Culdcept SAGA

Culdcept SAGA

50 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Fated Traveler

Fated Traveler

Encounter all characters.


How to unlock the Fated Traveler achievement in Culdcept SAGA - Definitive Guide

You're not going to meet all the characters in one playthrough of the story mode. There's three characters who show up if you go back to older maps in story mode after defeating them.

Goligan : Replay the past stage "Dinar Mountains."
Najaran :Replay the past stage "Omengald."
Zenith : Replay the past stage "Zanador."

Once you beat the story mode and replay these three maps, you should get the achievement.

05 Dec 2009 05:20

I know the guide above says it can't be done in one play through but it can be. There are 3 characters who are not story related, and than don't meet just playing threw the story.

Here are the characters and the stages you have to replay.
- Goligan : Replay the past stage Santana Village.
- Najaran : Replay the past stage Dinar Mountains.
- Zenith : Replay the past stage Zanador.

These are the 3 maps I found them on. I hope this helps.

26 May 2010 22:54

After you have beaten all of story mode you will unlock the ability to go back to certain levels previously not available to play in 'story mode'. Go back to the following levels and fight the 3 'hidden' characters in addition to beating the story mode and you will unlock this achievement.
Goligan : In story mode replay the past stage "Dinar Mountains."
Najaran :In story mode replay the past stage "Omengald."
Zenith : In story mode replay the past stage "Zanador."