49 Achievements
Working up an Appetite
Eaten 50 slices of toast
How to unlock the Working up an Appetite achievement in Create - Definitive Guide
you'll notice in that challenge there are 2 pieces of toast you must get to the plate.
Simply replay that challenge 24 more times after you have solved it & you will have eaten 50 pieces of toast.
Challenge 7. You must replay the solved Challenge 24 or more times to get the Achievement. Watch the Video.
There are not a lot of challenges that have a toaster and plate, so you probably won’t unlock this in the course of normal game play. Simply go to a scoreacular challenges, since you have access to all gameplay objects you have unlocked and place a automatic toaster and a plate next to the toaster. Make sure the toast lands on the plate (which eats it) then press start, the toaster shoots out one piece of toast per round, so after it’s done, stop and start again and repeat. Adding more toasters and plates will speed up the process.
Once you have unlocked the Instant Toaster and Plate objects go to any challenge that lets you use your complete inventory and preferrably one that has a static key object (it helps if you do this in an overworld that has lots of even and flat surfaces). Start the challenge, but rather than complete it place an Instant Toaster anywhere on the map, now place the Plate right next to it. Fill up as much of the available ground as you can with this object pairing and then press Start to begin the challenge. The toasters should launch their toast up into the air and land on the plates. Once this happens press Start to end the challenge, and then again to start it. Keep doing this until the achievement unlocks (you can then exit the challenge).