49 Achievements
Xbox 360
First Rate
Rated the Creation of another online user
How to unlock the First Rate achievement in Create - Definitive Guide
Edit: As of April 13th, 2012, EA is shutting off the server and this achievement will be no longer obtainable.
From the start screen:
1) Press Y to bring up menu
2) Press RB to bring up Menu & Online Features
3) Press the one that says "Community Challenges"
4) (Press accept) Press Y to View Entries
5) Choose any of the boxes, select one and press A to view it.
6) Once it loads the player-created level, press Y to bring up the menu and choose the top option to Return to Home Stage and it should make you rate it before it lets you leave.
**If the achievement doesn't pop or you found an easier way, let me know and I can add and improve to the solution.
From the start screen:
1) Press Y to bring up menu
2) Press RB to bring up Menu & Online Features
3) Press the one that says "Community Challenges"
4) (Press accept) Press Y to View Entries
5) Choose any of the boxes, select one and press A to view it.
6) Once it loads the player-created level, press Y to bring up the menu and choose the top option to Return to Home Stage and it should make you rate it before it lets you leave.
**If the achievement doesn't pop or you found an easier way, let me know and I can add and improve to the solution.
No longer possible due to server closure.
See Top Marks.
When you download and view another user's creation you are given the opportunity to rate it upon exiting. Provide a rating and this achievement will unlock.
As of April 13, 2012 this achievement is no longer obtainable due to the servers being shut down.