed challenges has from 40 to 50 sparks (from 1 to 6 for each of the 10 tasks + 5 decoration mode). So, to get this trophy, you will have to complete the game completely, fulfilling all the conditions, even in decoration mode. If you encounter any difficulties in passing, I advise you to look at the “Solutions” section on the official website of the game, or search in the online community.

04 Jul 2011 23:36